Second Bulgarian Empire

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Bulgarian Empire
ц︢рьство блъгарское
българско царство
Flag of Second Bulgarian Empire
Top: Flag according to Dulcert's portolan (c. 1325)
Bottom: Flag according to Soler's portolan (c. 1380)
Peter IV (first)
• 1397-1422
Constantine II of Bulgaria (last)
Historical eraMiddle Ages
1230[1]293,000 km2 (113,000 sq mi)
Preceded by
Succeeded by
First Bulgarian Empire
Bulgaria (theme)
Ottoman Bulgaria
Tsardom of Vidin
Despotate of Dobruja
Despotate of Lovech
Principality of Wallachia

The Second Bulgarian Empire (

medieval Bulgarian[4][5][ambiguous] state that existed between 1185 and 1396.[6] A successor to the First Bulgarian Empire,[7][8][9][10] it reached the peak of its power under Tsars Kaloyan and Ivan Asen II before gradually being conquered by the Ottomans
in the early 15th century.

Until 1256, the Second Bulgarian Empire was the dominant power in the

Despotate of Epiros and made Bulgaria a regional power again. During his reign, Bulgaria spread from the Adriatic to the Black Sea and the economy flourished. In the late 13th century, however, the Empire declined under constant invasions by Mongols, Byzantines, Hungarians, and Serbs, as well as internal unrest and revolts. The 14th century saw a temporary recovery and stability, but also the peak of Balkan feudalism
as central authorities gradually lost power in many regions. Bulgaria was divided into three parts on the eve of the Ottoman invasion.

Despite strong Byzantine influence, Bulgarian artists and architects created their own distinctive style. In the 14th century, during the period known as the

Russian principalities, where they introduced Bulgarian culture, books, and hesychastic ideas.[13]


The name most frequently used for the empire by contemporaries was Bulgaria, as the state called itself.[4] During Kaloyan's reign, the state was sometimes known as being of both Bulgarians and Vlachs. Pope Innocent III and other foreigners such as the Latin Emperor Henry mentioned the state as Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Empire in official letters.[14][15]

In modern historiography, the state is called the Second Bulgarian Empire, Second Bulgarian Tsardom, or the Second Bulgarian Kingdom to distinguish it from the First Bulgarian Empire.[16] An alternative name used in connection with the pre-mid 13th century period is the Empire of Vlachs and Bulgarians;[17] variant names include the Vlach–Bulgarian Empire, the Bulgarian–Wallachian Empire,[18] or the Romanian–Bulgarian Empire; the latter name was used exclusively in Romanian historiography.[19]

However, Arabic chronicles from the 13th century had used only the name of Wallachia instead of Bulgaria and gave the Arabic coordinates of Wallachia and specified that Walachia was named "al-Awalak" and the dwellers "ulaqut" or "ulagh".[20]


In 1018, when the Byzantine emperor

Sirmium, and Paristrion

As the Byzantine Empire declined under Basil's successors, invasions of

Uprising of Georgi Voiteh (1072) took place. Both were quelled with great difficulty by Byzantine authorities.[24] These were followed by rebellions in Paristrion and Thrace.[25] During the Komnenian Restoration
and the temporary stabilisation of the Byzantine Empire in the first half of the 12th century, the Bulgarians were pacified and no major rebellions took place until later in the century.



The disastrous rule of the last Komnenian emperor

Preslav but failed; he declared Tarnovo the capital of Bulgaria.[31]

Church of St Demetrius
in Tarnovo, built by Asen and Peter in the beginning of the uprising

From Moesia, the Bulgarians launched attacks in northern Thrace while the Byzantine army was fighting with the Normans, who had attacked Byzantine possessions in the Western Balkans and sacked Thessalonica, the Empire's second largest city. The Byzantines reacted in mid-1186, when Isaac II organized a campaign to crush the rebellion before it spread further. The Bulgarians had secured the passes but the Byzantine army found its way across the mountains due to a solar eclipse.[4][32] Once the Byzantines reached the plains, the rebels did not risk a confrontation with the larger, better-organized force. Peter IV pretended he was willing to submit, while Asen travelled to the north of the Danube to raise an army. Contented, the Byzantine emperor burned the Bulgarians' crops and returned to Constantinople. Soon after, Asen crossed back over the Danube with Cuman reinforcements, declaring he would continue the struggle until all Bulgarian lands were liberated.[32] A new Byzantine army was assembled under the command of the emperor's uncle John Doukas Angelos, but as Isaac II feared he would be overthrown, Doukas was replaced by John Kantakouzenos, a blind man ineligible for the throne. The Bulgarians attacked Kantakouzenos' camp during the night, killing a large number of soldiers.[33][34] In mid-1186, another army under the general Alexios Branas was sent in. However, instead of fighting the rebels, Branas turned to Constantinople to claim the throne for himself; he was murdered shortly afterwards.[35] Taking advantage of the chaos, the Bulgarians raided northern Thrace, looting the countryside before Byzantine forces could counterattack. On one occasion, the two armies confronted each other near the fortress of Lardea in an indecisive battle; the Bulgarians kept their plunder and retreated untroubled to the north of the Balkan mountains.[36]

In the late 1186, Isaac II launched his second campaign against Bulgaria. His army was forced to spend the winter in

Frederick I Barbarossa was at the brink of war with the Byzantines, Asen and Peter IV offered him an army of 40,000 in return for official recognition, but relations between the Crusaders and the Byzantines eventually improved. In 1190, Isaac II led another anti-Bulgarian campaign that ended in a catastrophic defeat at the Tryavna Pass. The emperor barely escaped with his life; the Imperial treasury, including the crown and the cross, were captured by the victorious Bulgarians.[39] After their success, Asen was crowned emperor and became known as Ivan Asen I.[40] Peter IV voluntarily stepped down to make way for his more energetic brother; Peter IV retained his title but Ivan Asen assumed authority.[41]

In the next four years, the focus of the war shifted to the south of the Balkan mountains. Ivan Asen's strategy of swiftly striking in different locations paid off, and he soon took control of the important cities Sofia and Niš to the south-west, clearing the way to Macedonia.[42] In 1194, the Byzantines gathered a huge force composed of the eastern and western armies, but were defeated at the Battle of Arcadiopolis. Unable to resist, Isaac II tried to ally with the Hungarian king Béla III and make a joint attack against Bulgaria, but was deposed and blinded by his brother Alexios III Angelos.[43] The Byzantines tried to negotiate peace but Ivan Asen demanded the return of all Bulgarian lands and the war continued. In 1196, the Byzantine army was again defeated at Serres, far to the south. Upon his return to Tarnovo, Ivan Asen was murdered by his cousin Ivanko allegedly in a plot inspired by Constantinople.[44] Peter IV besieged Tarnovo and Ivanko fled to the Byzantine Empire, where he was made governor of Philippopolis. Peter IV was murdered less than a year after his brother's death.[45]


