Robert Nozick

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Robert Nozick
Wilt Chamberlain argument, paradox of deontology,[2] deductive closure, Nozick's four conditions on knowledge, rejection of the principle of epistemic closure

Robert Nozick (

Ralph Waldo Emerson Award
the following year.

Nozick's other work involved ethics,

possible worlds.[4]

Personal life

Nozick was born in

Jewish descent. His mother was born Sophie Cohen, and his father was a Jew from a Russian shtetl who had been born with the name Cohen and who ran a small business.[5]

Nozick attended the public schools in Brooklyn. He was then educated at

Fulbright Scholar

At one point, Nozick joined the

Student League for Industrial Democracy. He began to move away from socialist ideals when exposed to Friedrich Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty, claiming he "was pulled into libertarianism reluctantly" when he found himself unable to form satisfactory responses to libertarian arguments.[6]

After receiving his undergraduate degree in 1959, he married Barbara Fierer. They had two children, Emily and David. The Nozicks eventually divorced; Nozick later married the poet Gjertrud Schnackenberg.

Nozick died in 2002 after a prolonged struggle with stomach cancer.[7] He was interred at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Career and works

Political philosophy

Nozick's first book,

minimal state limited to the functions of protection against "force, fraud, theft, and administering courts of law" can be justified, as any more extensive state would violate people's individual rights.[8]

Nozick believed that a distribution of goods is just when brought about by free exchange among consenting adults, trading from a baseline position where the principles of entitlement theory are upheld. In one example, Nozick uses the example of basketball player Wilt Chamberlain to show that even when large inequalities subsequently emerge from the processes of free transfer (i.e. paying extra money just to watch Wilt Chamberlain play), the resulting distributions are just so long as all consenting parties have freely consented to such exchanges.

Anarchy, State, and Utopia is often contrasted to

difference principle
, that "social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are to be of greatest benefit to the least-advantaged members of society."

Nozick's philosophy also claims a heritage from

secularize its claims. Nozick also appealed to the second formulation of Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative: that people should be treated as an end in themselves, not merely as a means to an end. Nozick terms this the 'separateness of persons', saying that "there are is no social entity...there are only individual people", and that we ought to "respect and take account of the fact that [each individual] is a separate person".[9]

Most controversially, Nozick argued that consistent application of libertarian self-ownership would allow for consensual, non-coercive

inalienable rights advanced by Locke and most contemporary capitalist-oriented libertarian academics, writing in Anarchy, State, and Utopia that the typical notion of a "free system" would allow individuals to voluntarily enter into non-coercive slave contracts.[10][11][12][13]

Anarchy, State, and Utopia received a National Book Award in the category of Philosophy and Religion in the year following its original publication.[14]

Thought experiments regarding utilitarianism

Early sections of Anarchy, State, and Utopia, akin to the introduction of A Theory of Justice, see Nozick implicitly join Rawls's attempts to discredit utilitarianism. Nozick's case differs somewhat in that it mainly targets hedonism and relies on a variety of separate intuition pumps, although both works draw from Kantian principles.

Most famously, Nozick introduced the

ethical hedonism
is not truly what individuals desire, nor what we ought to desire:

There are also substantial puzzles when we ask what matters other than how people's experiences feel "from the inside." Suppose there were an experience machine that would give you any experience you desired. Superduper neuropsychologists could stimulate your brain so that you would think and feel you were writing a great novel, or making a friend, or reading an interesting book. All the time you would be floating in a tank, with electrodes attached to your brain. Should you plug into this machine for life, preprogramming your life's experiences?[15]

Nozick claims that life in an experience machine would have no value, and provides several explanations as to why this might be, including (but not limited to): the want to do certain things, and not just have the experience of doing them; the want to actually become a certain sort of person; and that plugging into an experience machine limits us to a man-made reality.

