Alchemy (disambiguation)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Alchemy was an early protoscientific practice. It may also refer to:

Regional forms

Entertainment and literature




Record labels

  • Alchemy Records (Japan)
    , a record label
  • Alchemy Records (U.S.)
    , a record label


  • "Alchemy" (Eureka)
    , an episode of Eureka
  • Alchemy (Fullmetal Alchemist)
    , an ability in the Fullmetal Alchemist manga/anime series

Hardware and software

  • Alchemy (Adobe)
    , Adobe software project
  • Alchemy (processor), a series of embedded processors originally from Alchemy Semiconductor, later owned by multiple other semiconductor companies
  • Sometimes used as shortcut for SQLAlchemy, an object-relational mapper for the Python programming language
  • AlchemyAPI, a company that uses machine learning to do natural language processing


  • Alchemy (event), a regional Burning Man event in La Fayette, Georgia, US
  • Alchemy (company), a defunct film production company previously known as Millennium Entertainment

See also