Adrian Carton de Wiart

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Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart
First World War

Second World War

Mentioned in Despatches
Virtuti Militari (Poland)
Croix de guerre (Belgium)
Legion of Honour (France)
Croix de Guerre

Second World War. He was shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, and ear; was blinded in his left eye; survived two plane crashes; tunnelled out of a prisoner-of-war camp; and tore off his own fingers when a doctor declined to amputate them. Describing his experiences in the First World War, he wrote, "Frankly, I had enjoyed the war."[4]

After returning home from service (including a period as a prisoner-of-war) in the

Cairo Conference

In his memoirs, Carton de Wiart wrote, "Governments may think and say as they like, but force cannot be eliminated, and it is the only real and unanswerable power. We are told that

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography described him thus: "With his black eyepatch and empty sleeve, Carton de Wiart looked like an elegant pirate, and became a figure of legend."[7]

Early life


Carton de Wiart was born into an

Carton de Wiart was a Roman Catholic. In 1891, his English stepmother sent him to a boarding school in England, the Roman Catholic Oratory School, founded by John Henry Newman. From there, he went to Balliol College, Oxford, but left around 1899, just before or during the Second Boer War, to join the British Army. He falsified his name and age, signing up as "Trooper Carton" and claiming to be 25 years old where his actual age was no more than 20.[12]

Second Boer War

Carton de Wiart was wounded in the stomach and groin in South Africa early in the Second Boer War and was invalided home. His father was furious when he learned his son had abandoned his studies, but allowed him to remain in the army. After another brief period at Oxford, where

4th Dragoon Guards.[13] Carton de Wiart was transferred to India in 1902. He enjoyed sports, especially shooting and pig sticking.[14]

in September 1904

Character, interests and life in the Edwardian army

Carton de Wiart's serious wound in the Boer War instilled in him a strong desire for physical fitness and he ran, jogged, walked, and played sports on a regular basis. In male company he was "a delightful character and must hold the world record for bad language."[15]

After his regiment was transferred to South Africa he was promoted to supernumerary

Commander-in-Chief, Sir Henry Hildyard, the following July.[16] He describes this period lasting up to 1914 as his "Heyday", the title of Chapter 3 of his autobiography. His light duties as aide-de-camp gave him time for polo, another of his interests.[14] By 1907, although by then having served in the British Army for eight years, he had remained a Belgian subject. On 13 September of that year, he took the oath of allegiance to Edward VII and was formally naturalised as a British subject.[1]

In 1908, he married Countess Friederike Maria Karoline Henriette Rosa Sabina Franziska

Klagenfurt – 1949 Vienna), the eldest daughter of Karl, 5th Fürst (Prince) von Fugger-Babenhausen and Princess Eleonora zu Hohenlohe-Bartenstein und Jagstberg of Klagenfurt, Austria. They had two daughters; the eldest, Anita (born 1909, deceased), was to be the maternal grandmother of the war correspondent Anthony Loyd (born 1966).[17][18]

Carton de Wiart was already well-connected in European circles, his two closest cousins being Count

Henri Carton de Wiart, Prime Minister of Belgium from 1920 to 1921, and Baron Edmond Carton de Wiart, political secretary to the King of Belgium and director of La Société Générale de Belgique. While on leave, he travelled extensively throughout central Europe, using his Catholic aristocratic connections to shoot at country estates in Bohemia, Austria, Hungary, and Bavaria.[19] Following his return to England, he rode with the famous Duke of Beaufort's Hunt where he met, among others, the future field marshal Sir Henry Maitland Wilson and the future air marshal Sir Edward Ellington. He was promoted to the rank of captain on 26 February 1910.[20] The Duke of Beaufort was the honorary colonel of the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, and from 1 January 1912 until his departure for Somaliland in 1914 Carton de Wiart served as the regiment's adjutant.[21]

First World War

Somaliland Campaign

When the First World War broke out, Carton de Wiart was en route to

Shimber Berris, Carton de Wiart was shot twice in the face, losing his eye and a portion of his ear. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) on 15 May 1915.[23]

Western Front

In February 1915, he embarked on a

Arras. He went to the Sir Douglas Shield's Nursing Home to recover from his injuries.[25]

Victoria Cross

Carton de Wiart received the

La Boiselle
, France, as recorded in the official citation:

Capt. (temp. Lt.-Col.) Adrian Carton de Wiart, D.S.O., Dn. Gds.

