Yoga nidra

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Shavasana, the usual pose for the practice of yoga nidra

Yoga nidra (

guided meditation

A state called yoga nidra is mentioned in the Upanishads and the Mahabharata, while a goddess named Yoganidrā appears in the Devīmāhātmya. Yoga nidra is linked to meditation in Shaiva and Buddhist tantras, while some medieval hatha yoga texts use "yoganidra" as a synonym for the deep meditative state of samadhi. These texts however offer no precedent for the modern technique of guided meditation. That derives from 19th and 20th century Western "proprioceptive relaxation" as described by practitioners such as Annie Payson Call and Edmund Jacobson.

The modern form of the technique, pioneered by DennisBoyes in 1973,

U.S. Army to assist soldier recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder
. There is limited scientific evidence that the technique helps relieve stress.

Historical usage

Ancient times

Vishnu asleep on the eternal waters, 19th century

The Hindu epic Mahabharata, completed by the 3rd century CE,[3] mentions a state called "yoganidra", and associates it with Lord Vishnu:[4]

[The Ocean] becomes the bed of the lotus-naveled Vishnu when at the termination of every Yuga that deity of immeasurable power enjoys yoga-nidra, the deep sleep under the spell of spiritual meditation.

— Mahabharata, Book 1, section XXI

The Devīmāhātmya, written around the 6th century CE, mentions a goddess whose name is Yoganidrā. The God Brahma asks Yoganidrā to wake up Vishnu to go and fight the Asuras or demigods named Madhu and Kaitabha.[2] These early mentions do not define any yoga technique or practice, but describe the God Vishnu's transcendental sleep in between the Yugas, the cycles of the universe, and the manifestation of the goddess as sleep itself.[2]

Medieval practices

Yoganidra is first linked to meditation in Shaiva and Buddhist tantras. In the Shaiva text Ciñcinīmatasārasamuccaya (7.164), yoganidra is called "peace beyond words"; in the Mahāmāyātantra (2.19ab) it is named as a state in which perfected Buddhas may access secret knowledge.[2] In the 11th or 12th century, yoganidra is first used in Hatha yoga and Raja yoga texts as a synonym for samadhi, a deep state of meditative consciousness where the yogi no longer thinks, moves, or breathes. The Amanaska (2.64) asserts that "Just as someone who has suddenly arisen from sleep becomes aware of sense objects, so the yogin wakes up from that [world of sense objects] at the end of his yogic sleep."[2]

By the 14th century, the Yogatārāvalī (24–26) gives a more detailed description, stating that yoganidra "removes all thought of the world of multiplicity" in the advanced yogi who has completely uprooted his "network of Karma". He then enters the "fourth state", namely turiya or samadhi, beyond the usual states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep, "that special thoughtless sleep, which consists of [just] consciousness."[2][a] The 15th century Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā goes further, stating (4.49) that "One should practice Khecarī Mudrā until one is asleep in yoga. For one who has achieved Yoganidrā, death never occurs." Khecarī Mudrā is the Hatha yoga practice of folding the tongue back so that it reaches inside the nasal cavity, where it can enable the yogi to reach samadhi.[2] In the 17th century Haṭha Ratnāvalī (3.70), Yoganidrasana is first described. It is an asana or yoga pose where the legs are wrapped around the back of the neck. The text says that the yogi should sleep in this position, which "bestows bliss".[2] These texts view yoganidra as a state, not a practice in itself.[2]

Modern usage

Western "relaxationism"

Modern yoga nidra derives from Western "relaxationist" techniques proposed by authors such as Annie Payson Call.[5]

The yoga scholar Mark Singleton states that while relaxation is a primary feature of modern Western yoga, its relaxation techniques "have no precedent in the pre-modern yoga tradition", but derive mostly from 19th and 20th century Western "proprioceptive relaxation".[5] This prescriptive approach was described by authors such as the "relaxationist" Annie Payson Call in her 1891 book Power through Repose,[6] and the Chicago psychiatrist Edmund Jacobson, the creator of progressive muscle relaxation and biofeedback, in his 1934 book You Must Relax!.[7]

Once on the floor, give way to it as far as possible. Every day you will become more sensitive to tension, and every day you will be better able to drop it. While you are flat on your backs, if you can find some one to "prove" your relaxation, so much the better. Let your friend lift an arm, bending it at the different joints, and then carefully lay it down. See if you can give its weight entirely to the other person, so that it seems to be no part of you, but as separate as if it were three bags of sand, fastened loosely at the wrist, the elbow, and the shoulder; it will then be full of life without tension.

