Estonian animation

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The tradition of Estonian animation dates back to the 1930s when the first experimental films were made. The only surviving short film from the era is

Annecy International Animated Film Festival
made Raamat the first internationally recognized Estonian animation director.

Since Estonia regained independence in 1991 Nukufilm and Joonisfilm continued to operate as private companies owned by the filmmakers. During the era internationally most successful Estonian animation director has been Priit Pärn[1] the winner of Grand Prize at the Ottawa International Animation Festival in 1998 for Porgandite öö (Night of the Carrots). Crocodile by Kaspar Jancis was selected to be the Best European Anima film at

Scanorama Festival.[2]

See also


  1. ^ Priit Pärn's awards at IMDB
  2. ^ "Scanorama 2012 winners".