For most conspicuous bravery, coolness and determination during severe operations of a prolonged nature. It was owing in a great measure to his dauntless courage and inspiring example that a serious reverse was averted. He displayed the utmost energy and courage in forcing our attack home. After three other battalion Commanders had become casualties, he controlled their commands, and ensured that the ground won was maintained at all costs. He frequently exposed himself in the organisation of positions and of supplies, passing unflinchingly through fire barrage of the most intense nature. His gallantry was inspiring to all.

His Victoria Cross is displayed at the National Army Museum in Chelsea.[27]


Carton de Wiart was promoted to temporary major in March 1916,

Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George in the King's Birthday Honours List in June.[36]

On 8 November, just three days before the end of the war, Carton de Wiart was given command of a brigade with the rank of temporary brigadier general.[37] A.S. Bullock gives a vivid first-hand description of his arrival: 'Cold shivers went down the back of everyone in the brigade, for he had an unsurpassed record as a fire eater, missing no chance of throwing the men under his command into whatever fighting happened to be going.' Bullock recalls how the battalion looked 'very much the worse for wear' when they paraded for the brigadier general's inspection. He arrived 'on a lively cob with his cap tilted at a rakish angle, and a shade over the place where one of his eyes had been'. He was also missing two limbs and had eleven wound stripes. Bullock, the first man in line for the inspection, notes that Carton de Wiart, despite having only one eye, ordered him to get his bootlace changed.[38]

Post-First World War era and the Polish mission

Painting by Sir William Orpen, 1919 (National Portrait Gallery, London)

At the end of the war Carton de Wiart was sent to

Companion of the Order of the Bath in the 1919 King's Birthday Honours List.[39] After a brief period, he replaced General Botha in the mission to Poland.[40]

Poland desperately needed support, as it was engaged with

Lwów (Lvov; Lemberg). One of his tasks soon after Carton de Wiart's arrival was to attempt to make peace between the Poles and the Ukrainians; the peace talks were unsuccessful.[42]

From there, he went on to Paris to report to the British Prime Minister,

Pius XI, who wanted Carton de Wiart's advice as to whether to evacuate the diplomatic corps from Warsaw. The diplomats moved to Poznań, but the Italians remained in Warsaw along with Ratti.[43]

From all these affairs, Carton de Wiart developed a sympathy with the Poles and supported their claims to eastern

Galicia. This caused disagreement with Lloyd George at their next meeting, but was appreciated by the Poles. At one time during his Warsaw stay he was a second in a duel between Polish members of the Mysliwski Club, the other second being Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, later commander-in-chief of Finnish armies in World War II and President of Finland. Norman Davies reports that he (Carton de Wiart) was "compromised in a gun-running operation from Budapest using stolen wagon-lits".[44]

He became close to the Polish leader, Marshal Piłsudski. After an aircraft crash occasioning a brief period in Lithuanian captivity, he went back to England to report, this time to the

White Russian offensive under General Anton Denikin directed at Moscow would fail, and it did shortly thereafter. Churchill was more sympathetic to Polish needs than Lloyd George and succeeded, over Lloyd George's objections, in sending some materiel to Poland.[45]

On 27 July 1920, Carton de Wiart was appointed an aide-de-camp to the king, and brevetted to colonel.[46] He was active in August 1920, when the Red Army was at the gates of Warsaw. While out on his observation train, he was attacked by a group of Red cavalry, and fought them off with his revolver from the footplate of his train, at one point falling on the track and re-boarding quickly.[47]

When the Poles won the war, the British Military Mission was wound up. Carton de Wiart was promoted to temporary brigadier general and also appointed to the local rank of

major general.[51]

Polish gentleman (1924–1939)

His last Polish aide de camp was

Pripet Marshes, a wetland area larger than Ireland and surrounded by water and forests.[47] In this location Carton de Wiart spent the rest of the interwar years. In his memoirs he said "In my fifteen years in the marshes I did not waste one day without hunting".[47]

After 15 years, Carton de Wiart's peaceful Polish life was interrupted by the looming war, when he was recalled in July 1939 and appointed to his old job, as head of the

allied with Germany attacked Poland from the east. Soon Soviet forces overran Prostyń and Carton de Wiart lost all his guns, fishing rods, clothing, and furniture. They were packed up by the Soviets and stored in the Minsk Museum, but destroyed by the Germans in later fighting. He never saw the area again, but as he said "they did not manage to take my memories".[47]

Second World War

Adrian Carton de Wiart during World War II, photographed by Cecil Beaton

Polish campaign (1939)