Another intuition pump Nozick proposes is the

average utilitarianism
could lead to a situation where the needs of the vast majority were sacrificed for one individual. In his exploration of deontological ethics and animal rights, Nozick coins the phrase "utilitarianism for animals, Kantianism for people", wherein the separateness of individual humans is acknowledged but the only moral metric assigned to animals is that of maximising pleasure:

[Utilitarianism for animals, Kantianism for people] says: (1) maximize the total happiness of all living beings; (2) place stringent side constraints on what one may do to human beings.[16]

Before introducing the utility monster, Nozick raises a hypothetical scenario where someone might, "by some strange causal connection", kill 10,000 unowned cows to die painlessly by snapping their fingers, asking whether it would be morally wrong to do so.[17] On the calculus of pleasure that "utilitarianism for animals, Kantianism for people" uses, assuming the death of these cows could be used to provide pleasure for humans in some way, then the (painless) deaths of the cows would be morally permissible as it has no negative impact upon the utilitarian equation.

Nozick later explicitly raises the example of utility monsters to "embarrass [utilitarian theory]": since humans benefit from the mass sacrifice and consumption of animals, and also possess the ability to kill them painlessly (i.e., without any negative effect on the utilitarian calculation of net pleasure), it is permissible humans to maximise their consumption of meat so long as they derive pleasure from it. Nozick takes issue with this as it makes animals "too subordinate" to humans, counter to his view that animals ought to "count for something"[18]a.



justification as a necessary requirement for knowledge.[19]
: ch. 7 

Nozick gives four conditions for S's knowing that P (S=Subject / P=Proposition):

  1. P is true
  2. S believes that P
  3. If it were the case that (not-P), S would not believe that P
  4. If it were the case that P, S would believe that P

Nozick's third and fourth conditions are

counterfactuals. He called this the "tracking theory" of knowledge. Nozick believed the counterfactual conditionals bring out an important aspect of our intuitive grasp of knowledge: For any given fact, the believer's method (M) must reliably track the truth despite varying relevant conditions. In this way, Nozick's theory is similar to reliabilism
. Due to certain counterexamples that could otherwise be raised against these counterfactual conditions, Nozick specified that:

  1. If P weren't the case and S were to use M to arrive at a belief whether or not P, then S wouldn't believe, via M, that P.
  2. If P were the case and S were to use M to arrive at a belief whether or not P, then S would believe, via M, that P.
  3. [20]

A major feature of Nozick's theory of knowledge is his rejection of the principle of deductive closure. This principle states that if S knows X and S knows that X implies Y, then S knows Y. Nozick's truth tracking conditions do not allow for the principle of deductive closure.

Later works

The Examined Life (1989), aimed towards a more general audience, explores themes of love, the impact of death, questions of faith, the nature of reality, and the meaning of life. The book takes its name from the quote by Socrates, that "the unexamined life is not worth living". In it, Nozick attempts to find meaning in everyday experiences, and considers how we might come to feel "more real".[21] In this pursuit, Nozick discusses the death of his father, reappraises the experience machine, and proposes "the matrix of reality" as a means of understanding how individuals might better connect with reality in their own lives.[22]

Prisoner's Dilemma
, and introduces the concept of symbolic utility to explain how actions might symbolize certain ideas, rather than being carried out to maximize expected utility in the future.

Socratic Puzzles (1997) is a collection of Nozick's previous papers alongside some new essays. While the discussions are quite disparate, the essays generally draw from Nozick's previous interests in both politics and philosophy. Notably, this includes Nozick's 1983 review of The Case for Animal Rights by Tom Regan, where says animal rights activists are often considered "cranks" and appears to go back on the vegetarian position he previously maintained in Anarchy, State and Utopia.[23][24]

Nozick's final work,

possible worlds.[25]

Later reflections on libertarianism

Nozick pronounced some misgivings about libertarianism – specifically his own work Anarchy, State and Utopia – in his later publications. Some later editions of The Examined Life advertise this fact explicitly in the blurb, saying Nozick "refutes his earlier claims of libertarianism" in one of the book's essays, "The Zigzag of Politics". In the introduction of The Examined Life, Nozick says his earlier works on political philosophy "now [seem] seriously inadequate", and later repeats this claim in the first chapter of The Nature of Rationality.[26][27]

