
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Hillaryland was the self-designated name of a group of core advisors to

United States Senator, she was one of the Democratic Party candidates for president in the 2008 U.S. election

The group included

Evelyn Lieberman, Tamera Luzzatto, Capricia Marshall, Cheryl Mills, Minyon Moore, Lissa Muscatine, Neera Tanden, Melanne Verveer, Lisa Caputo, Ann Stock[2] and Maggie Williams.[3] In her autobiography, Living History, Clinton credits campaign aide Steve Rabinowitz with first using the term.[4]

Almost all are women; the only man in the group was former First Lady deputy press secretary Neel Lattimore. Most worked in the

Don Van Natta, Jr. described Hillaryland as "an important subculture during the Clinton presidency."[6]

The advisers were also present during

Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign that she conducted while senator.[7][8] Michelle Cottle of New York magazine described its role as "less a campaign entity than an extended sisterhood defined by its devotion to its namesake. Even so, the group's protective ethos dominates her presidential campaign, where loyalty is demanded, self-promotion frowned upon, and talking out of school, especially to the press, [is strongly discouraged]."[7] As campaign chroniclers John Heilemann and Mark Halperin later wrote, "the people comprising it ... were loyal to a fault, smart and ruthless, hard-headed and hardboiled. ... They referred to themselves collectively as Hillaryland, and everyone else in politics did too."[9] By this point the definition of Hillaryland was often expanded a bit to include campaign insiders such as chief strategist Mark Penn.[9]

After she ended up losing the 2008 Democratic nomination, critics often focused on the limited and isolated circle of advisers and dysfunctional management style as one of the reasons behind the campaign's failure.[8][10] One criticism was that she valued personal loyalty over the ability to do the job.[8] The level of protection and the consequent inability to criticize failed tactics—and the public perception that Clinton needed that much protection—alarmed critics in 2015 as well,[11] prior to her loss in the general election the following year.

At the beginning of Clinton's 2009–13 tenure as U.S. Secretary of State, she brought over some of the Hillaryland personnel to staff the State Department, but she also hired other people as well.[8]


See also


  1. ^ Hernandez, Raymond (2006-12-13). "Adviser to Senator Clinton Stays in Shadows". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-02-10.
  2. ISSN 0190-8286
    . Retrieved 2017-12-13.
  3. ^ Romano, Lois (2007-06-21). "Gatekeepers of Hillaryland". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2007-07-16.
  4. .
  5. ^ .
  6. ^ . Chapter 16.
  7. ^ a b Cottle, Michelle (August 2007). "Hillary Control". New York. Retrieved 2007-08-08.
  8. ^ a b c d Romano, Lois (2010-03-11). "Hillary Rodham Clinton widens her circle at the State Department". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2015-07-31.
  9. ^ .
  10. ^ Sheehy, Gail (August 2008). "Hillaryland at War". Vanity Fair. Retrieved 2015-07-31.
  11. ^ Ellison, Sarah (2015-10-07). "How Hillary Clinton's Loyal Confidants Could Cost Her the Election". Vanity Fair. Retrieved 2018-02-18.