Carton de Wiart met with the Polish

significant contribution to the Allied cause, especially the several modern destroyers and submarines.[53]

As Polish resistance weakened, Carton de Wiart evacuated the British Mission from Warsaw along with the Polish government, with both the Germans and the Soviets in pursuit. His car convoy was attacked by the

Armand Calinescu, was assassinated that very day.[54]

Norwegian campaign (1940)

Recalled to a special appointment in the army in the autumn of 1939, Carton de Wiart reverted to his former rank of colonel, and was granted the rank of acting major general on 28 November.[55] After a brief stint in command of the 61st Division in the English Midlands, Carton de Wiart was summoned in April 1940 to take charge of a hastily drawn together Anglo-French force to occupy Namsos, a small town in middle Norway. His orders were to take the city of Trondheim, 125 miles (200 km) to the south, in conjunction with a naval attack and an advance from the south by troops landed at Åndalsnes.[56] He flew to Namsos to reconnoitre the location before the troops arrived. When his Short Sunderland flying boat landed, it was attacked by a German fighter and his aide was wounded and had to be evacuated. After the French Alpine troops landed[57] (without their transport mules and missing straps for their skis), the Luftwaffe bombed and destroyed the town of Namsos.[58]

British soldiers on the quay at Namsos awaiting evacuation from Norway. On the left is Major General Carton de Wiart.

Despite these handicaps, Carton de Wiart managed to move his forces over the mountains and down to

Trondheimsfjord, where they were shelled by German destroyers. They had no artillery to challenge the German ships. It soon became apparent that the whole Norwegian campaign was fast becoming a failure. The naval attack on Trondheim, the reason for the Namsos landing, did not happen and his troops were exposed without guns, transport, air cover, or skis in a foot and a half of snow. They were being attacked by German ski troops, machine gunned and bombed from the air, and the German Navy was landing troops to his rear. He recommended withdrawal but was asked to hold his position for political reasons, which he did.[59]

After orders and counterorders from London, the decision to evacuate was made. However, on the date set to evacuate the troops, the ships did not appear. The next night a naval force finally arrived, led through the fog by

Orkney Islands on 5 May 1940, his 60th birthday.[59]

Northern Ireland

Carton de Wiart was posted back to the command of the 61st Division, which was soon transferred to Northern Ireland as a defence against invasion.[60] However, following the arrival of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Pownall as Commander-in-Chief in Northern Ireland, Carton de Wiart was told that he was too old to command a division on active duty.[61]

British military mission to Yugoslavia (1941)

Advanced to temporary major-general on 28 November 1940,

British-Yugoslavian Military Mission on 5 April 1941. Hitler was preparing to invade the country and the Yugoslavs asked for British help. Carton de Wiart travelled in a Vickers Wellington bomber to Belgrade, Serbia to negotiate with the Yugoslavian government. After refuelling in Malta,[63] the aircraft left for Cairo with enemy territory to the north and south. Both engines failed off the coast of Italian-controlled Libya, and the plane crash-landed in the sea about a mile from land. Carton de Wiart was knocked unconscious, but the cold water made him regain consciousness. When the plane broke up and sank, he and the rest aboard were forced to swim to shore.[64] They were captured by the Italian authorities.[65]

Prisoner of war in Italy (1941–1943)

Carton de Wiart was a high-profile prisoner. After four months at the

, VC. In letters to his wife, Lord Ranfurly described Carton de Wiart in captivity as "a delightful character" and said he "must hold the record for bad language." Ranfurly was "endlessly amused by him. He really is a nice person – superbly outspoken."[15] The four were committed to escaping. He made five attempts, including seven months tunnelling. Carton de Wiart once evaded capture for eight days disguised as an Italian peasant (he was in northern Italy, could not speak Italian, and was 62 years old, with an eye patch, one empty sleeve and multiple injuries and scars).[66]

Then, in a surprising development, Carton de Wiart was taken from prison in August 1943 and driven to Rome. The Italian government was secretly planning to leave the war and wanted Carton de Wiart to send the message to the British Army about a peace treaty with the UK. Carton de Wiart was to accompany an Italian negotiator, General Giacomo Zanussi [it], to Lisbon to meet Allied contacts to negotiate the surrender. To keep the mission secret, Carton de Wiart was told he needed civilian clothes. Distrusting Italian tailors, he stated that "[he] had no objection, provided [he] did not resemble a gigolo."[67] In Happy Odyssey, he described the resultant suit as being "as good as anything that ever came out of Savile Row."[67] When they reached Lisbon, Carton de Wiart was released and made his way to England, reaching there on 28 August 1943.[68]