In these works, Nozick also praised political ideals which ran contrary to the arguments canvassed in Anarchy, State and Utopia. In The Examined Life, Nozick proposes wealth redistribution via an inheritance tax and upholds the value of liberal democracy.[28] In The Nature of Rationality, Nozick calls truth a primary good, explicitly appropriating Rawls' A Theory of Justice.[29] In the same work, however, Nozick implies that minimum wage laws are unjustb, and later denigrates Marxism before vindicating capitalism, making reference to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations.[30]

Nozick also broke away from libertarian principles in his own personal life, invoking rent control laws against Erich Segal – who was at one point Nozick's landlord – and winning over $30,000 in a settlement. Nozick later claimed to regret doing this, saying he was moved by "intense irritation" with Segal and his legal representatives at the time, and was quoted in an interview saying "sometimes you have to do what you have to do."[31]

Some of Nozick's later works seem to endorse libertarian principles. In Invariances, Nozick advances the "four layers of ethics", which at its core maintains an explicitly libertarian underpinning.[32] In Socratic Puzzles, Nozick republished some of his old essays with a libertarian grounding, such as "Coercion" and "On The Randian Argument", alongside new essays such as "On Austrian Methodology" and "Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?". However, Nozick does allude to some continued reservations about libertarianism in its introduction, saying that "it is disconcerting to be known primarily for an early work".[33]

Scholars and journalists have since debated what Nozick's true political position was before the end of his life.

neoliberal politics.[35] Libertarian journalist Julian Sanchez, who interviewed Nozick shortly before his death, claims that Nozick "always thought of himself as a libertarian in a broad sense, right up to his final days, even as his views became somewhat less 'hardcore.'"[36]

Philosophical method

Nozick was sometimes admired for the exploratory style of his philosophizing, often content to raise tantalizing philosophical possibilities and then leave judgment to the reader. In his review of The Nature of Rationality, Anthony Gottlieb praised this style, noting its place in Nozick's approach to writing philosophy:

"From Mr. Nozick you always expect fireworks, even if some of them go off in their box...Start pondering a sentence and you will find yourself led away prematurely by a parenthetical question; think about the question and you will be dragged into a discursive footnote...Yet it is worth the effort – certainly for regular readers of philosophy, and often for others."[37]

Jason Brennan has related this point to Nozick's "surprising amount of humility, at least in his writings". Brennan makes a point of showing how this enabled Nozick to reach surprising conclusions while also drawing attention to one of Nozick's more famous quotes which also made the headline of his obituary in The Economist, that "there is room for words on subjects other than last words".[38][39]

Nozick was also notable for drawing from literature outside of philosophy, namely economics, physics, evolutionary biology, decision theory, anthropology, and computer science, amongst other disciplines.[40][41]

In popular culture

In the 23rd episode of HBO's show The Sopranos, an eyewitness to one of Tony Soprano's crimes is seen at home reading Anarchy, State, and Utopia, by Robert Nozick. Dani Rodrik uses Bo Rothstein's view to point out that the TV show runners take a position in the debate by how they showed the eyewitness reacting to finding out the man they pointed out as the culprit of the crime he saw was actually the local mafia boss, immediately after the book appears on screen.[42]


See also


a.^ Nozick's discussion of animal rights pre-dates Peter Singer's more comprehensive Animal Liberation. Singer's utilitarian position on animal rights was known to Nozick at the time, however, and he expresses misgivings about this in Chapter 3 (footnote 11) of Anarchy, State and Utopia.
b.^ From p.27 of The Nature of Rationality: "On these grounds, one might claim that certain antidrug enforcement measures symbolize reducing the amount of drug use and that minimum wage laws symbolize helping the poor"


