Postal, telegraph and telephone service

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A postal, telegraph, and telephone service (or PTT) is a

Kosovo Telecom in Kosovo, KT in South Korea, Post Luxembourg in Luxembourg and Síminn in Iceland

Monopoly service

In countries that had a PTT unit of government, typically the vast majority of forms of distribution of information fell under the auspices of the PTT, whether that be the delivery of printed publications and individual letters in the postal mail, the transmission of telephonic audio, or the transmission of telegraphic on-off signals, and in some countries, the broadcast of one-way (audio) radio and (audio-video) television signals. In many countries with a current or former PTT, the PTT was also responsible for the manufacture and standardisation of telephone equipment. Often the presence of a single PTT in a country implied a single monolithic approach to the distribution of information in that country, which as an advantage permitted efficient deployment of a single national standard for each topic instead of ongoing debate about competing ideas, but which as a disadvantage typically stifled alternative ideas from emerging once a legacy implementation had been widely deployed.

Countries without a PTT

In North America, instead of a PTT there was the private monopoly

US Postal Service/Canada Post for mail delivery. Japan also had a rather similar structure as North America with the formerly-state-owned Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT; privatised in 1985) having a monopoly on fixed-line telecoms, with the separate government-run but publicly-traded Japan Post responsible for mail delivery; as did Spain with Compañía Telefónica Nacional de España (CTNE; privatised in 1997) having a monopoly on fixed-line telecoms, with the separate state-owned Correos de España
responsible for mail delivery.

Mixed service

Portugal, until 1968, had a mixture, with a private telecom operator in Lisbon and Porto (named APT – Anglo-Portuguese Telephone Company) another private company in charge of connections with and between colonies and with the rest of the world (CPRM – Companhia Portuguesa de Rádio Marconi) and Correios, Telefones e Telégrafos, a public company, as the PTT agency and owner of the telephone system in the rest of the country (including the former colonies); that year, APT was nationalised and became Telefones de Lisboa e Porto (TLP). CTT still controls postal services in Portugal, while Telecom Portugal was spun out in 1992 and later merged into Portugal Telecom in 1994 (with CPRM becoming a subsidiary and later being absorbed in 2002); it is privatised and subject to competition.

Further reading