China mission (1943–1947)

Lord Louis Mountbatten

Within a month of his arrival back in England, Carton de Wiart was summoned to spend a night at the prime minister's country home at

extraterritorial rights in China together with the return of Hong Kong, neither proposal being welcome to Churchill. In early 1942, Churchill had to ask Chiang Kai-shek to send Chinese troops to help the British hold Burma from the Japanese, and following the Japanese conquest of Burma the X Force of five Chinese divisions had ended up in eastern India.[70] Churchill was unhappy with having the X Force defend India as it weakened the prestige of the Raj, and in an attempt to improve relations with China, the prime minister felt a soldier experienced in diplomacy such as Carton de Wiart would be the best man to be his personal representative in China.[70]

As his accommodation in China was not ready, Carton de Wiart spent time in India gaining an understanding of the situation in China, especially being briefed by a genuine

Roosevelt and Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.[72]

When in Cairo, he took the opportunity to renew his acquaintance with Hermione, Countess of Ranfurly, the wife of his friend from prisoner-of-war days, Dan Ranfurly. Carton de Wiart was one of the few to be able to work with the notoriously difficult commander of US forces in the China-Burma-India Theatre, U.S. Army General Joseph Stilwell.[73] He arrived in the headquarters of the Nationalist Chinese Government, Chongqing, in early December 1943. For the next three years, he was to be involved in a host of reporting, diplomatic and administrative duties in the remote wartime capital. Carton de Wiart became a great admirer of the Chinese people. He wrote that, when he was appointed as Churchill's personal representative to Chiang Kai-shek in China, he imagined a country "full of whimsical little people with quaint customs who carved lovely jade ornaments and worshiped their grandmothers."[70] Once stationed in China, however, he wrote: "Two things struck me forcibly: the first was the amount of sheer hard work the people were doing, and the second their cheerfulness in doing it."[74]

Carton de Wiart in Cairo, 1943.

He regularly flew out to India to liaise with British officials. His old friend, Richard O'Connor, had escaped from the Italian prisoner-of-war camp and was now in command of British troops in eastern India. The

Governor of Bengal, the Australian Richard Casey, became a good friend.[75]

On 9 October 1944, Carton de Wiart was promoted to temporary

Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) in the 1945 New Year Honours.[77] Clement Attlee, when he became head of the Labour government in June 1945, asked Carton de Wiart to stay on in China.[78]

South East Asia

Carton de Wiart was assigned to a tour of the Burma front, and after meeting Admiral Sir

Netherlands East Indies in 1945, including air battles between Japanese fighters and British carrier aircraft.[79]

Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia: Mountbatten with General Chiang Kai-Shek (left) and Dr T V Soong (right). In the background are Captain R V Brockman, Lt Gen F A M Browning and General Carton de Wiart VC at Chongqing.

A good part of Carton de Wiart's reporting had to do with the increasing power of the

Chinese Communists. The journalist and historian Max Hastings writes: "De Wiart despised all Communists on principle, denounced Mao Zedong as 'a fanatic', and added: 'I cannot believe he means business'. He told the British cabinet that there was no conceivable alternative to Chiang as ruler of China."[80] He met Mao Zedong at dinner and had a memorable exchange with him, interrupting his propaganda speech to criticise him for holding back from fighting the Japanese for domestic political reasons. Mao was briefly stunned, and then laughed.[81]

After the Japanese surrender in August 1945, Carton de Wiart flew to Singapore to participate in the formal surrender. After a visit to

Nanking, the now-liberated Nationalist capital, accompanied by Julian Amery, the British Prime Minister's Personal Representative to Chiang.[82] A visit to Tokyo to meet General Douglas MacArthur came at the end of his tenure. He was now 66 and ready to retire, despite the offer of a job by Chiang. Carton de Wiart retired in October 1947, with the honorary rank of lieutenant-general.[83]

Retirement and death

En route home via

Rangoon as a guest of the army commander. Coming down stairs, he slipped on coconut matting, fell down, broke several vertebrae, and knocked himself unconscious. He was admitted to Rangoon Hospital where he was treated.[84] His wife died in 1949. In 1951, at the age of 71, he married Ruth Myrtle Muriel Joan McKechnie, a divorcee known as Joan Sutherland, 23 years his junior (born in late 1903, she died 13 January 2006 at the age of 102.)[85] They settled at Aghinagh House, Killinardrish, County Cork, Ireland.[86]

Carton de Wiart died at the age of 83 on 5 June 1963. He left no papers.[87] He and his wife Joan are buried in Caum Churchyard just off the main Macroom road. The grave site is just outside the actual graveyard wall on the grounds of his own home, Aghinagh House. Carton de Wiart's will was valued at probate in Ireland at £4,158 and in England at £3,496.[88]


  • Happy Odyssey: The Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart, Jonathan Cape, 1950.

