2010 Kyrgyz Revolution

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

2010 Kyrgyz Revolution
An opposition-captured vehicle burns near the capitol building during citywide protests and riots in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on 7 April 2010. Guards can be seen to the left of the smoke.
Date6 April – 15 April 2010
(1 week and 2 days)
Caused by
MethodsProtests, riots
Resulted inDemocratization of Kyrgyzstan
Lead figures

Omurbek Babanov
Bolot Sher-Niyaz
Koisun Kurmanalieva
Sheraly Abdyldaev
Felix Kulov
Kamchybek Tashiev
Adakhan Madumarov

~5,000 protesters
Casualties and losses
118 dead, 400 injured

The 2010 Kyrgyz Revolution, also known as the Second Kyrgyz Revolution, the Melon Revolution,

escalated in June 2010
. The violence ultimately led to the consolidation of a new parliamentary system in Kyrgyzstan.

During the general mayhem, exiles from the Uzbek minority claim they were assaulted and driven to Uzbekistan, with some 400,000 Kyrgyzstani citizens becoming internally displaced.[7] Victims interviewed by media and aid workers testify to mass killing, gang rape and torture.[8] Then-head of the Interim government Roza Otunbayeva indicated that the death toll is tenfold higher than was previously reported, which brings the number of the dead to 2,000 people.


Domestic policy

During the winter of 2009–2010 Kyrgyzstan suffered from rolling blackouts and cutoffs occurring regularly while energy prices rose.[9]

In January 2010 Kyrgyzstan sent a delegation to

China to discuss improved economic relations.[10]
Kyrgyzstan national electric company Natsionalnaya electricheskaya syet and the Chinese Tebian Electric signed a $342 million contract to build the Datka-Kemin 500 kV power transmission lines. This would have reduced Kyrgyzstan's dependence on the Central Asian power systems and energy dependence on Russia. The delegation was led by then President Bakiyev's son.[10]

In February 2010 Kyrgyzstan proposed raising energy tariffs. Heating costs were reportedly going to rise 400% and electricity by 170%.[11] Long-term frustration was building in Kyrgyzstan over the perceived corruption and cronyism in the Bakiyev administration, as well as the country's poor economic situation and a recent rise in utility rates.[12][13]

The sporadic and chaotic protests took many off guard both in Kyrgyzstan and abroad. The Guardian, a British national daily newspaper, published an article on 8 April that suggested the revolt could be dubbed the Fir Tree Revolution after the shrubs that looters dug up from the front garden of Kurmanbek Bakiyev.[14]

UN's headquarters in the capital of Bishkek to inform Ban Ki-moon of the media situation.[15] A small group of protesters then moved to the center of town, but were stopped by police.[16]

Foreign policy

Some people in the media suggested that the riots in the country and the opposition claim of having taken over the government were akin to the Tulip Revolution in 2005.[17]

There is also an ongoing debate regarding the continuing US military presence in Kyrgyzstan.[18]

Russia backed Bakiyev's government until March 2010. The Eurasian Daily Monitor reported on 1 April that, for two weeks, the Kremlin had used the Russian mass media to run a negative campaign against Bakiyev.[19] Russia controls much of the media in Kyrgyzstan.[19] The campaign sought to associate Bakiyev and his son,

Telecom Italia.[20] Gourevitch was at the time the managing director of a consulting agency that advised Kyrgyzstan's Development Fund, which in turn was managed by the Central Agency run by Maxim.[21] The government soon began closing independent news outlets that reported on Gourevitch affair. Two newspapers were shut down on 18 March. Radio Azattyk, the Kyrgyz-language service of RFE/RL, went off the air shortly afterward. The opposition newspaper Forum was shut on 31 March, and the independent website Stan.tv had its equipment removed on 1 April.[15]

