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Neo-Calvinism, a form of

supralapsarian.[1][page needed

Kuyper wanted to awaken the church from what he viewed as its pietistic slumber. He declared:

No single piece of our mental world is to be sealed off from the rest and there is not a square inch in the whole domain of human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry: 'Mine!'[2][page needed][3]

This refrain has become something of a rallying call for neo-Calvinists.


Source:[4][self-published source]

  • Jesus is Lord over all of creation. Jesus’ Lordship extends through every area and aspect of life – it is not restricted to the sphere of church or of personal piety.
  • The idea that all of life is to be redeemed. The work of Jesus on the cross extends over all of life – no area is exempt from its impact. All knowledge is affected by the true knowledge of God through redemption in Christ.[5]
  • Cultural Mandate. Genesis 1:26–28 has been described as a cultural mandate. It is the mandate to cultivate and develop the creation.[6] There is a historical development and cultural unfolding. Some neo-Calvinists hold that the Cultural Mandate is as important as the Great Commission.[7]
  • Creation, fall and redemption. God's good creation has been disrupted by the
    fall. Redemption is a restoration of creation.[8]
  • Sphere sovereignty (Soevereiniteit in eigen kring). Each sphere (or sector) of life has its own distinct responsibilities and authority as designed by God – for instance, communities dedicated to worship, civil justice, agriculture, family, etc. – and no one area of life is sovereign over another. Hence, neither faith-institutions nor an institution of civil justice (that is, the state) should seek totalitarian control or any regulation of human activity outside their limited competence.[9]
  • A rejection of dualism. Dualisms are (purportedly false) bifurcations, dichotomies, contrasts, or oppositions, such as the dualism between nature and grace that [allegedly] dominated much of Scholasticism. In the neo-Calvinist view, nature is the God-created and sustained cosmic order, not a "non-supernatural" category, and grace is God's means of renewing the cosmic order, it is not something "non-creational" added onto nature (albeit eschatological in consummated glorification of bodily resurrection to eternal life and cosmic transformation of the new heavens and earth).
  • Structure and direction. Structure denotes created laws and norms for (other) created things. Direction denotes relative deviation or conformity to norms; primarily regarding the central orientation of the human heart toward or away from God in Christ.[10]
  • Common grace. God providentially sustains the created order, restraining of possible evils and giving non-salvific good gifts to all humanity despite their fall into sin, God's curse, and his eventual condemnation of the unredeemed.[11]
  • theologically Reformed worldview in particular. The principles of logic and the use of reason assume the existence of God. Presuppositionalism is a reductio ad absurdum approach to Christian apologetics
    , in that it argues that all non-Christian worldviews are internally inconsistent.
  • The antithesis. There is a struggle in history and within every person – between submission to and rebellion against God; between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness; between the age to come (already inaugurated in Christ) and this present evil age (of sin).[12]
  • World views. Neo-Calvinists reject the notion that theoretical thought can be religiously neutral. All thinking and practice is shaped by world views and religious ground motives. For the neo-Calvinist, life in all its aspects can be shaped by a distinctively Christian world view.[13]
  • The role of law. For neo-Calvinists, "Law" is more than the Mosaic Decalogue, or even the entire abiding moral will of God. Law is, rather, the order for creation (or creation ordinances) established by God and includes a variety of types of cultural norms including physiological, psychological, logical, historical, linguistic, social, economic, aesthetic, juridical, and faith norms.

Key individuals associated with neo-Calvinism

Neo-Calvinist institutions and organizations

Key texts

  • Bavinck, Herman, Reformed Dogmatics.
  • Kuyper, Abraham, Calvinism: Stone Lectures.
  • Wolters, Albert M., Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview.
  • Sutanto, N. Gray and Brock, Cory C., Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction.
  • Plantinga, Cornelius, Engaging God's World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living.
  • Goheen, Michael W., and Bartholomew, Craig, Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview.



  1. ^ Bratt 2002.
  2. ^ McGoldrick 2000.
  3. ^ Inaugural Lecture. Free University of Amsterdam. 1880.
  4. ^ Bishop, Steve (27 October 2005). "Neocalvinst Distinctives". An Accidental Blog.
  5. ^ Frey et al. 1983.
  6. ^ Spykman 1992, p. 109.
  7. ^ Colson & Pearcey 1999, p. 295.
  8. ^ Melleby, Derek. "Neo-Calvinism 101". Vanguard Church. Archived from the original on 19 August 2009.
  9. ^ Kuyper 1998.
  10. ^ Wolters 2005, chap. 5.
  11. ^ Mouw 2002.
  12. ^ Spykman 1992, p. 65.
  13. ^ Marshall, Griffioen & Mouw 1989.


Further reading

External links