Awards and decorations

Carton de Wiart was the recipient of several awards:[89]

Victoria Cross (VC) 1916[26]
Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) (Military Division) New Year Honours 1945[77]
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB) (Military Division) Birthday Honours 1919[39]
Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) Birthday Honours 1918[36]
Companion of the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) 1915[23]
Queen's South Africa Medal with clasps for "South Africa 1901," "Transvaal," "Orange Free State" and "Cape Colony"
Africa General Service Medal with clasp for "Shimber Berris 1914–15"
1914 Star
British War Medal
Victory Medal (United Kingdom) with bronze oak leaf for MID
1939–45 Star
Africa Star
Burma Star
Italy Star
War Medal 1939-1945
with bronze oak leaf for MID
King George VI Coronation Medal 1937
Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal 1953
Officer of the Order of the Crown (Belgium) 1917[32]
Croix de guerre 1914–1918 (Belgium) 1918[35]
Silver Cross (Knight) of the Order of Military Virtue of Poland 1920
Cross of Valour (Poland) Two awards (1920, 1941[90])
Commander of the Legion of Honour of France
Croix de guerre 1939–1945 (France)
With bronze palm for army-level MID

In popular culture

Carton de Wiart is the subject of the 2022 song "The Unkillable Soldier" by Swedish heavy metal band Sabaton on their album The War to End all Wars.[91][92][93]

