Lex Luthor (Arrowverse)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Lex Luthor
  • Supergirl
  • February 13, 2017
  • Last appearance
    • "Kara"
    • Supergirl
    • November 9, 2021
    Based on
    Adapted by
    Portrayed by
    • Jon Cryer
    • Aidan Fink (young; season 2)
    • Koby Holvik (young; season 4)
    In-universe information
    Full nameAlexander Joseph Luthor
    AliasesParagon of Truth
    PositionUnited States Secretary of Alien Affairs (formerly)
    • Lexosuit
    • Guns
    • Book of Destiny (former)
    • Lionel Luthor (father, deceased)
    • Lillian Luthor
      (mother, deceased)
    • Lena Luthor
    Significant other
    HomeEarth-38 (former)

    Lex Luthor is a

    Luthors".[2][3] Both Aidan Fink and Jon Cryer
    portrayed versions of the supervillain, with Aidan Fink portraying a young Lex Luthor and Jon Cryer portraying Lex as an adult.

    In the Arrowverse, Luthor is an independent businessman who runs a company called

    as a threat and shifts his focus towards her.

    Concept and creation

    Lex Luthor made his debut in Action Comics #23 in 1940. Since then, Luthor has become one of the most recognizable and prominent supervillain characters in DC Comics. According to IGN, he ranks fourth on a list of one hundred supervillains across media.[4] The character has previously been portrayed in live-action TV shows, including Superboy, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, and Smallville. Scott James Wells and Sherman Howard portrayed him in Superboy, John Shea in Lois & Clark, and Michael Rosenbaum in Smallville. Luthor has also appeared in movies such as Atom Man vs. Superman, the classic Superman film series, Superman Returns, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Justice League. The character has been portrayed by Lyle Talbot, Gene Hackman, Kevin Spacey, and Jesse Eisenberg.

    When a Supergirl-centric TV show was announced, speculation arose about whether Luthor would appear.

    season 6 as a recurring character and the primary villain of those episodes.[8][9] Luthor also played a crucial role in the Arrowverse crossover event titled "Crisis on Infinite Earths" in 2019 and 2020.[10]


    Jon Cryer was cast as Lex Luthor in 2017.

    Lenny Luthor, the nephew of Hackman's version of Lex Luthor, in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987). Cryer stated one reason for accepting the role in Supergirl was wanting to do justice to the Luthor name after the negative response to Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. Producer Jessica Queller expressed her satisfaction with Cryer's casting, stating, "I don't think we could have possibly done better in our casting, and I mean, we're just thrilled."[13]


    According to Jon Cryer, Lex Luthor is a

    Lena Luthor.[14] He highlighted Luthor's intelligence and focus on science while acknowledging that his narcissism causes problems for everyone else. When asked what it is like to play a villain, Cryer said he was still getting used to the role and found it challenging.[15]

    Cryer also pointed out that Luthor displays

    Nyxlygsptlnz, Cryer admitted he was initially scared about removing Luthor's "dark side." He questioned why Luthor would fall in love, considering his nature.[17]
    However, he eventually embraced the storyline and enjoyed playing the character.

    Cryer had a strong influence in the show's usage of the character. He was a strong advocate for Luthor eventually defeating

    Supergirl, and he pitched this idea numerous times to the show's producers.[18] He also requested that Luthor be a part of "Crisis on Infinite Earths," despite the studio not initially planning to include him. Cryer believed that Luthor's role in Marv Wolfman's and George Pérez's 1985 original comic book storyline was important, and not having him in the event would be "humiliating."[19]

    Fictional character biography

    Early life

    Lex Luthor was born sometime after 1984 in

    , the illegitimate daughter of Lionel and Lex's half-sister, which angered him initially. However, over time, Lex and Lena became close friends.

    During his teenage years, Lex showed signs of

    , and the two initially worked together to stop alien invasions. However, Lex's methods were too brutal for Superman's liking, leading to a falling out between them. Lex began to believe that Superman was responsible for the invasions, and his obsession with the superhero caused a fracture in his relationship with Lena.

    Scheme to kill Supergirl

    After years of encounters resulting in numerous fatalities, Luthor and Superman had a final confrontation in early 2016. Before the confrontation, Luthor turned Earth's yellow sun red in an attempt to depower Superman, causing destruction on a global scale. Luthor was found by the police but managed to escape, only to later be captured by Superman.

    At his trial, Luthor killed the judge and jury. He was sentenced to thirty-one consecutive life terms and sent to


    In 2018, the Minister of Defense of

    National City
    to familiarize her with Supergirl's life. The Supergirl duplicate developed a sickness, and to save her, Luthor entered a radioactive chamber, giving him cancer. Luthor was granted a mercy furlough from prison and was transported to his mansion.