— Annie Payson Call, Power through Repose, Chapter 12 "Training for Rest"

Dennis Boyes

In 1973, Dennis Boyes published his book Le Yoga du sommeil éveillé; méthode de relaxation, yoga nidra ("The Yoga of Waking Sleep: method of relaxation, yoga nidra") in Paris, France.[1] This is the first known usage of "yoga nidra" in a modern sense.[2] In the book, Boyes makes use of relaxation techniques including the direction of attention to each part of the body:[8]

Dirigez votre attention dans le front de votre visage... Sentez bien le front... Descendez un peu jusqu'à l’œil droit... Guidez votre attention dans l’œil... Eprouvez la forme sphéroïde du globe oculaire... Essayez de bien sentir, doucement... directement, sans utiliser la pensée ou l'image mentale...

Direct your attention into your forehead... Feel the forehead well... Go down a little to the right eye... Guide your attention into the eye... Experience the spheroidal shape of the eyeball... Try to feel it well, softly... directly, without using thought or a mental image...

— Dennis Boyes

The French journal Revue 3e Millénaire, reviewing Boyes's approach in 1984, writes that Boyes proposes relaxation in order to "reach the state of emptiness". The person thus imperceptibly moves to a stage where relaxation becomes meditation, and can remain there once the mind's obsession with external objects or thoughts is removed.[9]


In modern times,

mantras are mentally placed within specific body parts, while meditating on each part (of the bodymind). The form of practice taught by Satyananda includes eight stages (internalisation, resolve (sankalpa), rotation of consciousness, breath awareness, manifestation of opposites, creative visualization, repeated resolve (sankalpa) and externalisation). Satyananda used this technique, along with suggestion, on the child who was to become his successor, Niranjanananda Saraswati, from the age of four. He claimed to have taught him several languages by this method.[12]

Satyananda's multi-stage yoga nidra technique is not found in ancient or medieval texts. However, the yoga scholars Jason Birch and Jacqueline Hargreaves note that there are analogues for several of his yoga nidra activities.[2]

Birch & Hargreaves' analysis of origins of Satyananda's Yoga nidra[2]
Satyananda Earlier practices Notes
1. Preparation
It was a meditation technique, not a preparatory stage.
2. Resolve / Sankalpa Sankalpa was intentional thinking. Medieval texts like
sought to rid the mind of Sankalpa, not to use it. Satyananda was probably following Western relaxation therapies.
3. Rotation of consciousness Nyāsa is described in Mahānirvānatantra and other tantras.
pratyāhāra (withdrawal of the senses, one of the eight limbs of yoga
) but there is no evidence Satyananda knew of this.
4. Awareness of breath ——— The 13th century Vivekamārtaṇḍa names the sounds of inbreath and outbreath, implying awareness of breath.
5. Feelings and sensations The 14th century Yogabīja (verse 90) calls yoga "the union of the multitude of opposites". It is unclear whether Satyananda made use of medieval texts for this activity. The texts speak of transcending opposites, whereas he uses them in meditation.
6. Creative visualisation Visualisations were the characteristic feature of tantric yoga, with
using complex images of a deity.
Satyananda uses other images, such as the cross or golden egg, but his process of
meditation and absorption
is like that in yoga texts.
7. Repeated resolve / Sankalpa, ending Intentional thinking, as in item (2.) Satyananda repeats the Resolve stage and then gradually brings the mind back to wakefulness.

Yoga nidra in this modern sense is a state in which the body is completely relaxed, and the practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of the inner world by following a set of verbal instructions.[13][14] This state of consciousness is different from meditation, in which concentration on a single focus is required.[13][15] In yoga nidra the practitioner remains in a state of light withdrawal of the 5 senses (pratyahara) with four senses internalised, that is, withdrawn, and only hearing still connects to any instructions given.[13]

Swami Rama

Swami Rama taught a form of yoga nidra (in a broad sense) which involves an exercise called shavayatra, "inner pilgrimage [through the body]", which directs the attention around "61 sacred points of the body" during relaxation in shavasana, corpse pose. A second exercise, shithali karana, is said to induce "a very deep state of relaxation", and is described as a preliminary for yoga nidra (in a narrow sense). It too is performed in shavasana, involving exhalations imagined as directed from the crown of the head to different points around the body, each repeated 5 or 10 times. The yoga nidra exercise itself involves directed breathing lying on the left side, then the right side, then in shavasana. When in shavasana, the attention is directed in turn to the eyebrow, throat, and heart centres or chakras.[16]

