Dignitary tort

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A dignitary tort is type of intentional tort where the cause of action is being subjected to certain kinds of indignities.[1][page needed] Historically, this category of torts was often covered by the writ of trespass vi et armis.

Historically, the primary dignitary torts were

invasion of privacy, and alienation of affections
. In some jurisdictions, the phrase is limited to those torts which do not require physical injury or threat of physical injury, limiting the class to only those secondary incidents.

The only non-intentional act classified as a dignitary tort is negligent infliction of emotional distress, although this is also sometimes classified as simply another form of negligence.




  • Goldberg, John C.; Sebok, Anthony J.; Zipursky, Benjamin C. (2004). Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress (1st ed.). New York: Aspen Publishers.