A map of the Bulgarian Empire in the late 12th century
A map of the Bulgarian Empire, showing territorial extent and the campaigns between 1185 and 1197
Ruins of a church
The Church of the Holy Forty Martyrs where Kaloyan was buried

The throne was succeeded by

Braničevo, and Niš, but after negotiating peace, Kaloyan turned his attention to the north-west. In 1203, the Bulgarians pushed the Serbs out of Niš, defeated the Hungarian army in several battles along the valley of the Morava river, and recaptured their former territory.[48]

Kaloyan knew the Byzantines would never recognize his imperial title; he began negotiations with Pope Innocent III. He based the claims on his predecessors in the First Bulgarian Empire; Simeon I, Peter I, and Samuel.[49] The Pope was willing to recognize Kaloyan as king on the condition the Bulgarian Church would submit to Rome. After lengthy negotiations in which both acted diplomatically but without changing their positions, Kaloyan was crowned king in late 1204. Archbishop Basil was proclaimed Primate. Kaloyan had no intention of submitting to that decision; he sent the Pope a letter expressing his gratitude for the Imperial title he had received and the elevation of the Bulgarian Church to a Patriarchate. Eventually the Papacy tacitly accepted the Bulgarian position regarding the Imperial title.[50][51][52] The union between Bulgaria and Rome remained strictly official; the Bulgarians did not change their Orthodox rites and traditions.[52]

A map of the Bulgarian Empire in the mid 13th century
A map showing the greatest territorial extension of the Second Bulgarian Empire during the reign of Ivan Asen II (1218–1241)

Several months before Kaloyan's coronation, the leaders of the

Boniface I, the King of Salonica, was killed in battle, but Kaloyan was murdered before he could begin the assault on the capital.[58]

Kaloyan was succeeded by his cousin

Rhodopes; in return for help suppressing a major rebellion in 1211, Boril was forced to cede Belgrade and Braničevo to Hungary. A campaign against Serbia in 1214 also ended in defeat.[59][60]

As a result of the growing discontent with his policy, Boril was overthrown in 1218 by

Baldwin II and Ivan Asen II's daughter Helena. This marriage would have made the Bulgarian emperor a regent in Constantinople, but in the meantime the Latins offered the regency to the French nobleman John of Brienne.[62] Concerned with the actions of the Bulgarians, while marching on Constantinople in 1230, Theodore Komnenos invaded Bulgaria with a huge army. Surprised, Ivan Asen II gathered a small force and moved to the south to engage them. Instead of a banner, he used the peace treaty with Theodore's oath and seal stuck on his spear and won a major victory in the Battle of Klokotnitsa. Theodore Komnenos was captured along with his whole court and most of the surviving troops.[64][65][66] Ivan Asen II released all ordinary soldiers and marched on the Epirote–controlled territories, where all cities and towns from Adrianople to Durazzo on the Adriatic Sea surrendered and recognized his rule. Theodore's brother Michael II Komnenos Doukas was allowed to rule in Salonica over the southern areas of the despotate as a Bulgarian vassal.[67][68] It is possible Serbia accepted Bulgarian suzerainty at that time to counter the threat from Catholic Hungary.[69]

In 1231, when John of Brienne arrived in Constantinople, Ivan Asen II allied with the Nicaean Empire against the Latins. After the Nicaeans recognized the Bulgarian Patriarchate in 1235, Ivan Asen II broke his union with the Papacy. The joint campaign against the Latins was successful, but they failed to capture Constantinople. With John of Brienne's death two years later, Ivan Asen II—who could have again become a regent of Baldwin II—decided to end his cooperation with Nicaea.[70] His decision was further based on the assumption that after an allied success, Constantinople would again have become the centre of a restored Byzantine Empire, with the Nicaean dynasty as a ruling house.[71] The Bulgarian–Latin cooperation was short-lived; Ivan Asen II remained at peace with his southern neighbours until the end of his reign. Shortly before his death in 1241, Ivan Asen II defeated part of the Mongol army returning to the east after a devastating attack on Poland and Hungary.[72]


Constantine Tikh and his first wife Irene, fresco from the Boyana Church

Ivan Asen II was succeeded by his infant son

Constantine Tikh emerged as a victor.[79]

The new emperor had to deal with multiple foreign threats. In 1257, the Latins attacked and seized Messembria but could not hold the town. More serious was the situation to the north-west, where the Hungarians supported Rostislav, the self-proclaimed Emperor of Bulgaria in Vidin. In 1260, Constantine Tikh recovered Vidin and occupied the Severin Banat, but the next year a Hungarian counterattack forced the Bulgarians to retreat to Tarnovo, restoring Vidin to Rostislav.[80] The city was soon controlled by the Bulgarian noble Jacob Svetoslav, but by 1266 he also styled himself emperor.[81] The restoration of the Byzantine Empire under the ambitious Michael VIII Palaiologos further worsened Bulgaria's situation. A major Byzantine invasion in 1263 led to the loss of the coastal towns Messembria and Anchialus, and several cities in Thrace—including Philippopolis.[82] Unable to effectively resist, Constantine Tikh organized a joint Bulgarian–Mongol campaign, but after ravaging Thrace the Mongols returned north of the Danube.[83] The emperor became crippled after a hunting accident in the early 1260s, and fell under the influence of his wife Maria Palaiologina, whose constant intrigues fueled divisions among the nobility.[84]

A map of the Bulgarian Empire in the middle of 13th century
Bulgarian Empire (in dark green) and Southeastern Europe in 1265

Constant Mongol raids, economic difficulties, and the emperor's illness led to a

Dobrudzha and defeated Ivaylo's army, forcing him to retreat to Drastar, where he withstood a three-month siege.[87][88][89] After his defeat, Ivaylo was betrayed by the Bulgarian nobility, who opened the gates of Tarnovo to Ivan Asen III. In early 1279, Ivaylo broke off the siege at Drastar and besieged the capital. The Byzantines sent a 10,000-strong army to relieve Ivan Asen III, but suffered defeat by Ivaylo at the battle of Devina. Another army of 5,000 had a similar fate, forcing Ivan Asen III to flee.[90] Ivaylo's situation did not improve, however—after two years of constant warfare his support was diminished, the Mongols were not decisively defeated, and the nobility remained hostile. By the end of 1280, Ivaylo sought refuge with his former enemies the Mongols, who under Byzantine influence killed him.[91] The nobility chose the powerful noble and ruler of Cherven, George I Terter, as emperor. He reigned for twelve years, bringing even stronger Mongol influence and the loss of most of the remaining lands in Thrace to the Byzantines. This period of instability and uncertainty continued until 1300, when for a few months the Mongol Chaka ruled in Tarnovo.[92]

Temporary stabilization

A map of the Bulgarian Empire in the early 14th century
Bulgaria under Theodore Svetoslav (1300-1322)

In 1300,

Stephen Milutin, paid a visit to Tarnovo. The years of peace brought economic prosperity and boosted commerce; Bulgaria became a major exporter of agricultural commodities, especially wheat.[99][100]

During the early 1320s, tensions between Bulgaria and the Byzantines rose as the latter descended into a civil war and the new emperor

Anna Neda, causing a deterioration of relations with Serbia. This change of political course is explained by the rapid growth of Serbian power and its penetration into Macedonia.[103][104]

The Bulgarians and the Byzantines agreed to a joint campaign against Serbia, but it took five years until the differences and tensions between Bulgaria and Byzantium were overcome.

