
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Androdioecy is a

hermaphroditism.[1] In animals, androdioecy has been considered a stepping stone in the transition from dioecy to hermaphroditism, and vice versa.[2]

Androdioecy, trioecy and gynodioecy are sometimes referred to as a mixed mating systems.[3] Androdioecy is a dimorphic sexual system in plants comparable with gynodioecy and dioecy.[4]

Evolution of androdioecy

The fitness requirements for androdioecy to arise and sustain itself are theoretically so improbable that it was long considered that such systems do not exist.[5][6] Particularly, males and hermaphrodites have to have the same fitness, in other words produce the same number of offspring, in order to be maintained. However, males only have offspring by fertilizing eggs or ovules of hermaphrodites, while hermaphrodites have offspring both through fertilizing eggs or ovules of other hermaphrodites and their own ovules. This means that all else being equal, males have to fertilize twice as many eggs or ovules as hermaphrodites to make up for the lack of female reproduction.[7][8]

Androdioecy can evolve either from hermaphroditic ancestors through the invasion of males or from dioecious ancestors through the invasion of hermaphrodites. The ancestral state is important because conditions under which androdioecy can evolve differ significantly.[citation needed]

Androdioecy with dioecious ancestry

In roundworms, clam shrimp, tadpole shrimp and cancrid shrimps, androdioecy has evolved from dioecy. In these systems, hermaphrodites can only fertilize their own eggs (self-fertilize) and do not mate with other hermaphrodites. Males are the only means of outcrossing. Hermaphrodites may be beneficial in colonizing new habitats, because a single hermaphrodite can generate many other individuals.[9]

In the well-studied

roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, males are very rare and only occur in populations that are in bad condition or stressed.[10] In Caenorhabditis elegans androdioecy is thought to have evolved from dioecy, through a trioecous intermediate.[11]

Androdioecy with hermaphroditic ancestry

In barnacles, androdioecy evolved from hermaphroditism.[3] Many plants self-fertilize, and males may be sustained in a population when inbreeding depression is severe because males guarantee outcrossing.[citation needed]

Types of androdioecy

The most common form of androdioecy in animals involves hermaphrodites that can reproduce by

gonochoric taxonomy groups.[12]
: 21 

One type of androdioecy contains outcrossing hermaphrodites which is present in some angiosperms.[12]: 21 

Another type of androdioecy has males and simultaneous hermaphrodites in a population due to developmental or conditional sex allocation. Like in some fish species small individuals are hermaphrodites and under circumstances of high density, large individuals become male.[12]: 21 

Androdioecious species

Despite their unlikely evolution, 115 androdioecious animal and about 50 androdioecious plant species are known.[2][13] These species include

Anthozoa (Corals)

Nematoda (Roundworms)

Rhabditidae (Order Rhabditida)

(Order Rhabditida)

Steinernematidae (Order Rhabditida)

Allanotnematidae (Order Rhabditida)


Nemertea (Ribbon worms)


Clam shrimp

Tadpole shrimp




(Ringed worms)


Angiosperms (Flowering plants)

See also


  1. .
  2. ^ .
  3. ^ .
  4. .
  5. .
  6. ^ Darwin C. 1877. The different forms of flowers and plants of the same species. New York: Appleton.
  7. S2CID 20410507
  8. .
  9. .
  10. ^ .
  11. .
  12. ^ .
  13. .
  14. .
  15. .
  16. .
  17. ^ .
  18. .
  19. ^ Potts FA (1908). "Sexual phenomena in the free-living nematodes". Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 14: 373–375.
  20. S2CID 4484091
  21. ^ .
  22. .
  23. .
  24. ^ Crisp, DJ (1983). "Chelonobia patula (Ranzani), a pointer to the evolution of the complemental male". Marine Biology Letters. 4: 281–294.
  25. .
  26. .
  27. ^ .
  28. .
  29. .
  30. .
  31. ^ Gleiser G, Verdú M. 2005. Repeated evolution of dioecy from androdioecy in Acer" New Phytologist 165(2):633-640. doi=10.1111/j.1469-8137.2004.01242.x
  32. PMID 21669685
  33. .
  34. .
  35. ^ Thomson JD, Shivanna KR, Kenrick J and Knox RB. 1989" American Journal of Botany 76 (7):1048-1059
  36. PMID 21684934
  37. .

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