    Luthor then orchestrated a plan in which his assassin and love interest,

    James Olsen and distract Lena. As Lena went to the hospital, Luthor cut the electricity, forcing her to inject James with an experimental vaccine to save his life, in the hope that it would also cure Luthor's cancer. The vaccine worked, curing Luthor and giving him superhuman powers. He battled Supergirl and later went to the White House to meet with the President, using his influence to arrange a Kaznian attack on the United States

    During the attack, Luthor manipulated the Supergirl duplicate, known as "Red Daughter," to kill Supergirl's mother. After the attack, Luthor seemingly killed Red Daughter and used her energy to power a special cell. He then supplied energy to the houses damaged by the Kaznian bombings, and, with the President's support, he became the Secretary of the United States Department of Alien Affairs, gaining control over America.

    Luthor's ambitions extended further, and he invaded

    Argo City
    . A team led by Supergirl stopped his attack, and he battled Supergirl, ultimately losing. He went to a cabin where he and Lena had spent vacations, where Lena extracted the serum from his body, resulting in his death.

    Joining the Crisis

    At the beginning of the

    Kara Danvers and Kate Kane / Batwoman
    . He then found the Book of Destiny on the ship and left to kill as many versions of Superman as he could.

    His first target was

    Lois Lane
    from Luthor's universe intervened and knocked Luthor out, ending his control.

    Luthor was locked up on the Waverider, but he managed to get the Book of Destiny again. He used it to save himself from the anti-matter wave that destroyed the Waverider and the whole Multiverse. By doing so, he became known as the Paragon of Truth and transported himself to the Vanishing Point.

    At the Vanishing Point, Luthor attempted to open a portal to reality with the help of

    Speed Force, unable to find a way out of the point. Oliver Queen / Spectre
    appeared and helped Barry unlock his full potential, sending Luthor, Kara, and Ryan to the past, specifically to the planet Maltus, 10,000 years before the Monitor created the Anti-Monitor. There, Luthor tried to betray his team, but he failed to get the Monitor to side with him. The team was then transported to the Dawn of Time to fight the Anti-Monitor. Luthor and the other Paragons fought the Anti-Monitor's army, and Oliver sacrificed himself to recreate the Multiverse.

    In the new Multiverse, Luthor's Earth merged with

    Earth-1 and Jefferson Pierce / Black Lightning's Earth. As a result, Luthor was seen by the public as a hero. In this new reality, he became the owner of LuthorCorp and the leader of the Department of Extranormal Operations, which was now a subsidiary of his company. Luthor also became a Nobel Peace Prize

    Manipulating Brainiac 5 and Obsidian Tech

    At some point, Lex Luthor meets with his mother,

    Winn Schott

    Luthor visits

    is preventing a Sun-Eater from eating the Sun, Luthor goes to the scene where those who were trapped in virtual reality are being held and frees them, killing Margot Morrison. Gemma confronts Luthor about his actions, and he states that she should focus her anger on their mutual enemy, Supergirl. Later that night, Luthor reveals to Eve that the people who had protected her mother will dispose of her should she go against him. He also has footage of Eve killing Jeremiah. When Eve states that he is worse than Leviathan, Luthor disagrees. After a talk with his mother, Luthor uses Lena's transportation watch to go to the Fortress of Solitude.

    Luthor visits Lena at Stryker's Island, noting that her project would fail, causing Lena to see that Kara was right about Luthor. After getting a call from Gemma that Rama Khan succeeded in his mission to obtain the Kryptonite from the D.E.O., Luthor informs Brainiac 5 that they now have access to Leviathan's ship. When he enters the ship, Luthor is given a special pin by Gemma to keep him safe from the ship's defenses. After Brainiac 5 enters a code that leads to the bottling of Rama Khan, Tezumak, and Sela, Gemma briefly shuts down, causing Luthor to go after Brainiac 5. He finds a weakened Brainiac 5 on Leviathan's ship and claims the bottle contains Rama Khan, Tezumak, and Sela. After getting away, he gives the bottle to Lillian to begin their next plot.

    Final battle against Supergirl

    Lex Luthor proceeds with the next phase of his plan, having

    testifies against him, revealing that he used brainwashing technology to manipulate the jury. To his shock, the verdict is that he is innocent.

    Afterward, Lex and Lena engage in a power struggle for control of LuthorCorp. Lex sends his bodyguard,

    Otis Graves
    , to sabotage the new children's wing at the hospital. When Lena confronts him, she tells him that killing him won't change anything, and she decides to leave LuthorCorp.