Stephen Dušan arrived, the Serbs broke their word. The Bulgarians were defeated in the ensuing Battle of Velbazhd and their emperor perished.[106] Despite their victory, the Serbs did not risk an invasion of Bulgaria and the two sides agreed to peace. As a result, Ivan Stephen, the eldest son of the dead emperor by his Serbian wife, succeeded him in Tarnovo and was deposed after a brief rule.[107] Bulgaria did not lose territory[d] but could not stop the Serbian expansion in Macedonia.[108]

After the disaster at Velbazhd, the Byzantines attacked Bulgaria and seized a number of towns and castles in northern Thrace. Their success ended in 1332, when the new Bulgarian emperor

Byzantine civil war of 1341–47 on the side of John V Palaiologos against John VI Kantakouzenos, capturing nine towns along the Maritsa river and in the Rhodope Mountains, including Philippopolis. That acquisition marked the last significant territorial expansion of medieval Bulgaria, but also led to the first attacks on Bulgarian soil by the Ottoman Turks, who were allied with Kantakouzenos.[110]


A medieval fortress
The fortress of Baba Vida in Vidin

The attempts of Ivan Alexander to fight off the Ottomans in the late 1340s and early 1350s failed after two defeats in which his eldest son and successor

Ivan Asen IV may have been killed.[111] The emperor's relations with his other son Ivan Sratsimir, who had been installed as the ruler of Vidin, deteriorated after 1349, when Ivan Alexander divorced his wife to marry Sarah-Theodora, a converted Jew. When their child Ivan Shishman was designated an heir to the throne, Ivan Sratsimir proclaimed independence.[112]

In 1366, Ivan Alexander refused to grant passage to the Byzantine emperor John V Palaiologos, and the troops of the

Bulgarian Black Sea coast. They seized Sozopolis, Messembria, Anchialus, and Emona, causing heavy casualties and unsuccessfully laying siege to Varna. The Bulgarians eventually granted passage to John V, but the lost towns were handed over to the Byzantines.[113] To the north-west, the Hungarians attacked and occupied Vidin in 1365. Ivan Alexander reconquered his province four years later, allied with his de jure vassals Vladislav I of Wallachia and Dobrotitsa.[114][115] The death of Ivan Alexander in 1371 left the country irrevocably divided between Ivan Shishman in Tarnovo, Ivan Sratsimir in Vidin, and Dobrotitsa in Karvuna. The 14th century German traveler Johann Schiltberger
described these lands as follows:

I was in three regions, and all three were called Bulgaria. The first Bulgaria extends there, where you pass from Hungary through the

Iron Gate. Its capital is called Vidin. The other Bulgaria lies opposite Wallachia, and its capital is called Tarnovo. The third Bulgaria is there, where the Danube flows into the sea. Its capital is called Kaliakra.[116]

Second Bulgarian Empire, 1331–1371
A depiction from a medieval manuscript
The defeat of the anti-Ottoman coalition in the Battle of Nicopolis in 1396 was the final blow leading to the fall of the Bulgarian Empire.

On 26 September 1371, the Ottomans defeated a large Christian army led by the Serbian brothers

Valley of Sofia.[117] Unable to resist, the Bulgarian monarch was forced to become an Ottoman vassal, and in return he recovered some of the lost towns and secured ten years of uneasy peace.[117][118]

The Ottoman raids renewed in the early 1380s, culminating in the

Konstantin Jireček, the brothers were engaged in a bitter conflict over Sofia.[122]
Ivan Shishman reneged on his vassal obligation to support the Ottomans with troops during their campaigns. Instead, he used every opportunity to participate in Christian coalitions with the Serbs and the Hungarians, provoking massive Ottoman invasions in 1388 and 1393.

Despite strong resistance, the Ottomans seized a number of important towns and fortresses in 1388, and five years later they captured Tarnovo after a three-month siege.[123][124] Ivan Shishman died in 1395 when the Ottomans, led by Bayezid I, took his last fortress Nikopol.[125] In 1396, Ivan Sratsimir joined the Crusade of the Hungarian king Sigismund, but after the Christian army was defeated in the Battle of Nicopolis the Ottomans immediately marched on Vidin and seized it, bringing an end to the medieval Bulgarian state.[126][127] Resistance continued under Constantine and Fruzhin until 1422. The former was referred to by king Sigismund as the "distinguished Constantine, glorious Emperor of Bulgaria".[128][129]

Administration, territorial division, society

The Second Bulgarian Empire was a hereditary monarchy[e] ruled by a Tsar—the Bulgarian word for Emperor that originated in the 10th century during the First Bulgarian Empire. The monarchs of Bulgaria styled themselves, "In Christ the Lord Faithful Emperor and Autocrat of all Bulgarians" or variations, sometimes including "...and Romans, Greeks, or Vlachs".[130] The term all Bulgarians was added in the 14th century following the loss of many Bulgarian-populated territories and signified that the monarch in Tarnovo was the emperor of all Bulgarian people, even those who lived beyond the country's political borders.[130]

A medieval charter
The Medieval Bulgarian royal charters, such as the Rila Charter of Ivan Shishman issued in 1378, are an important source on medieval Bulgarian society and administrative posts.

