Metatarsophalangeal joints

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Metatarsophalangeal joints
The MTP, IP, PIP, and DIP joints of the foot:
  • MetaTarsoPhalangeal, at the ball of the foot
  • Interphalangeal joints of the foot:
    • InterPhalangeal (big toe only has one joint)
    • Proximal InterPhalangeal
    • Distal InterPhalangeal
Bones of the right foot; metatarsalphalangeal joints highlighted in an orange box
Latinarticulationes metatarsophalangeae
FMA35222 71356, 35222
Anatomical terminology

The metatarsophalangeal joints (MTP joints) are the

proximal phalanges) of the toes. They are analogous to the knuckles of the hand, and are consequently known as toe knuckles in common speech. They are condyloid joints, meaning that an elliptical or rounded surface (of the metatarsal bones) comes close to a shallow cavity (of the proximal phalanges). The region of skin directly below the joints forms the ball
of the foot.


are the plantar and two collateral.


The movements permitted in the metatarsophalangeal joints are


  • Left: toes adducted (pulled towards the center) and spread (abducted); right, both feet clenched (plantar flexed)
    Left: toes adducted (pulled towards the center) and spread (abducted); right, both feet clenched (plantar flexed)
  • The upper foot is clenching (plantarflexing) at the MTP joints and at the joints of the toes; the central foot is lifting the toes (dorsiflexing) at the MTP joints; and the foot flat on the ground off to the side is in a neutral position.
    The upper foot is clenching (plantarflexing) at the MTP joints and at the joints of the toes; the central foot is lifting the toes (dorsiflexing) at the MTP joints; and the foot flat on the ground off to the side is in a neutral position.
  • Kneeling with the MTP joints dorsiflexed (except the MTP joint of the little toe)
    Kneeling with the MTP joints dorsiflexed (except the MTP joint of the little toe)
  • Measuring the dorsiflexion of the MTP joints

See also


External links