  1. ^ Mack, Eric (May 30, 2019). "Robert Nozick's Political Philosophy". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University – via Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  2. ^ "How can a concern for the non-violation of C [i.e. some deontological constraint] lead to refusal to violate C even when this would prevent other more extensive violations of C?": Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State and Utopia, Basic Books (1974), p. 30 as quoted by Ulrike Heuer, "Paradox of Deontology, Revisited", in: Mark Timmons (ed.), Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics. Oxford University Press (2011).
  3. ^ "Robert Nozick, 1938–2002". Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, November 2002: 76(2).
  4. ^ Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, Volume 1, edited by John R. Shook, Thoemmes Press, 2005, p.1838
  5. ISSN 0307-1235
    . Retrieved August 1, 2018.
  6. ^ Albert Zlabinger (December 1, 1977). "An Interview with Robert Nozick". CATO Institute. Retrieved December 12, 2023.
  7. ^ For biographies, memorials, and obituaries see:
  8. ^ Feser, Edward. "Robert Nozick (1938—2002)". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved March 13, 2017.
  9. ^ Nozick, Robert (1974). Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Basic Books. p. 32-33.
  10. S2CID 158624143
    . Retrieved April 17, 2017.
  11. ^ A summary of the political philosophy of Robert Nozick by R. N. Johnson Archived February 4, 2002, at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^ Jonathan Wolff (October 25, 2007). "Robert Nozick, Libertarianism, And Utopia"
  13. ^ Nozick on Newcomb's Problem and Prisoners' Dilemma by S. L. Hurley Archived March 1, 2005, at the Wayback Machine
  14. ^ "National Book Awards – 1975 [ Archived September 9, 2011, at the Wayback Machine. National Book Foundation. Retrieved March 8, 2012.
  15. ^ Nozick, Robert (1974). Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Basic Books. p. 42-43.
  16. ^ Nozick, Robert (1974). Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Basic Books. p. 39.
  17. ^ Nozick, Robert (1974). Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Basic Books. p. 36.
  18. ^ Nozick, Robert (1974). Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Basic Books. p. 35-42.
  19. .
  20. ^ Keith Derose, Solving the Skeptical Problem
  21. ^ Nozick, Robert (1989). Socratic Puzzles, p.280-285. Harvard University Press.
  22. ^ "Animal Rights". The New York Times. December 18, 1983.
  23. ^ Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, Volume 1, edited by John R. Shook, A&C Black, 2005, p.1838
  24. ^ Sanchez, Julian (April 8, 2003). "Nozick's Apartment". Retrieved December 14, 2023.
  25. ^ Nozick, Robert (2001). Invariances, p.280-282. Harvard University Press
  26. ^ Nozick, Robert (1989). Socratic Puzzles, p.17. Harvard University Press.
  27. ^ Herbjørnsrud, Dag (2002). Leaving Libertarianism: Social Ties in Robert Nozick's New Philosophy. Oslo, Norway: University of Oslo.
  28. ^ Metcalf, Stephen (June 24, 2011). "The Liberty Scam: Why even Robert Nozick, the philosophical father of libertarianism, gave up on the movement he inspired". Retrieved April 17, 2017.
  29. ^ Julian Sanchez, "Nozick, Libertarianism, and Thought Experiments".
  30. ^ Gottlieb, Anthony (August 22, 1993). "Why Do You Do the Things You Do?". The New York Review of Books. Retrieved March 8, 2024.
  31. ^ Brennan, Jason (June 29, 2011). "Nozick on Philosophical Explorations: There is Room for Words other than Last Words". Bleeding Heart Libertarians. Retrieved March 8, 2024.
  32. ^ "Not all words need be last words". The Economist. Retrieved March 8, 2024.
  33. ^ Ibid.
  34. ^ Williams, Bernard. "Cosmic Philosopher". The New York Review of Books. Retrieved August 1, 2018.
  35. ^ Rodrik, Dani (September 5, 2009). "Tony Soprano and Robert Nozick". Dani Rodrik's weblog.

Further reading

External links