The Emperor held supreme power over secular and religious affairs in an autocracy; his personal abilities played an important role in the country's well-being.[131] When the monarch was an infant, the government was headed by a regency that included the mother-empress, the Patriarch, and senior members of the ruling dynasty.[132] As the processes of feudal fragmentation accelerated in the 14th century, it became customary for the monarch's sons to receive imperial titles during their father's lifetime; sons were styled co-rulers or junior emperors.[133]

Unlike the First Empire, the administration during the Second Bulgarian Empire was heavily influenced by the

Byzantine system of administration. Most of the titles of the nobility, the court, and the administration were directly adopted from their Byzantine counterparts in Byzantine Greek, or were translated into Bulgarian. There were some differences in the ranking systems between the two countries—there are few surviving sources about the precise obligations, insignia, or ceremonial affairs of the medieval Bulgarian administration.[134] The Bolyar Council included the greater bolyars and the Patriarch; it discussed issues about external and internal policies, such as declarations of war, formations of alliances, or the signing of peace treaties.[135] The highest-ranking administrative officials were the great logothete, who had the functions of a first minister, and the protovestiarios, who was responsible for the treasury and finance.[135] High court titles such as despot and sebastokrator were awarded to the Emperor's relatives but were not strictly concerned with administrative functions.[136]

A medieval fortress
Panoramic view of Tarnovo, the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire

The capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire was Tarnovo, which was also the centre of its own administrative unit under the direct authority of the emperor.

katepans who were subordinated to the dukes.[140] During the reign of Ivan Asen II (1218–41), the provinces included Belgrade, Braničevo, Boruy, Adrianople, Dimotika, Skopje, Prilep, Devol, and Albania.[140]

During the Second Empire, Bulgarian society was divided into three social classes: clergy, nobility, and peasantry. The nobility included the aristocracy: the bolyars, whose origin was the older Bulgarian boilas from the First Empire, the judges, and the "whole army".[141] The bolyars were subdivided into greater and lesser bolyars. The former possessed large estates, which at times included tens and even hundreds of villages, and held high administrative and military posts.[142] The peasants formed the bulk of the third class and were subordinated either under the central authorities or under local feudal lords. With time, the number of the latter increased as a result of the process of feudalization of Bulgaria.[143] The main groups of peasants were paritsi and otrotsi. Both could own land but only the paritsi could inherit property; the latter could not, since it was provided by the feudal lords.[144]


Shumen fortress
, an important stronghold in eastern Bulgaria

The emperor of the Second Bulgarian Empire was commander-in-chief of its army; the second-in-command was the velik (great) voivoda. The detachments of the army were led by a

siege equipment, including battering rams, siege towers, and catapults.[citation needed

The Bulgarian army used various military tactics, relying on the experience of the soldiers and the peculiarities of the terrain. The Balkan mountains played a significant role in the military strategy and facilitated the country's defence against the strong Byzantine army. During wartime, the Bulgarians would send light cavalry to devastate the enemy lands on a broad front, pillaging villages and small towns, burning the crops, and taking people and cattle. The Bulgarian army was very mobile—for instance for four days before the Battle of Klokotnitsa, it covered a distance three times longer than the Epirote army covered in a week; in 1332, it travelled 230 km (140 mi) in five days.[147]

Inside the fortress [Sofia] there is a large and elite army, its soldiers are heavily built, moustached and look war-hardened, but are used to consume wine and rakia—in a word, jolly fellows.[148]

Ottoman commander Lala Shahin on the garrison of Sofia.

Bulgaria maintained extensive lines of fortresses to protect the country, with the capital Tarnovo in the centre. To the north were lines along both banks of the

Arda. To the west, a line ran along the valley of the river South Morava.[149]

During the Second Empire, foreign and mercenary soldiers became an important part of the Bulgarian army and its tactics. Since the beginning of the rebellion of Asen and Peter, the light, mobile Cuman cavalry was used effectively against the Byzantines and later the Crusaders. Kaloyan used 14,000 cavalrymen in the Battle of Adrianople.[146] The Cuman leaders entered the ranks of the Bulgarian nobility; some of them received high military or administrative posts in the state.[150] In the 14th century, the Bulgarian army increasingly relied on foreign mercenaries, which included Western knights, Mongols, Ossetians, or Wallachians. Both Michael III Shishman and Ivan Alexander had a 3,000-strong Mongol cavalry detachment in their armies.[147] In the 1350s, emperor Ivan Alexander hired Ottoman bands, as did the Byzantine Emperor. Russians were also hired as mercenaries.[151]


A vessel from a medieval treasure trove
A silver vessel from the 14th century Nikopol treasure

The economy of the Second Bulgarian Empire was based on agriculture, mining, traditional crafts, and trade. Agriculture and livestock breeding remained the mainstays of the Bulgarian economy between the 12th and 14th centuries. Moesia,

apiculture were well developed. Honey and wax from Zagore were the best-quality bee products in the Byzantine markets and were highly praised.[157] The forests produced wood for cutting (бранища); there were also fenced forests (забели), in which wood-cutting was banned.[158]

Economy of the Second Bulgarian Empire

The increase in the number of towns gave strong impetus to handicrafts, metallurgy, and mining. Processing of crops was traditional; products included bread, cheese, butter, and wine. Salt was extracted from the lagoon near Anchialus.[159] Leathermaking, shoemaking, carpentry, and weaving were prominent crafts. Varna was renowned for the processing of fox fur, which was used for production of luxurious clothes.[160] According to Western European sources, there was an abundance of silk in Bulgaria. The Picardian knight Robert de Clari said that in the dowry of the Bulgarian princess Maria, " ... there was not a single horse that was not covered in red silk fabric, which was so long that dragged for seven or eight steps after each horse. And despite they travelled through mud and bad roads, none of the silk fabrics was torn—everything was preserved in grace and nobility."[161] There were blacksmiths, ironmongers, and engineers who developed catapults, battering rams, and other siege equipment, which was extensively used in the beginning of the 13th century.[162] Metalworking was developed in western Bulgaria—Chiprovtsi, Velbazhd, and Sofia, as well in Tarnovo and Messembria to the east.[163]

A medieval coin
Coin depicting Ivan Alexander with one of his sons, co-emperor Michael Asen IV (right)

Monetary circulation and minting steadily increased throughout the period of the Second Bulgarian Empire, reaching their climax during the reign of Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria (reigned 1331–1371). Along with his recognition by the Pope, emperor Kaloyan (r. 1197–1207) acquired the right to mint coins. Well-organized mints and engraving workshops were set up in the mid-13th century, producing copper, billon, and silver coinage.[164][165] The reform was initiated by Constantine Tikh Asen (r. 1257–1277) and led to a stabilization of the monetary market in Bulgaria. The Uprising of Ivaylo and the pillage raids of the Mongols in the late 13th century destabilized the coinage, resulting in a tenfold decrease of minting activities.[166] With the stabilization of the empire since 1300, Bulgarian monarchs issued an increased number of coins, including silver ones, but were able to secure the market with domestic coins after the 1330s.[167] The erosion of the central authorities on the eve of the Ottoman invasion gave rise to primitive, anonymous, and crudely-forged counterfeit coins.[168] Along with the Bulgarian coinage, coins from the Byzantine Empire, Latin Empire, Venice, Serbia, the Golden Horde, and the small Balkan principalities were widely used. Due to the increase of production, there was a tendency to limit the circulation of foreign coins by the second half of the 14th century.[169] Coins were minted by some independent or semi-independent Bulgarian lords, such as Jacob Svetoslav and Dobrotitsa.[170]


Religious policy

Patriarchal Cathedral of the Holy Ascension of God
in Tarnovo was the seat of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church during the Second Empire. It was part of a larger complex which accommodated the Patriarch.