The sudden campaign coincided with Bakiyev's failure to carry out Russia's various demands related to things such as military bases.[19] On 1 April Russia also imposed duties on energy exports to Kyrgyzstan, claiming that a customs union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan had forced it. It influenced fuel and transport prices immediately, and reportedly led to a massive protest in Talas on 6 April.[22]

Michael McFaul, a senior United States White House adviser on Russian affairs stated in Prague that the seizure of power by the Kyrgyz opposition was not anti-American in nature, and was not a Russian backed coup.[23] However, Omurbek Tekebayev, who is in charge of constitutional matters in the new government, said: "Russia played its role in ousting Bakiyev. You've seen the level of Russia's joy when they saw Bakiyev gone." Furthermore, Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, was the first foreign leader to recognise Roza Otunbayeva as the new Kyrgyz leader, and rang her soon after she announced she was in charge, while the deputy head of the interim Kyrgyz government, Almazbek Atambayev, flew to Moscow on 9 April for consultation with unspecified Russian government officials, ITAR-Tass news agency reported.[24]

Vice-Chairman of the

Manas Air Base.[25]

Stratfor reported on 13 April "Given its strategic location, control of Kyrgyzstan offers the ability to pressure Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China. Kyrgyzstan is thus a critical piece in Russia’s overall plan to resurge into its former Soviet sphere".[26]

Uprising in Bishkek

On 6 April 2010, a demonstration in Talas by opposition leaders protested against government corruption and increased living expenses. The protests turned violent and spread nationwide.[27] On 7 April 2010, Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev imposed a state of emergency. Police and special services arrested many opposition leaders. In response protesters took control over the internal security headquarters (former KGB headquarters) and a state TV channel in the capital, Bishkek. Reports by Kyrgyzstan government officials indicated that 88 people were killed and 458 hospitalized in bloody clashes with police in the capital. Bakiyev resigned on 15 April and left the country for Belarus.[citation needed]

6 April

2010 Kyrgyz Revolution is located in Kyrgyzstan
Locations of the main disturbances within Kyrgyzstan during April 2010

In the western city of

police dogs moved towards the crowd in a rectangular-shaped formation. The police rounded up the protesters and pushed them towards the buses. A large group of protesters then tore through police ranks and ran across the street, grabbed rocks, and attacked police, resulting in a massive fight, during which some policemen lost their helmets and batons.[30][unreliable source?

7 April

In the morning a small group of protesters were arrested outside the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party in Bishkek. Hundreds of protesters then gathered. Police attempted to stop them using tear gas and stun grenades, but the protesters overwhelmed the police, and took control of two armored vehicles and numerous automatic weapons. The protest group, now numbering between three and five thousand, then moved towards the center of town and into Ala-Too Square, where gunshots and stun grenades could be heard, and protesters were seen fleeing.[28][29] Protesters in Bishkek filled Ala-Too Square and surrounded the White House, the office of Kyrgyzstan's president.[31][32] Police began using tear gas, rubber bullets, and stun grenades to disperse protesters.[33] In an attempt to gain entrance to the presidential office, demonstrators drove two trucks into the gates of the White House, at which point it was reported that police started firing on protesters with live ammunition.[34] Witnesses reported that both protesters and riot police were wounded during the clashes, and at least forty-one protesters were killed.[35] A state of emergency was declared, as well as a curfew from 10 pm to 6 am.[34][36]

Later that day opposition leaders and demonstrators stormed the parliament building, led by the opposition leader Omurbek Tekebayev, who had been arrested the day before but was subsequently released.[37] The headquarters for KTR, Kyrgyzstan's main television broadcaster, was also taken over by protesters.[29] After being off the air for part of the day, KTR resumed transmission Wednesday evening featuring members of the opposition as well as human rights representatives.[38] By late Wednesday opposition leaders had announced the formation of a new government, and soon thereafter reports came in that President Bakiyev had left Bishkek and flown to Osh in southern Kyrgyzstan.[39][40] There were no reported demonstrations in Osh.[34]