See also


  1. ^ a b "No. 28074". The London Gazette. 1 November 1907. p. 7315.
  2. .
  3. ^ Crutchley, Peter (3 December 2018). "The unkillable soldier". BBC News. BBC.
  4. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 89.
  5. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 271.
  6. Christopher Sykes
    (1907–1986), Waugh's biographer, said in 1975 that he thought that the fire-eating officer in the Sword of Honour trilogy, Brigadier Ben Ritchie-Hook, "bears a very strong resemblance to" Lieutenant-General Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart VC, a friend of the author's father-in-law. Waugh was familiar with Carton de Wiart through a club to which he belonged.
  7. ^ Williams, ODNB
  8. , p. 236
  9. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 5.
  10. ^ "At Home in Ireland: Lt-General Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart". O'Donohoe Archive. 20 April 2021. Retrieved 13 December 2021.
  11. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 12.
  12. .
  13. ^ "No. 27354". The London Gazette. 13 September 1901. p. 6049.
  14. ^ a b Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 27.
  15. ^ a b Ranfurly 1995, p. 123.
  16. ^ "No. 27710". The London Gazette. 2 September 1904. p. 5696.
  17. ^ Ines Sabalic (2000). "War in the Balkans". New Series no.13/14 December 1999 – February 2000. Archived from the original on 31 March 2010. Retrieved 12 September 2007.
  18. .
  19. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 42.
  20. ^ "No. 28355". The London Gazette. 8 April 1910. p. 2411.
  21. ^ Fox 1923, p. 50, 54, 57.
  22. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 50.
  23. ^ a b "No. 29163". The London Gazette (Supplement). 14 May 1915. p. 4753.
  24. , p.446
  25. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 54.
  26. ^ a b "No. 29740". The London Gazette (Supplement). 9 September 1916. p. 8869.
  27. ^ "Victoria Cross awarded to Lieutenant-Colonel Adrian Carton de Wiart, 1916". National Army Museum. Retrieved 30 June 2020.
  28. ^ "No. 29571". The London Gazette (Supplement). 8 May 1916. p. 4539.
  29. ^ "No. 29804". The London Gazette. 27 October 1916. p. 10425.
  30. ^ "No. 29886". The London Gazette (Supplement). 29 December 1916. p. 18.
  31. ^ "No. 29935". The London Gazette. 9 February 1917. p. 1380.
  32. ^ a b "No. 30030". The London Gazette (Supplement). 20 April 1917. p. 3825.
  33. ^ "No. 30111". The London Gazette (Supplement). 1 June 1917. p. 5464.
  34. ^ "No. 30375". The London Gazette (Supplement). 9 November 1917. p. 11639.
  35. ^ a b "No. 30568". The London Gazette (Supplement). 8 March 1918. p. 3095.
  36. ^ a b "No. 30716". The London Gazette (Supplement). 31 May 1918. p. 6453.
  37. ^ "No. 31321". The London Gazette (Supplement). 29 April 1919. p. 5479.
  38. ^ Bullock, A S, Gloucestershire Between the Wars: A Memoir, The History Press, 2009, pages 88–89
  39. ^ a b "No. 31370". The London Gazette. 30 May 1919. p. 6790.
  40. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 92.
  41. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 106.
  42. .
  43. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 108.
  44. .
  45. .
  46. ^ "No. 31993". The London Gazette (Supplement). 23 July 1920. p. 7835.
  47. ^ a b c d Day, Matt (10 January 2020). "Extraordinary tale of the one-eyed, one-handed war hero who fell in love with Poland and didn't leave for twenty years". First News. Archived from the original on 19 August 2022. Retrieved 30 June 2020.
  48. ^ "No. 32175". The London Gazette (Supplement). 28 December 1920. p. 12695.
  49. ^ "No. 32721". The London Gazette. 20 June 1922. p. 4645.
  50. ^ "No. 32811". The London Gazette. 3 April 1923. p. 2515.
  51. ^ "No. 32898". The London Gazette. 15 January 1924. p. 470.
  52. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 158.
  53. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 155.
  54. ^ Petru Ignat, Gheorghe Matei, "Asasinarea lui Armand Călinescu" ("Armand Călinescu's Assassination"), in Magazin Istoric, October 1967, p. 72
  55. ^ "No. 34753". The London Gazette (Supplement). 12 December 1939. p. 8305.
  56. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 168.
  57. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 169.
  58. ^ "Bombardment Of Namsos Aka Namsos Bombed". British Pathe. Retrieved 30 June 2020.
  59. ^ a b c Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 174.
  60. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 176.
  61. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 178.
  62. ^ "No. 35002". The London Gazette (Supplement). 26 November 1940. p. 6802.
  63. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 179.
  64. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 180.
  65. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 181.
  66. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 213.
  67. ^ a b Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 226.
  68. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 230.
  69. ^ "No. 36210". The London Gazette (Supplement). 12 October 1943. p. 4551.
  70. ^ a b c Fenby, Jonathan Chiang Kai-Shek China's Generalissimo and the Nation He Lost, New York: Carroll & Graf, 2004 page 373.
  71. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 237.
  72. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 239.
  73. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 240.
  74. .
  75. .
  76. ^ "London Gazette, 31 October 1944".
  77. ^ a b "No. 36866". The London Gazette (Supplement). 29 December 1944. p. 10.
  78. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 273.
  79. .
  80. ISBN 978-0-00-721982-7 p.446. The "I cannot believe he means business" quotation is referenced to The National Archives FO 371/F6140/34/10
  81. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 270.
  82. ^ "Lord Amery of Lustleigh: Obituary". The Independent. 5 September 1996. Archived from the original on 2 July 2020. Retrieved 30 June 2020.
  83. ^ "London Gazette, 7 September 1948".
  84. ^ Carton de Wiart 1950, p. 282.
  85. ^ Obituary in Daily Telegraph, 17 January 2006
  86. ^ Herlihy, Jim. "What Did Your Father do in the War?" (PDF). Ireland's Genealogical Gazette. Retrieved 6 January 2015.
  87. ^ Sources in British Political History, 1900–1951, vol. 2, p. 67
  88. ^ England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858–1995
  89. ^ "Sir Adrian Carton De Wiart – RDG Museum".
  90. ^ "No. 35133". The London Gazette (Supplement). 8 April 1941. p. 2089.
  91. ^ "Sabaton – The Unkillable Soldier Official Music Video". YouTube. 11 February 2022.
  92. ^ "Sabaton's "The Unkillable Soldier" Lyrics Meaning". Songs: meaning and facts. 12 February 2022. Retrieved 14 February 2022.
  93. ^ "Sabaton unveil music video for new track "The Unkillable Soldier"". Metal Forces Magazine. 11 February 2022. Retrieved 14 February 2022.


Further reading

External links

Military offices
Preceded by GOC 61st Infantry Division
Succeeded by
Honorary titles
Preceded by Colonel of the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards
Succeeded by