Following the refoundation of Bulgaria, the recognition of the imperial title of the monarch and the restoration of the Bulgarian Patriarchate became the priority of the Bulgarian foreign policy. The continuous state of war against the Byzantine empire urged Bulgarian rulers to turn to the Papacy. In his correspondence with Pope Innocent III, Kaloyan (r. 1197–1207) demanded imperial title and a Patriarchate, basing his claims on the heritage of the First Bulgarian Empire. In return, Kaloyan promised to accept Papal suzerainty over the Bulgarian Church.

Roman Catholicism. The union with Rome lasted until 1235 and did not affect the Bulgarian church, which continued its practices of Eastern Orthodox canons and rites.[52]

The ambition of Bulgaria to become the religious centre of the Orthodox world had a prominent place in the Second Empire's state doctrine. After the fall of Constantinople to the knights of the Fourth Crusade in 1204, Tarnovo became for a time the main centre of Orthodoxy.

Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Byzantine emperor for their apparent willingness to make concessions at the Second Council of Lyon in 1272–74. Patriarch Ignatius was called "pillar of Orthodoxy".[177] Envoys were sent to the Patriarch of Jerusalem to negotiate an anti-Byzantine alliance, which included the other two Eastern Patriarchs, but the mission achieved nothing.[178][179]

Disputes with the Patriarchate of Constantinople over the legitimacy of the Bulgarian Patriarchate intensified in the 14th century. In 1355, the Ecumenical patriarch

Callistus I tried to assert his supremacy over the Bulgarian church and claimed that under the provisions of the Council of Lampsacus it remained subordinated and had to pay annual tribute to Constantinople. These claims were not supported by authentic documents and the Bulgarian religious authorities ignored them.[180]

The structure of the Bulgarian Patriarchate followed the traditions of the First Empire. The head of the Church was the Patriarch of Bulgaria, who was a member of the State Council (Sinklit) and was at times a regent.

Messembria, Braničevo, Belgrade, Niš, and Velbazhd; and the sees of Tarnovo and Ohrid.[182][181]


A page from a medieval manuscript
A depiction of emperor Ivan Alexander, patron of Hesychasm

Hesychasm (from Greek "stillness, rest, quiet, silence") is an eremitic tradition of prayer in the Eastern Orthodox Church that flourished in the Balkans during the 14th century. A mystical movement, Hesychasm preached a technique of mental prayer that, when repeated with proper breathing, might enable one to see the divine light.[183] Emperor Ivan Alexander (r. 1331–71) was impressed by the practice of Hesychasm; he became a patron of Hesychastic monks. In 1335, he gave refuge to Gregory of Sinai and provided funds for the construction of a monastery near Paroria in the Strandzha Mountains in the southeast of the country; it attracted clerics from Bulgaria, Byzantium, and Serbia.[184] Hesychasm established itself as the dominant ideology of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church with the work of the disciple of Gregory of Sinai. Gregory's disciple Theodosius of Tarnovo translated his writing into Bulgarian and reached his peak during the tenure of the last medieval Bulgarian patriarch Euthymius of Tarnovo (1375–94). Theodosius founded the Kilifarevo Monastery near Tarnovo, which became the new Hesychastic and literary centre of the country.[184][185] Hesychastic intellectuals maintained regular connections with each other regardless of their nationalities, which significantly affected the cultural and religious exchange in the Balkans.

Bogomilism and other heresies

dualistic sect, was founded in the 10th century during the First Bulgarian Empire.[186] It later spread throughout the Balkans and flourished after the fall of Bulgaria under Byzantine rule. The Eastern Orthodox Church considered the Bogomils, who preached civil disobedience that was particularly alarming for the state authorities, heretics.[186]

Bogomilism saw a major resurge in Bulgaria as a result of the military and political setbacks during the reign of Boril (r. 1207–18). The emperor took swift, decisive measures to suppress the Bogomils; on 11 February 1211 he presided over the first anti-Bogomil synod in Bulgaria, which was held in Tarnovo.[187][188][189] During the discussions, the Bogomils were exposed; those who did not return to Orthodoxy were exiled. Despite the extant union with the Roman Catholic Church, the synod followed strictly the canons of the Orthodox Church. In the specially dedicated Book of Boril, the monarch was described as "Orthodox emperor" and the Synod of Tarnovo was added to the list of Orthodox synods.[190] As a result of Boril's actions, the influence of the Bogomils was greatly reduced but was not eradicated.

Many heretical movements, including

Barlaamism that arrived with exiles from the Byzantine Empire, established themselves in Bulgaria in the 14th century.[191] These movements, along with the Bogomilism and Judaism, were condemned by the Council of Tarnovo in 1360, which was attended by the imperial family, the patriarch, nobles, and clerics. There are no sources about the existence of Bogomils in Bulgaria after 1360, implying the sect had already been weakened and had few followers.[192] Persecution of the remaining Adamites and Barlaamists continued on a smaller scale, headed by Theodosius of Tarnovo and patriarch Euthymius.[193]


Culture of the Second Bulgarian Empire

The Second Bulgarian Empire was a centre of a thriving culture that reached its peak in the mid-to-late 14th century during the reign of Ivan Alexander (r. 1331–71).

Other important cultural hubs included Vidin, Sofia, Messembria, and a large number of monasteries throughout the country.


A medieval church
A medieval church
Left: The Church of Christ Pantocrator in Messembria. Right: The Church of Holy Mother of God in Asen's Fortress

The network of cities in the Second Bulgarian Empire grew in the 13th and 14th centuries; numerous new urban centres rose to prominence. The cities were usually constructed in difficult-to-access locations and generally consisted of an inner and outer town. The nobility lived in the inner town, which included the citadel, while most citizens inhabited the outer town. There were separate neighbourhoods for the nobility, craftsmen, merchants, and foreigners.[198][199] The capital Tarnovo had three fortified hills—Tsarevets, Trapezitsa, and Momina Krepost, built along the meanders of the Yantra river. Several neighbourhoods along the river's banks including separate quarters for Western Europeans and Jews.[200]

Fortresses were built on hills and plateaus—the Byzantine historian Niketas Choniates said the Bulgarian castles in the Balkan Mountains were situated "at heights above the clouds".[201] They were built with crushed stones welded together with plaster, in contrast to the monumental ensembles in the north-east of the country dating from the period of the First Empire.[201] The gates and the more vulnerable sections were secured with pinnacled towers; these were usually rectangular but there were also irregular, circular, oval, triangular, or horseshoe-shaped towers.[201]