Richard Miller

The western pioneer of

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).[21][22][19] The Surgeon General of the United States Army endorsed Yoga Nidra as a complementary alternative medicine (CAM) for chronic pain in 2010.[23]

Post-lineage yoga nidra

In 2021, the yoga teachers Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli jointly published a "declaration of independence for Yoga Nidrā Shakti". In it they stated that yoga nidra had become commodified and promoted by commercial organisations for profit; that abuse had taken place within those organisations; and that the organisations had propagated origin stories for yoga nidra "that privilege their own founders" and exclude or neglect older roots of the practice. They state their shock at abuses by Satyananda, Swami Rama, Amrit Desai, and Richard Miller. They invite practitioners and teachers to learn about the history of yoga nidra outside organisational boundaries, and to work without "trademarked versions" of the practice.[24]



Vipassana tradition."[25]

The cultural historian

Sankhya philosophy. He compares buddhi to the "intellect" discussed by Saint Augustine and the Apostolic Fathers at about the same time as Patanjali's Yoga Sutra.[26]

Sometimes called yogic sleep, yoga nidra is defined by yoga master Anandmurti Gurumaa as “a kind of deep sleep in which you don’t lose consciousness.” As well as creating a more restorative state of relaxation, Gurumaa also explains that yoga nidra can relieve stress, frustration and insomnia as well as muscular, emotional and mental tensions. In short, in can help us all deal better with the stress of modern life.[27]

Scientific evidence

sleep latency and sleep efficiency with four weeks of yoga nidra compared to progressive muscular relaxation[c] (used as the control).[32]

ventral striatum of the brain.[33] The reduced desire for action in the state is associated with the reduced flow of blood in parts of the brain connected with controlling actions: the prefrontal cortex, the cerebellum, and the subcortex.[33] Another study reported that yoga nidra improves heart rate variability, a measure of balance in the autonomic nervous system, whether or not it is preceded by a session of hatha yoga asanas.[34] Another study, sponsored by Rishi Chaitanya Ashram, reported significant reduction in blood pressure and C-reactive protein in the yoga nidra group compared to the control group.[35]

Informal studies have suggested possible benefits of yoga nidra, without the large scale or strictly controlled trials that would be required to demonstrate medical benefit. A study suggested that regular practice of yoga relaxation could reduce tension and anxiety, while autonomic symptoms of high anxiety such as headache, giddiness, chest pain, palpitations, sweating and abdominal pain appeared to respond well. The approach has been used to help soldiers from war cope with posttraumatic stress disorder.[36] A 2019 study suggests that yoga nidra can alleviate stress and improve self-esteem of university students.[37]

See also


  1. ^ References to the fourth state (turiya) and the ordinary states of waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep can be found in the much older Mandukya Upanishad (c. 300 BCE to 300 CE) and later Advaita Vedanta texts (6–7th CE).[2]
  2. ^ Richard Miller credits Sivananda and several of his disciples—Swamis Satyananda, Satchidananda, and Vishnudevananda as "revitaliz[ing]" yoga nidra in the 20th century; also Boyes, Swami Rama, Swami Veda Bharati, and Brahmananda Sarasvati of Surat Shabd Yoga "among others".[11]
  3. ^ Progressive muscular relaxation is a method to relieve tension by tensing a group of muscles when breathing in, and relaxing it when breathing out; the muscle groups are tensed and relaxed in a prescribed sequence.[31]