Issyk-Kul region.[41][42][43] There were also reports that the government of the Issyk-Kul region had been taken over by members of opposition parties.[44] There was an information blackout throughout much of the country, as TV stations went off the air and both phones and internet became unreliable.[28]

There were conflicting reports about the fate of Kyrgyz Interior Minister Moldomusa Kongantiyev. Some reports said he was being held hostage by protesters in Talas, while other reports said he had been killed.[45][46][47] The Kyrgyz Interior Ministry denied reports of his death, calling them "fictitious".[48] There were also reports saying he had been badly battered, but had survived.[citation needed] Kongantiyev was later shown badly beaten, but alive. Opposition leaders announced that they had formed a new provisional government headed by Roza Otunbayeva.[49]

The charred shell of the prosecutor's office in Bishkek, which caught fire during the demonstrations.

8 April

President Bakiyev, who was confirmed by the Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Defense to be in his residence in Osh,[50] has acknowledged that he currently had no power to influence events in the country, though he refused to resign his post.[51]

Even with the opposition reporting itself in control of the police and the army,[51] residents in Bishkek began forming volunteer militias to stave off marauders.

The interim government announced it would hold on to power for six months, when presidential elections would be held.[52]

9–14 April

A few days later Bakiyev commented from his hometown of Osh that he would not resign and called for the UN to send troops to the country to restore order.[

Janybek Bakiyev, eldest son Marat Bakiyev and former Prime Minister Daniar Usenov.[56]

Bakiyev resignation

On 15 April at a rally by Bakiyev in front of a 1,000 supporters gunshots were heard, although Bakiyev was reported to have safely left the scene. Some claimed that the firing came from his own bodyguards in order to keep the peace and avoid a confrontation with opponents.

Afghan war.[65] On 23 April, Bakiyev backtracked on his vow to return to power, but claimed his resignation is invalid because the new government is failing to protect his family as was promised.[66]

With threats to the Manas airbase and its operatibility by foreign governments having abated, the interim government said "Kyrgyzstan is extending by one year the validity of the agreement with the United States over the Manas transit centre."[67]

Subsequent events

By 18 April, Bakiyev supporters seized a regional government office in the south of the country, after appointing their own governor, Paizullabek Rahmanov. Some 1,000 people gathered in the southwestern town's main square on 19 April, denouncing the interim government and chanting pro-Bakiyev slogans. Some of them gave out flyers calling for the former president's return to the country.[

Batken Province sparked protests in the town. The protesters prevented an official from entering her office on 19 April.[68]

In Bishkek, upwards of a thousand stone-throwing men rioted in Bishkek suburbs to try to seize land from ethnic Russians and Meskhetian Turks on 19 April. As a result, at least five people were killed and thirty more injured.[69] On 19 April, a crowd of youths tried to seize land in Mayevka and clashed with the local residents. In the ensuing riot, several houses were looted and set on fire, while gunfire was exchanged between the villagers. Many residents were forced to flee the village. Otunbayeva said the government would be "resolute in cracking down on looting, mayhem and arson and mete out severe punishment for those breaching the law."[70] She had reportedly given orders for security officers to use "deadly force" on rioters that threatened her fledgling government's grip on power. The United States Transit Center Manas was attacked by revolutionaries armed with firearms and grenades. The base itself was engaged in a stand off with 2 heavily armored personnel carriers. Intelligence received was that the local revolutionaries were going to attempt to reclaim the base and airfield should any member for the former government attempt to escape.[71]

On 22 April 2010, it was announced that a

general elections would then follow on 10 October 2010.[72]

On 13 May 2010, numerous government buildings were stormed by supporters of the ex-president in Jalal-Abad, Batken and Osh, forcing the interim governor of Jalal-Abad to flee.[73] On 14 May conflicting reports emerged of deaths of pro-Bakiev supporters after a conflict with interim government forces in Jalal-Abad, with pro-Bakiev groups reporting 8 dead, whilst the Kyrgyz Health Ministry reporting 65 injured, 15 of them critically with one of the critically injured dying the next day.[74]