A medieval church
The Church of the Holy Mother of God in Donja Kamenica

Religious architecture was very prestigious; churches were among the most decorated and solid edifices in the country. Throughout the 13th and 14th centuries, basilicas were replaced with cruciform, domed churches with one or three naves.[202] The church's exteriors had rich, decorative ornamentation with alternating belts of stone and brickwork. They were further decorated with green, yellow, and brown ceramic pieces.[202] This feature is seen in several churches in Messembria, including the Church of St John Aliturgetos and the 14th century Church of Christ Pantocrator—which had rows of blind arches, four-leaved floral motifs, triangular ornaments, circular turquoise ceramics, and brick swastika friezes running along the external walls.[203] Every church in Tsarevets—over 20—and many of the 17 churches in Trapezitsa were decorated with similar techniques.[202] A rectangular belfry above the narthex is a typical characteristic of the architecture of the Tarnovo Artistic School. Some churches, such as Holy Mother of God in Asen's Fortress built during the Byzantine rule, were reconstructed with belfries.[204]

The Church of the Holy Mother of God in Donja Kamenica in the western part of the Bulgarian Empire (in modern Serbia) is notable for its unusual architectural style. Its twin towers are topped off by sharp-pointed pyramidal elements, with additional sharp-pointed details in each of the pyramids' four corners. The towers and their design were entirely unusual and unprecedented in medieval Bulgarian church architecture and were an influence from Hungary or Transylvania.[205]

A nobility house
The ruins of a noble family's house in Tarnovo

The Imperial Palace in Tarnovo was initially a bolyar castle; it underwent two major reconstructions under Ivan Asen II (r. 1218–41) and Ivan Alexander (r. 1331–71). The palace had the shape of an irregular ellipse and a built-up area of 5,000 m2 (54,000 sq ft).

Patriarchal Cathedral of the Holy Ascension of God. The residential and office sections were located in the southern part of the edifice.[207]

Few examples of nobility houses have survived. To the north of the Imperial Palace, the foundations of a bolyar house from the beginning of the 13th century have been excavated. It had a Г-shaped plan and consisted of a residential area and a small, one-nave church.[208] There were two types of mass dwellings; semi-dug houses and overground houses. The latter were constructed in cities and usually had two stories; the lower floor was built with crushed stones soldered with mud or plaster and the second was built with timber.[208]


A fresco in a church
A depiction of Kaloyan and Desislava, ktitors of the Boyana Church

The mainstream of Bulgarian fine arts in the 13th and 14th centuries is known as the

Palaeogan Renaissance in the Byzantine Empire, Bulgarian painting had unique features; it was first classified as a separate artistic school by the French art historian André Grabar.[209][210] The school's works had some degree of realism, individualized portraits, and psychological insight.[209][211] Very little secular art of the Second Empire has survived. Fragments of murals depicting a richly decorated figure were uncovered during excavations in the throne room of the Imperial palace in Tarnovo. The walls of the throne room were probably decorated with images of Bulgarian emperors and empresses.[209]

The frescoes in the

A fresco in a church
Frescos in the Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo

In Tarnovo, no complete painting ensemble has survived. The thirty-five scenes preserved in Holy Forty Martyrs Church feature the mild tones and sense of realism characteristic of the school.[209] Fragments of frescoes were excavated in the ruins of the seventeen churches in Tarnovo's second fortified hill, Trapezitsa; among them were depictions of military figures wearing richly decorated garments.[209] The palace chapel was decorated with mosaics.[215] In western Bulgaria, local characteristics of the remnant art include archaism in the composition and unshaded tones, examples of which are found in locations including Zemen Monastery, the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Donja Kamenica, and the Church of St Peter in Berende.[216]

Many books of the Second Bulgarian Empire contained beautifully crafted miniatures, the most notable examples being the Bulgarian translation of the

Tetraevangelia of Ivan Alexander, and the Tomić Psalter, which together have 554 miniatures.[217] The style of the miniatures, which depict a variety of theological and secular events and have significant aesthetic value, was influenced by contemporaneous Byzantine works.[218]

The Tarnovo school continued; it enriched the traditions and icon designs of the First Bulgarian Empire. Some notable icons include St Eleusa (1342) from Messembria, which is currently kept in

Alexander Nevski Cathedral in Sofia, and St John of Rila (14th century), which is kept in Rila Monastery. Like the Boyana Church frescoes, St John of Rila uses realism and non-canonical design.[219] Some of the preserved icons feature silver platings with enamel images of saints.[219]


Tetraevangelia of Ivan Alexander

The main centres of literary activity were churches and monasteries, which provided primary education in basic literacy throughout the country. Some monasteries rose to prominence by providing a more advanced education, which included study of advanced grammar; biblical, theological, and ancient texts; and Greek language. Education was available to laymen; it was not restricted to the clergy. Those who completed the advanced studies were called gramatik (граматик).[195] Books were initially written on parchment, but paper, imported via the port of Varna, was introduced at the beginning of the 14th century. At first, paper was more expensive than parchment, but by the end of the century its cost had fallen, resulting in the production of larger numbers of books.[220]

Few texts from the 12th and 13th centuries have survived.[196] Notable examples from that period include the "Book of Boril", an important source for the history of the Bulgarian Empire, and the Dragan Menaion, which includes the earliest known Bulgarian hymnology and hymn tunes, as well as liturgies for Bulgarian saints John of Rila, Cyril and Methodius, and emperor Peter I.[221] Two poems, written by a Byzantine poet in the court in Tarnovo and dedicated to the wedding of emperor Ivan Asen II and Irene Komnene Doukaina, have survived. The poet compared the emperor to the sun and described him as "more lovely than the day, the most pleasant in appearance".[222]

During the 14th century, literary activities in the Second Empire were supported by the court, and in particular by emperor Ivan Alexander (r. 1331–71), which combined with a number of prolific scholars and clergymen, led to a remarkable literary revival known as the Tarnovo Literary School.[195][196] Literature was also patronized by some nobles and wealthy citizens.[223] Literature included translation of Greek texts and the creation of original compositions, both religious and secular. The religious books included praising epistles, passionals, hagiographies, and hymns. Secular literature included chronicles, poetry, novels and novellas, apocryphical tales, popular tales, such as The Story of Troy and Alexandria, legal works, and works on medicine and natural science.[195]

A page from a medieval manuscript
A page of the 14th century Bulgarian translation of the Manasses Chronicle

The first notable 14th century Bulgarian scholar was Theodosius of Tarnovo (d. 1363), who was influenced by Hesychasm and spread hesyachastic ideas in Bulgaria.

first golden age of Bulgarian culture in the late 9th and early 10th centuries during the First Bulgarian Empire.[224]

The Ottoman conquest of Bulgaria forced many scholars and disciples of Euthymius to emigrate, taking their texts, ideas, and talents to other Orthodox countries—Serbia, Wallachia, Moldavia, and the Russian principalities. So many texts were taken to the Russian lands that scholars speak about a second South Slavonic influence on Russia.

Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus' and took Bulgarian literary models and techniques.[196] Gregory Tsamblak worked in Serbia and Moldavia before assuming a position at Metropolitan of Kiev. He wrote a number of sermons, liturgies, and hagiographies, including a "Praising epistle for Euthymius".[196][226] Another important Bulgarian émigré was Constantine of Kostenets, who worked in Serbia and whose biography of despot Stefan Lazarević is described by George Ostrogorsky as "the most important historical work of old Serbian literature".[227]

Apocryphal literature thrived in the 13th and 14th centuries, often concentrating on issues that were avoided in the official religious works. There were also many fortune-telling books that predicted events based on astrology and dreams.[228] Some of them included political elements, such as a prophecy that an earthquake that occurred at night would confuse people, who would then treat the emperor with disdain.[229] The authorities condemned apocryphal literature and included such titles in an index of banned books.[229] Nonetheless, apocryphs spread in Russia; the 16th century Russian noble Andrey Kurbsky called them "Bulgarian fables".[229]

See also

Pontic littoral's city and flags of Second Bulgarian Empire (Bulgarian rulers Shishman) on vexilographic maps by the end of the 13th – 17th centuries[230]


^ a: Unlike the Byzantine Empire, the taxes in the First Bulgarian Empire were paid in kind.[21]
^ b: Peter I (r. 927–969) was the first Bulgarian ruler who received official recognition of his imperial title by the Byzantines and enjoyed great popularity during the Byzantine rule. Two other rebel leaders were proclaimed Emperor of Bulgaria under the name Peter before Theodore.[231]
^ c: The Roman and the Latin Empires were referred to by Western Europeans as "Romania".[232] The term "Franks" (in Bulgarian фръзи, in Greek frankoi) was used by the medieval Bulgarians and Byzantines to describe the whole Catholic population of Europe and the subjects of the Latin Empire.[233]
^ d: There is no information about territorial changes in the negotiations but many historians suggest that the Serbs occupied Niš at that time.[108]

Constantine Tikh (r. 1257–1277), George I Terter (r. 1280–1292) and Michael Shishman (r. 1323–1330) were all elected emperors by the nobility.[132]