  1. ^
    OCLC 2283047
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Birch, Jason; Hargreaves, Jacqueline (January 2015). "Yoganidrā". The Luminescent. Archived from the original on 16 November 2018. Retrieved 11 March 2022.
  3. OCLC 928480104
    . It is notoriously difficult to date Indian texts. This timeline should therefore be understood to provide only approximate dates for their composition.
  4. ^ "Mahabharata Book 1 Section XXI". Sacred Texts. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
  5. ^
    S2CID 144625589
  6. .
  7. McGraw-Hill
  8. ^ Godefroy, Christian H. (March 2019). "La Dynamique Mentale" (PDF). My réussite (in French). p. 37. Retrieved 13 March 2022.
  9. ^ Anon (1984). "Dennis Boyes La relaxation se transforme en méditation" [Dennis Boyes: Relaxation is transformed into meditation]. Revue 3e Millénaire (in French) (15 July-August 1984, Old Series). Retrieved 13 March 2022.
  10. Swami Satyananda Saraswati
    (2009) [1976]. Yoga Nidra. Munger, Bihar, India: Yoga Publications Trust. whole book.
  11. . a new edition of this acclaimed guide
  12. ^ Saraswati, Swami Satyananda (1974). Tantra-yoga panorama. International Yoga Fellowship Movement. p. 25.
  13. ^ a b c Ross, Gillian (23 July 2009). "Yoga nidra: deep relaxation practice". ABC. Archived from the original on 29 July 2009. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
  14. .
  15. .
  16. . Retrieved 11 March 2022.
  17. .
  18. ^ "Yoga-based Treatments Beat Stress" (PDF). Let's Talk (Winter 2010): 1–2. 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 28, 2010. As a natural alternative to medication, yoga offers tools that mitigate stress and improve quality of life. It can also have a positive effect on blood pressure and heart rate. Practicing yoga postures increase relaxation while the inward focus and meditation enhances calm. Yoga's favorable track record prompted the Department of Defense (DoD) to first pilot, and then adopt a yoga-based Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) reduction program utilizing a form of Yoga Nidra. The program, called iRest (Integrative Restoration), utilizes yoga, progressive relaxation, and meditation to manage negative emotions and stress. The iRest program has helped veterans reduce PTSD symptoms, anxiety, and insomnia. There are now iRest programs at Veterans Health Administration (VA) facilities in Miami, Chicago, and Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. as well as active duty facilities nationwide.
  19. ^ a b Novotney, Amy (November 2009). "Yoga as a practice tool". Monitor on Psychology. 40 (10): 38. Retrieved 8 January 2021.
  20. ^ Griffin, Katherine (2 March 2012). "How Yoga Nidra Benefits Mind & Body". Yoga Journal. Retrieved 11 September 2022.
  21. United States Air Force Medical Corps. pp. 12–13. Archived from the original
    (PDF) on July 19, 2011. Retrieved 2010-12-22. The iRest military program, based on the ancient practice of Yoga Nidra, is designed to systematically reduce physical, emotional, mental, and even subconscious tension that characterizes PTSD. Participants are taught to manage disturbing moods and memories with a skill set that enables them to objectively respond to intense emotional experiences through conscious choices rather than unconscious reactions.
    . 2008-05-06. Retrieved 2010-12-22.
  23. ^ "Pain Management Task Force | Providing a Standardized DoD and VHA Vision and Approach to Pain Management to Optimize the Care for Warriors and their Families | Final Report" (PDF). Office of the Army Surgeon General. May 2010. pp. 42–44. Archived (PDF) from the original on April 12, 2019. Retrieved 12 April 2019. [extract from table in Figure 11: Tier I Modalities] Modality: Yoga / Yoga Nidra; Passive: Facility based yoga classes; Active: Self directed with video, exercising
  24. ^ Tuli, Nirlipta; Dinsmore-Tuli, Uma (15 May 2021). "In Defence of the Practice of Yoga Nidrā: A joint declaration of independence for Yoga Nidrā Shakti". Yoga Nidra Network. Archived from the original on 18 May 2021. Retrieved 11 March 2022.
  25. .
  26. ^ .
  27. ^ "What is yoga nidra and why you need to incorporate it in your everyday life". Hindustan Times. 2016-12-12. Retrieved 2023-10-17.
  28. S2CID 73442387
  29. .
  30. .
  31. ^ Healthwise staff (non-profit) (31 August 2020). "Stress Management: Doing Progressive Muscle Relaxation". University of Michigan Health. Retrieved 8 January 2022.
  32. S2CID 245653181
  33. ^ .
  34. .
  35. .
  36. ^ Rivers, Eileen (6 May 2008). "A Breath of Hope". The Washington Post. p. HE01.
  37. S2CID 88035952

External links

Yoga Nidra sleep has the power to positively impact every aspect of your life. It provides a sanctuary of calmness amidst the chaos, allowing you to release stress, access deep relaxation, and tap into your inner resources. Whether you seek physical relaxation, emotional balance, heightened creativity, or spiritual growth, Yoga Nidra sleep can be a catalyst for profound transformation.