    Luthor later visits the future, where he befriends and falls in love with a future version of

    , known as "Nyxly." Together, they combine science and magic, but Nyxly makes a mistake with the Totems, resulting in her death. Luthor preserves Nyxly's mind in the form of an A.I. and places it in a Lexosuit, which he sends to the present Nyxly to prevent her death. However, the present Nyxly wants nothing to do with him. Undeterred, Luthor tries to win her back with Otis's advice, but Nyxly rejects him. Luthor devises a plan to get the Love Totem to her, but Nyxly is not pleased with his involvement, and the Superfriends end up with the totem.

    Luthor saves Nyxly from being imprisoned, revealing their future romance and his attempts to save her. With the help of the Nyxly A.I., Nyxly obtains the dream totem, and Luthor assists in obtaining the remaining Totems. The Superfriends manage to retrieve the other pieces of the Totems, leading to a final battle between Luthor, Nyxly, and the Superfriends. Luthor and Nyxly create magical constructs resembling their enemies, such as

    Kara Danvers / Overgirl, Red Tornado, Metallo
    , and dragons. In the end, they are defeated, and Luthor opens a portal to the Phantom Zone, intending to unleash Phantoms on the Superfriends. However, due to their hubris, the Phantoms are instead attracted to Luthor and Nyxly, dragging them into the Phantom Zone. This is made possible because Supergirl and her allies rallied the people of National City to have courage, which counteracts the hubris emitted by Luthor and Nyxly, making them prime targets for the Phantoms.



    Alternate versions

    Superman & Lois

    An alternate version of Lex Luthor was mentioned in two episodes of


    Lex Luthor appears in

    Boss Moxie
    . However, it is later revealed that Luthor's confession to the crime was falsified, and it was Mannheim's wife, Peia, who confessed while disguising her voice as Luthor's, leading Clark and Lois to realize that Luthor is innocent.

    In flashbacks seen in the episode "Injustice," Luthor was sentenced to life at Stryker's Prison by Judge Tara Reagan. When he finds

    Otis Grisham
    working on an inmate's hair with an electric razor, Luthor asks to borrow it so that he can do his hair. Otis attacks Luthor as he tries to win over the other inmates, resulting in Otis and the nearby inmates beating him. When meeting with Warden William Ellis, Luthor has him call a specific number that turns out to be Warden Ellis' home number. Upon answering it, he finds that Luthor's associates on the outside have threatened his family, and Luthor blackmails him into allowing him to run the prison population. Warden Ellis complies with his demands. Luthor starts by having the guards beat up Otis and the others who beat Lex. Warden Ellis later procures Luthor a razor, which he uses to shave his head. Once the shaving is done, Luthor has an inmate recuperating in a wheelchair sweep up the hair. One inmate with missing teeth takes down his meal order, and another inmate serves as his chair.

    Following Peia's death, Luthor is released from prison upon the truth being made known. Luthor walks down the street until he arrives at the Kent family farm. While noting how he knows about what happened to Bruno Mannheim, Lois's cancer treatment, and how she and Clark have two sons, Luthor states that he does not want their forgiveness. As Otis arrives to pick up Luthor, Luthor advises Lois to retire and to tell Superman that he'll be coming for him. Upon arrival, they find Bizarro feeding off some rats. With help from Otis, Luthor performs various experiments on Bizarro to cause him to further mutate. After arranging for Judge Reagan to be killed offscreen, Luthor dispatches Otis and his female minion, Gretchen Kelley, to abduct Sam Lane. Luthor then confronts Superman at the Kent family farm as he summons the monstrous Bizarro. While leaving, Luthor orders the monstrous Bizarro to bring him Superman's heart when he is done with him.


    Many fans pointed out similarities and differences between Cryer's and Jesse Eisenberg's portrayals of Luthor, with some suggesting that Cryer's was better at manipulation and more comic-accurate. However, some critics felt that his version lacked clear direction.[24] In the book "Adapting Superman: Essays on the Transmedia Man of Steel," there is a chapter titled "Forging Kryptonite: Lex Luthor's Xenophobia as Societal Fracturing, from Batman v Superman to Supergirl," which analyzes both versions of Lex Luthor as part of a representation exploring the cultural effects of encroaching xenophobia from society to the family in the years around the 2016 United States presidential election.[25] Comparisons were also made with Michael Rosenbaum's version.[26]

    In an interview with the website CBR.com, Cryer claimed that the ending of Supergirl's

    season 5.[28]


    Year Award Category Work Result Ref.
    2019 Teen Choice Awards Choice TV Villain Supergirl Nominated [29]
    Saturn Awards Best Guest Starring Role on Television Nominated [30]
    2021 Saturn Awards Won [31]

    In other media

    The character appears in the Crisis on Infinite Earths tie-in comic book one-shot titled "Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant #1, where Luthor joins other universes' Luthors. Together they form the Council of Luthors, with the common goal of killing all Supermen and defeating the Council of Supermen. The Council of Luthors fails in its mission.

