Bibliography of American Civil War homefront

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The American Civil War bibliography comprises books that deal in large part with the American Civil War. There are over 60,000 books on the war, with more appearing each month.[1] There is no complete bibliography to the war; the largest guide to books is over 40 years old and lists over 6,000 titles selected by leading scholars.[2] Many specialized topics such as Abraham Lincoln,[3] women,[4] and medicine[5] have their own lengthy bibliographies. The books on major campaigns typically contain their own specialized guides to the sources and literature. The most comprehensive guide to the historiography annotates over a thousand titles.[6]

For the history of North and South see Union (American Civil War) and Confederate States of America and the many articles linked there.

For a guide to the bibliography see:

  • *Woodworth, Steven E.; ed. The American Civil War: A Handbook of Literature and Research. Greenwood Press, 1996.
  • Eicher, David J. The Civil War in Books An Analytical Bibliography. 1997.
  • Murdock, Eugene C. Civil War in the North: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography. Garland, 1987.

For a guide to web sources see:

  • Carter, Alice E.; Jensen, Richard. The Civil War on the Web: A Guide to the Very Best Sites—Completely Revised and Updated. 2003.

Note: This article forms part of Bibliography of the American Civil War.


  • Current, Richard N., et al. eds. Encyclopedia of the Confederacy (1993) (4 Volume set; also 1 vol abridged version) ()
  • Heidler, David and Jeanne Heidler, eds, Encyclopedia of the American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military History (2002) 2740pp
  • Nevins, Allan. Ordeal of the Union (1970), vol 5. The Improvised War, 1861–1862; vo 6. War Becomes Revolution, 1862–1863; vol 7. The Organized War, 1863–1864; vol 8. The Organized War to Victory, 1864–1865; highly detailed coverage by a leading scholar.
  • Resch, John P. et al., Americans at War: Society, Culture and the Homefront vol 2: 1816-1900 (2005)

Union homefront

  • Bak, Richard. A Distant Thunder: Michigan in the Civil War. Chelsea: Huron River, 2004.
  • Berstein, Iver. The New York City Draft Riots: Their Significance for American Society and Politics in the Age of the Civil War. London: Oxford University Press, 1990.
  • Gallman, J. Matthew, The North Fights the Civil War: The Home Front, Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1994.
  • Geary, James W. We Need Men: The Union Draft Riot in the Civil War. DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press, 1991.
  • Green, Michael S. Freedom, Union, and Power: Lincoln and His Party during the Civil War. Fordham University Press, 2004.
  • Hess, Earl J. Liberty, Virtue, and Progress: Northerners and Their War for the Union. New York: New York University Press, 1988.
  • Mitchell, Charles W. "Maryland Voices of the Civil War," 2007.
  • Onuf, Nicholas and Onuf, Peter. Nations, Markets, and War: Modern History and the American Civil War. University of Virginia Press, 2006.
  • Paludan, Philip S. The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln. 1994.
  • Paludan, Philip S. A People's Contest: The Union and Civil War, 1861-1865 (1996), detailed scholarly history
  • Richardson, Heather Cox. The Greatest Nation of the Earth: Republican Economic Policies during the Civil War. 1997.
  • Schecter, Barnet. The Devil's Own Work: The Civil War Draft Riots and the Fight to Reconstruct America. Walker Publishing Company, 2005.
  • Smith, Michael Thomas. The Enemy Within: Fears of Corruption in the Civil War North. University of Virginia Press, 2011.
  • Stampp, Kenneth M. Indiana Politics during the Civil War, 2nd edition. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1978.
  • Thornton, Mark and Ekelund, Robert B., Jr. Tariffs, Blockades, and Inflation: The Economics of the Civil War. Scholarly Resources, 2004.
  • Williams, David. A People's History of the Civil War: Struggles for the Meaning of Freedom. New York: The New Press, 2005.
  • Wilson, Mark R. The Business of Civil War: Military Mobilization and the State, 1861-1865. Johns Hopkins U. Press, 2006.

Union politics

  • Benton, Josiah Henry. Voting in the Field: A Forgotten Chapter of the Civil War. Boston, Massachusetts: privately published, 1915.
  • Gray, Wood. The Hidden Civil War: The Story of the Copperheads. New York: Viking Press, 1942.
  • Johnson, David Allen. Decided on the Battlefield: Grant, Sherman, Lincoln and the Election of 1864. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2010.
  • Klement, Frank L. The Copperheads of the Middle West. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 1960
  • Nelson, Larry E. Bullets, Ballots, and Rhetoric: Confederate Policy for the United States Presidential Contest of 1864. University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1980.
  • Silby, Joel H. A Respectable Minority: The Democratic Party in the Civil War Era, 1860-1868. New York: Norton, 1977.
  • Waugh, John C. Reelecting Lincoln: The Battle for the 1864 Presidency. New York: Crown Publishers, 1998.
  • Weber, Jennifer L. Copperheads: The Rise and Fall of Lincoln's Opponents in the North. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Union civilian leaders

Abraham Lincoln


Confederacy home front

Confederate government and politics

  • Knight, H. Jackson. Confederate Invention: The Story of the Confederate States Patent Office and Its Inventors. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 2011.
  • Neely, Jr., Mark E. Southern Rights: Political Prisoners and the Myth of Confederate Constitutionalism. Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia, 1999.
  • Spaw, Patsy M. The Texas Senate: Civil War to the Eve of Reform, 1861–1889, two volumes. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University Press, 1999.
  • Warner, Ezra J. and Buck Yearns. Biographical Register of the Confederate Congress. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1975.

Confederate secret service

  • Headley, John W. Confederate Operations in Canada and New York. New York: Neale Publishing Company, 1906.
  • Tidwell, William A. April '65: Confederate Covert Action in the American Civil War. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1995.
  • Tidwell, William A., James O. Hall, and David W. Gaddy. Come Retribution: The Confederate Secret Service and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Jackson, Mississippi: University of Mississippi Press, 1989.

Confederate civilian leaders

Jefferson Davis

See also


  1. ^ In 2001, Jonathan Sarna estimated that over 50,000 books had already appeared, with 1,500 more appearing annually. American Jewish History 89.3 (2001) 335–337.
  2. ^ See Allan Nevins, Bell Irvin Wiley, and James I. Robertson, Civil War Books: A Critical Bibliography (2 vol, 1970)
  3. ^ Burkhimer, Michael. 100 Essential Lincoln Books (2003)
  4. ^ McDevitt, Theresa. Women and the American Civil War: An Annotated Bibliography (2003)
  5. ^ Freemon, Frank R. Microbes and Minie Balls: An Annotated Bibliography of Civil War Medicine (1993)
  6. ^ Woodworth, Steven; et al., eds. The American Civil War: A Handbook of Literature and Research (1996)