World War I in Albania

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World War I in Albania
Part of the Balkans theatre of World War I

Esad Toptani in Salonika
DateJuly 28, 1914 – 11 November 1918

Eventual Entente victory

 United Kingdom
Albanian guerrillas
Commanders and leaders
Principality of Albania Essad Toptani (Until 1916)
Kingdom of Serbia Radomir Putnik
French Third Republic Maurice Sarrail
Kingdom of Greece Georgios Kosmas
Kingdom of Italy Settimio Piacentini
Austria-Hungary Hermann Kövess von Kövessháza
German Empire August von Mackensen
Kingdom of Bulgaria Georgi Todorov
Ahmet Zogu


retreated across the mountain passes of northern Albania, towards the Adriatic. Italian troops drove the Greeks from southern Albania and brought almost all Albanian territory under their control.[1]
Austrian forces invaded in June 1916; Austro-Hungarian forces remained in Albania until the end of the war when a multinational Allied force broke through and pushed them out in 1918.


Albania was a country that declared its independence only two years before World War I. In the aftermath of the Balkan Wars Serbia, Montenegro and Greece all occupied and claimed parts of Albania. It was decided that Wilhelm of Wied, a German prince, would become the leader of the new Principality of Albania.[2] The principality under Wilhelm was established on 21 February 1914 and Prince Wilhelm arrived in Albania at his provisional capital of Durrës on 7 March 1914 along with the royal family. The security of Albania was to be provided by a gendarmerie commanded by Dutch officers. Inside Albania he was called King Wilhelm; outside Albania, Prince Wilhelm.

The southern part of the country,

corpus separatum) under the nominal Albanian sovereignty of Prince William.[3] The agreement of the Protocol was ratified by the representatives of the Great Powers at Athens on 18 June and by the Albanian government on 23 June.[4]

World War I

Just one month after Protocol of Corfu was signed by the Albanians on June 23, 1914, war broke out in Europe. Officially starting on July 28, 1914, the war threw Albania into disarray. Throughout the war, occupying forces, of both Central and Allied powers, massacred the Albanian population on multiple occasions.

Revolt and departure of Prince William

One month after accepting the throne on 7 March, King William arrived in his provisional capital of

George Adamidi bey Frachery
, finances, and prince Aziz pacha Vrioni, agriculture).

His brief reign proved a turbulent one. Immediately following his arrival

revolts of Muslims broke out in central Albania against his Chief Minister, Essad Pasha, and against foreign domination. Meanwhile, Greece encouraged the formation of a "provisional government of North Epirus" in the southern part of the country. Although an agreement was made to grant extra rights to the Greek minority, the Hellenic Army occupied Southern Albania excluding Berat and Korçë. William's position was also undermined by his own officials, notably Essad Pasha himself, who accepted money from Italy to finance a revolt and to stage a coup against William. Pasha was arrested on 19 May 1914 and tried for treason and sentenced to death. Only the intervention of Italy saved his life and he escaped to Italy in exile.[6] The outbreak of World War I presented more problems for Prince William as Austria-Hungary demanded that he send Albanian soldiers to fight alongside them. When he refused, citing the neutrality of Albania in the Treaty of London, the remuneration that he had been receiving was cut off.[7]
Various tribal chiefs and self-styled warlords took control of central and northern Albania. In the Greek south, local leaders renounced the Protocol of Corfu and seized control. Prince William left the country on 3 September 1914.

Greek occupation of Northern Epirus (October 1914)

Old Map showing Greek parts of Albania
Map of Northern Epirus.

Sporadic armed conflicts continued to occur in spite of the

Saseno or Sazan Island.[12] In December Italy reiterated that Albania would remain neutral as stated at the London Conference and that Italian bluejackets were landed at Avlona with this objective.[13]

Serbian retreat and Austrian occupation (winter 1915)

As anarchy grew in Northern Albania and the Greeks moved into the South, Italy sent its troops to occupy

attack against Serbia
on October 7 while on October 14, 1915, the Bulgarian Army attacked from two directions sending the Serbian armies into disarray.

After attacks from both Bulgaria and Austria, Serbian army leader

Vardar Offensive
of September 1918.

Austro-Hungarian occupation of Albania (1916–1918)


The Military Administration was established at


Austro-Hungarian Military Commanders were:

Civil administrator was August Ritter von Kral.

Bulgarian occupation of Albania (1916–1917)

On December 10, 1915, the

Shkodra and Lezhë.[16]

There was a rivalry between the

Essad Pasha Toptani to leave his proclaimed Republic of Central Albania on February 24, 1916, when he again declared war against Austria-Hungary.[16]

In September 1917 the French troops commanded by general Maurice Sarrail undertook an action against the armies of Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria in Albania. Although the armies of Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary were joined by Albanians, led by Hysejn Nikolica,[16] French troops captured Pogradec, ending the Bulgarian occupation of Albania.[16]

French and Italian protectorate over Southern Albania (Autumn 1916)