  1. .
  2. ^ S. Kempgen, Remarks on the Patron’s Inscription of the Boyana Church, its Reproductions and Unicode-based Wikipedia Representation. (2010) Scripta & eScripta, vol. 8-9, Sofia, 2010, 27–36.
  3. ^ Polyvyannyy, D. (2019). Dynasticity in the Second Bulgarian Tsardom and its Manifestations in Medieval History Writing. Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe, 9, 351-365. .
  4. ^ a b c Fine 1987, p. 13
  5. ^ Kazhdan 1991, p. 334
  6. ^ Fine 1987, p. 425
  7. , p. XXX.
  8. , p. 24.
  9. ^ ″State and Church in the XIII century, Emil Dimitrov (general editor). Synodik of tsar Boril″, (Translated from Old Bulgarian by Anna Maria Totomanova) [1]
  10. ^ ″State and church in the XIII century, Emil Dimitrov (general editor), CORRESPONDENCE OF THE BULGARIANS WITH POPE INOCENTIUS III.″ (Translated from Latin by Mikhail Voynov, Ivan Duychev) [2]
  11. ^ Kǎnev, Petǎr (2002). "Religion in Bulgaria after 1989". South-East Europe Review (1): 81.
  12. ^ Obolensky 1971, p. 246.
  13. ^ Kazhdan 1991, pp. 334, 337
  14. ^ "Letters by the Latin Emperor Henry" in LIBI, vol. IV, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p. 15
  15. ^ "Letters by the Latin Emperor Henry" in LIBI, vol. IV, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p. 16
  16. .
  17. ^ "Encyclopædia Britannica: Vlach". Retrieved 20 September 2011.
  18. .
  19. ^ Boia, Lucian (1972). Romania: Borderland of Europe. p. 62.
  20. ^ Dimitri Korobeinikov, A broken mirror: the Kipchak world in the 13th century. In the volume: The other Europe from the Middle Ages, Edited by Florin Curta, Brill 2008, p. 394
  21. ^ a b Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 342–343
  22. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 365
  23. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 391–392
  24. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 140, 143
  25. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 406
  26. ^ Fine 1987, p. 11
  27. ^ Fine 1987, p. 10
  28. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 144, 149
  29. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 11–12
  30. ^ Vásáry 2005, p. 17
  31. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 144–145
  32. ^ a b Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 150
  33. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 150–151
  34. ^ Fine 1987, p. 14
  35. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 431
  36. ^ a b Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 151
  37. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 431–432
  38. ^ Fine 1987, p. 15
  39. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 153–155
  40. ^ Fine 1987, p. 16
  41. ^ a b Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 145
  42. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 434
  43. ^ Fine 1987, p. 27
  44. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 156–157
  45. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 146–147
  46. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 160
  47. ^ Fine 1987, p. 31
  48. ^ a b Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 162
  49. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 445
  50. ^ a b Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 165
  51. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 445–446
  52. ^ a b c Fine 1987, p. 56
  53. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 167
  54. ^ Kazhdan 1991, p. 1095
  55. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 168–171
  56. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 81–82
  57. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 171–172
  58. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 457
  59. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 180–183
  60. ^ Kazhdan 1991, p. 309
  61. ^ Fine 1987, p. 125
  62. ^ a b Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 185
  63. ^ Fine 1987, p. 120
  64. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 188–189
  65. ^ Fine 1987, p. 124
  66. ^ Kazhdan 1991, p. 1134
  67. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 189
  68. ^ Fine 1987, p. 126
  69. ^ Fine 1987, p. 137
  70. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 190–191
  71. ^ Fine 1987, p. 130
  72. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 192–193
  73. ^ Vásáry 2005, p. 70
  74. ^ Fine 1987, p. 156
  75. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 200–201
  76. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 156–157
  77. ^ a b Fine 1987, p. 159
  78. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 204–205
  79. ^ Fine 1987, p. 172
  80. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 172, 174
  81. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 216
  82. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 176–177
  83. ^ Vásáry 2005, pp. 74–76
  84. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 218
  85. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 222–223
  86. ^ Vásáry 2005, p. 80
  87. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 224–226
  88. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 196–197
  89. ^ Vásáry 2005, p. 81
  90. ^ a b Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 227
  91. ^ Vásáry 2005, p. 83
  92. ^ Vásáry 2005, pp. 87–89
  93. ^ Fine 1987, p. 228
  94. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 247
  95. ^ Fine 1987, p. 229
  96. ^ Vásáry 2005, p. 110
  97. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 248–250
  98. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 229–230
  99. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 250
  100. ^ Fine 1987, p. 230
  101. ^ Fine 1987, p. 269
  102. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 563
  103. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 566
  104. ^ Fine 1987, p. 270
  105. ^ Kazhdan 1991, p. 1365
  106. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 262
  107. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 266
  108. ^ a b c Fine 1987, p. 272
  109. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 269–271
  110. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 272
  111. ^ Божилов 1994, pp. 194–195, 212
  112. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 273
  113. ^ Cox 1987, pp. 222–225
  114. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 275
  115. ^ Коледаров 1989, pp. 13–25, 102
  116. ^ Делев et al. 2006.
  117. ^ a b Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 282
  118. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 655–656
  119. ^ Fine 1987, p. 407
  120. ^ Fine 1987, p. 266
  121. ^ Fine 1987, p. 367
  122. ^ Иречек 1978, p. 387
  123. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 283–284, 286
  124. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 662–663
  125. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 666
  126. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 297
  127. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 424–425
  128. ^ Божилов 1994, p. 237
  129. ^ Павлов 2008, p. 218
  130. ^ a b Петров & Гюзелев 1978, p. 608
  131. ^ Бакалов et al. 2003, p. 402
  132. ^ a b Бакалов et al. 2003, p. 403
  133. ^ Петров & Гюзелев 1978, pp. 611–612
  134. ^ Петров & Гюзелев 1978, p. 618
  135. ^ a b Бакалов et al. 2003, p. 404
  136. ^ Бакалов et al. 2003, pp. 404–405
  137. ^ Коледаров 1989, p. 12
  138. ^ Петров & Гюзелев 1978, p. 615
  139. ^ Коледаров 1989, pp. 9–10
  140. ^ a b Коледаров 1989, p. 10
  141. ^ Петров & Гюзелев 1978, pp. 615–616
  142. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 193
  143. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 203
  144. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, pp. 203–205
  145. ^ Biliarsky 2011, p. 355.
  146. ^ a b Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 166
  147. ^ a b c Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 269
  148. ^ Cited in Халенбаков, О. Детска енциклопедия България: Залезът на царете, с. 18
  149. ^ Коледаров 1989, pp. 13, 26–27
  150. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, pp. 167–169
  151. ^ Nicolle, David; Angus McBride (1988). Hungary and the Fall of Eastern Europe 1000-1568. Osprey Publishing. p. 24.
  152. ^ "Imago Mundi by Honorius Augustodunensis" in LIBI, vol. III, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p. 66
  153. ^ "History of the Crusade of Emperor Frederick I by Ansbert" in LIBI, vol. III, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p. 267
  154. ^ Ангелов 1950, p. 428
  155. ^ Ангелов 1950, p. 429
  156. ^ "History of the Crusade of Emperor Frederick I by Ansbert" in LIBI, vol. III, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p. 283
  157. ^ Петров & Гюзелев 1978, p. 238
  158. ^ Ангелов 1950, p. 431
  159. ^ Петров & Гюзелев 1978, pp. 266, 293–294
  160. ^ Лишев 1970, p. 84
  161. ^ Петров & Гюзелев 1978, p. 293
  162. ^ "Historia by Nicetas Choniates" in GIBI, vol. XI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, p. 88
  163. ^ Лишев 1970, p. 91
  164. ^ Дочев 1992, p. 312
  165. ^ Радушев 1990, pp. 10, 13
  166. ^ Дочев 1992, pp. 181–183
  167. ^ Дочев 1992, pp. 183–184
  168. ^ Радушев 1990, p. 21
  169. ^ Дочев 1992, p. 313
  170. ^ Радушев 1990, pp. 15, 21
  171. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 444–445
  172. ^ Fine 1987, p. 55
  173. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 446
  174. ^ Дуйчев 1972, p. 426
  175. ^ Дуйчев 1972, pp. 426–427
  176. ^ a b Дуйчев 1972, p. 430
  177. ^ Златарски 1972, p. 535
  178. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 514
  179. ^ Златарски 1972, pp. 536–537
  180. ^ Златарски 1972, pp. 596–602
  181. ^ a b c "History of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church". Official Site of the Bulgarian Patriarchate (in Bulgarian). Retrieved 2 February 2014.
  182. ^ Бакалов et al. 2003, p. 445
  183. ^ Fine 1987, p. 437
  184. ^ a b Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 619
  185. ^ a b Fine 1987, pp. 439–440
  186. ^ a b Kazhdan 1991, p. 301
  187. ^ Божилов 1994, p. 71
  188. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 470–471
  189. ^ Fine 1987, p. 100
  190. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 471
  191. ^ Fine 1987, p. 441
  192. ^ Fine 1987, p. 442
  193. ^ a b Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 620
  194. ^ Fine 1987, p. 435
  195. ^ a b c d Fine 1987, p. 436
  196. ^ a b c d e f Kazhdan 1991, p. 337
  197. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 620–621
  198. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 379
  199. ^ Бакалов et al. 2003, pp. 426–427
  200. ^ Бакалов et al. 2003, pp. 427–428
  201. ^ a b c Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 381
  202. ^ a b c Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 382
  203. ^ Николова 2002, pp. 147–148
  204. ^ a b Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 384
  205. ^ Николова 2002, p. 116
  206. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, pp. 384–385
  207. ^ "Патриаршеската катедрала "Свето Възнесение Господне"" [The Patriarchal Cathedral of the Holy Ascension of God] (in Bulgarian). Православие. Archived from the original on 15 July 2011. Retrieved 8 November 2014.
  208. ^ a b Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 385
  209. ^ a b c d e Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 389
  210. ^ Grabar, André (1928). La peinture religiouse en Bulgarie (in French). Paris. p. 95.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  211. ^ Цончева 1974, p. 343
  212. ^ a b "Boyana Church". Official Site of UNESCO. Retrieved 4 November 2014.
  213. ^ a b Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 390
  214. ^ a b "Rock-Hewn Churches of Ivanovo". Official Site of UNESCO. Retrieved 4 November 2014.
  215. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, pp. 389–390
  216. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 391
  217. ^ a b Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, p. 622
  218. ^ Божилов & Гюзелев 1999, pp. 622–624
  219. ^ a b Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 392
  220. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 436–437
  221. ^ Иванов, Йордан (1970). Български старини из Македония (in Bulgarian). Sofia: Българска академия на науките. pp. 296–305, 359–367, 387–390.
  222. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 429
  223. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 431
  224. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 442–443
  225. ^ Fine 1987, p. 444
  226. ^ Fine 1987, pp. 444–445
  227. ^ Ostrogorsky, George (1969). History of the Byzantine State. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. p. 476.
  228. ^ Ангелов et al. 1982, pp. 448–449
  229. ^ a b c Ангелов et al. 1982, p. 449
  230. ^ Фоменко 2011, pp. 394–395
  231. ^ Andreev & Lalkov 1996, p. 144
  232. ^ Kazhdan 1991, p. 1805
  233. ^ Kazhdan 1991, p. 803



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