On 19 May 2010, pro-Bakiev supporters clashed with supporters of local Uzbek leader Kadyzhan Batyrov in the southern city of Jalal-Abad, accusing him of allowing his followers to use guns on pro-Bakiev protestors on 13 May. Fighting intensified near the University of Peoples' Friendship resulting in the deaths of at least two people and 16 further injuries. Later that day Roza Otunbayeva became the temporary president of Kyrgyzstan.[75][76] On 31 May, Uzbekistan moved troops to its border with Kyrgyzstan due to increasing border tensions as clashes between two villages on opposite sides of the border occurred and villagers rampaged destroying roads and water pipes. Uzbek assault troops and armoured vehicles arrived on the border to prevent further clashes.[77]

June riots

On 9 June violence erupted in the southern city of Osh with ethnic Kyrgyz rioting, attacking minority Uzbeks and lighting their property ablaze. By the 12th the violence had spread to the city of Jalal-Abad. The spreading of the violence required the interim government led by Roza Otunbayeva to declare a state of emergency on 12 June, in an attempt to take control of the situation. Uzbekistan launched a limited troop incursion early on, but withdrew and opened its borders to Uzbek refugees. The clashes killed up to 2,000 people, mostly Uzbeks, and another 100,000 were displaced.

Constitutional referendum

October election and aftermath

Following the

and bring Bakiyev back from exile.

A provisional government was established with the following leaders at its head:

  • Head of Provisional Government[78] Roza Otunbayeva[79]
    • Deputy of Finance
      Temir Sariev
    • Deputy of Economy Almazbek Atambayev
    • Deputy of Constitutional Reform Omurbek Tekebayev
    • Deputy of Prosecution Bodies and Financial Police Azimbek Beknazarov (acting Prosecutor-General in 2005)
  • Minister of Internal Affairs Bolotbek Sherniyazov[80]
  • Minister of Health Care Damira Niyaz-Aliyeva
  • Head of National Security Service (GNSB) Keneshbek Duyshebayev[81]

International reaction

Various states in the region and beyond expressed concern and called for stability in the country. International bodies like the UN, EU and the OSCE also made similar calls.

The International Committee of the Red Cross expressed its deep concern about the worsening humanitarian situation in southern Kyrgyzstan and called on the Kyrgyz authorities to do everything in their power to protect their citizens, restore order and ensure respect for the rule of law.,[82][83]


 United Nations
A spokesman for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Bakiyev's departure was "an important step toward the peaceful, stable, prosperous and democratic development of the country and its good governance."[84]
President Alexander Lukashenko said he would give Bakiyev asylum under the protection of the state after Bakiyev had made an emotional appeal to the President to take at least his family if not himself.[85]
On a message from the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan the Press Secretary/Director-General for Press and Public Relations stated: "The Government of Japan expects that this agreement will facilitate the advancement of the normalization of the situation in the Kyrgyz Republic and expresses its respect for the efforts by concerned countries including the United States of America, Russia, and Kazakhstan, as well as concerned international organizations such as OSCE."[86]
After Bakiyev flew out of the country into exile in Kazakhstan he was to meet president Nursultan Nazarbayev for talks. This was after Kazakhstan confirmed Bakiyev's departure saying it was an important step towards preventing civil war. The step was a result of joint efforts between the two parties and Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama for Bakiyev to leave the country.[87]
President Medvedev said the Bakiyev regime collapsed because of corruption, reliance on clan ties and inability to solve social problems. PM Putin also promised a member of the provisional government, Almazbek Atambayev, that Russia would give $50 million in aid and loans and 25,000 tons of fuel to aid the spring planting season.[84]
 Turkey[citation needed]
Prime Minister
Turkic Culture
, fully supported Kyrgyzstan provisional Government.

See also


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External links