    See also



    1. ^ "Superman | Creators, Story, Logo, Movies, Actors, & Facts | Britannica". www.britannica.com. Retrieved January 9, 2022.
    2. ^ Chris (February 14, 2017). "Supergirl Season 2 Episode 12 Review: "Luthors"". TVOvermind. Retrieved January 9, 2022.
    3. ^ "Supergirl Season 2 Episode 12 Review: Luthors". Den of Geek. February 14, 2017. Retrieved January 9, 2022.
    4. ^ The Top 100 Comic Book Villains - IGN.com, retrieved January 11, 2022
    5. ^ Laura Hurley (January 27, 2017). "Will Supergirl Ever Introduce Lex Luthor?". CINEMABLEND. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    6. ^ McKiernan, Tawnia (February 13, 2017), Luthors, Supergirl, retrieved January 11, 2022
    7. ^ "The CW's Supergirl Casts Jon Cryer As Lex Luthor". Fortress of Solitude. November 20, 2018. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    8. ^ Flook, Ray (April 18, 2020). "Supergirl Star Jon Cryer Teases New Season 5 Finale Future For Lex". Bleeding Cool News And Rumors. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    9. ^ Laura Hurley (April 7, 2021). "How Supergirl Will Handle Jon Cryer's Lex Luthor After His Big Defeat". CINEMABLEND. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    10. ^ Schedeen, Jesse (November 1, 2021). "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Jon Cryer on Bringing Lex Luthor Back From the Dead". IGN. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    11. ^ Boucher, Geoff (November 16, 2018). "Meet The New Lex Luthor: Jon Cryer Lands Iconic Villain Role For 'Supergirl'". Deadline. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    12. ^ "Jon Cryer cast as Lex Luthor in Supergirl". IMDb. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    13. ^ Agard, Chancellor. "Jon Cryer reveals why he said yes to playing Lex Luthor on Supergirl". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    14. ^ Wojciechowski, Michele "Wojo" (May 11, 2019). "Jon Cryer Embraces His Inner Sociopath as Lex Luthor on Supergirl". Big Purple Marble. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    15. ^ Roffman, Marisa (March 18, 2019). "Jon Cryer Breaks Down Playing 'Sociopath' Lex Luthor on 'Supergirl'". Variety. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    16. ^ "Exclusive Interview: Supergirl's Jon Cryer Wanted A Physical Lex Luthor Power Suit To Wear - The Illuminerdi". November 9, 2021. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    17. ^ "Supergirl's Jon Cryer was really scared of Lex's final storyline". Digital Spy. November 9, 2021. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    18. ^ "Supergirl's Jon Cryer Feels the Fans' Love for His Lex Luthor". DC. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    19. ^ Agard, Chancellor. "'Supergirl' star Jon Cryer says quarantine may have changed Lex Luthor's finale fate". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    20. ^ "A strong Supergirl knows two Luthors are better than one". The A.V. Club. February 14, 2017. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    21. ^ Pierce, Reagan (November 16, 2018). "Jon Cryer Cast As Supergirl's Lex Luthor". The Series Regulars. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    22. ^ "Why Lex Luthor Is So Important To Crisis On Infinite Earths". ScreenRant. January 13, 2020. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    23. ^ "Superman & Lois Casts Michael Cudlitz as New Lex Luthor for Season 3". TVLine.com. January 24, 2023. Retrieved January 24, 2023.
    24. ^ "Lex Luthor: 5 Ways Jesse Eisenberg Is Comic Accurate (& 5 Ways Jon Cryer Is Better)". ScreenRant. June 10, 2021. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
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    26. ^ "5 Reasons Jon Cryer Is TV's Best Lex Luthor (& 4 Why It's Michael Rosenbaum)". FandomWire. November 13, 2021. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    27. ^ "Supergirl: Jon Cryer Says Lex's Fate Was Designed for an Arrowverse Return". CBR. November 10, 2021. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    28. ^ Schedeen, Jesse (November 1, 2021). "Supergirl: How Lex Luthor Stole the Show in Season 5". IGN. Retrieved January 11, 2022.
    29. ^ Moreau, Jordan (June 19, 2019). "'Avengers: Endgame,' 'Riverdale,' 'Aladdin' Top 2019 Teen Choice Award Nominations". Variety. Penske Media Corporation. Retrieved March 30, 2023.
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