Table dance

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A dancer at Club Nocturne, New York, N.Y., 1940s

A table dance, or bartop dance, is a dance performed at (or on) a table or bar, as opposed to on a stage. It may be an erotic dance performed by a sex worker or it may be done as a leisure activity.

Sex work


pole-dancing and table dancing.[3][4] In many clubs, dancers earn most of their money from tips for table dancing.[5]


Bartop dancing is encouraged at Coyote Ugly's chain of bars.

The bartop dance, performed for the entertainment of those seated at the bar, is similar to the table dance. The film

brassiere hanging from the ceiling to commemorate their dance. However, table dancing is forbidden at many events and establishments.[where?][specify

Table dancing by patrons (both male and female) became more common in New York after the enforcement of the City's cabaret licenses (required for dancing establishments) was relaxed around the time of the

2001 election of Mayor Michael Bloomberg. In 2002, the Hilton sisters Paris and Nicky were reputed to be constant table dancers at club Bungalow 8. Nicky denied the allegations and claimed that they only dance on the banquettes, and added that she did it purely "because it was fun". At another restaurant named Da Silvano, it was reported that Kim Cattrall, Candace Bushnell and Patricia Duff were seen table dancing together. Duff said "Somebody placed me up on the table, so I danced," and that the night was "spontaneous and magical".[6]

Carnivals and festivals

Another form of table dance is practiced at traditional events like in Brazilian, European and Australian Carnivals, in German beer tents during Oktoberfest, and at other similar events. However, this kind of table dance is not of an erotic nature. As this dance often leads to accidents, especially if performed by intoxicated individuals, it is often forbidden at many events, but dancing on chairs or benches may still be allowed.

See also


  1. .
  2. on 3 March 2009. Retrieved 2008-02-24.
  3. ^ Sheppard, Owen; Prynn, Jonathan (10 January 2018). "Historic Soho lap-dancing club The Windmill Theatre faces closure after performers flout 'no touching' rules". London Evening Standard. Retrieved 11 January 2018.
  4. ^ Brown, David (11 January 2018). "Historic Soho strip club The Windmill Theatre loses its licence". The Times. Retrieved 11 January 2018. (subscription required)
  5. .
  6. ^ Bob Morris (August 11, 2002). "The Age of Dissonance; Tabletopping Exuberance". The New York Times.