Timeline of project management

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This article covers the historical timeline of project management. There is a general understanding that the history of modern project management started around 1950. Until 1900, projects were generally managed by creative architects and engineers themselves, among those, for example, Christopher Wren, Thomas Telford and Isambard Kingdom Brunel.[1]

Early civilizations

17th - 19th century

20th century

  • 1910s The
    Henry Laurence Gantt
  • 1984 The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt published
  • 1986
    was named as a project management style in the article The New New Product Development Game by Takeuchi and Nonaka
  • 1987 First Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide published as a white paper by PMI
  • 1989 PRINCE method derived from PROMPTII is published by the UK Government agency CCTA and becomes the UK standard for all government information projects

21st century

See also

  • List of project management topics


  1. ^ "PROMPT | Simpact Systems 1975". projectmanagementhistory.com. Retrieved 2016-03-04.

External links