Timeline of natural history

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This timeline of natural history summarizes significant


Dating of the geologic record

The geologic record is the strata (layers) of rock in the planet's crust and the science of geology is much concerned with the age and origin of all rocks to determine the history and formation of Earth and to understand the forces that have acted upon it. Geologic time is the timescale used to calculate dates in the planet's geologic history from its origin (currently estimated to have been some 4,600 million years ago) to the present day.

potassium-argon dating
process is more accurate.

Radiocarbon dating is carried out by measuring how much of the carbon-14 and nitrogen-14 isotopes are found in a material. The ratio between the two is used to estimate the material's age. Suitable materials include

fabrics, fossils and shells. It is assumed that rock exists in layers according to age, with older beds below later ones. This is the basis of stratigraphy

The ages of more recent layers are calculated primarily by the study of fossils, which are remains of ancient life preserved in the rock. These occur consistently and so a theory is feasible. Most of the boundaries in recent geologic time coincide with


The earliest Solar System

In the earliest Solar System history, the Sun, the planetesimals and the giant planets were formed. The inner Solar System aggregated more slowly than the outer, so the terrestrial planets were not yet formed, including Earth and Moon.

Precambrian Supereon

  • c. 4,533 Ma – The Precambrian (to c. 539 Ma[3]), now termed a "supereon" but formerly an era, is split into three geological time intervals called eons: Hadean, Archaean and Proterozoic. The latter two are sub-divided into several eras as currently defined. In total, the Precambrian comprises some 85% of geological time from the formation of Earth to the time when creatures first developed exoskeletons (i.e., hard outer parts) and thereby left abundant fossil remains.

Hadean Eon

Archean Eon

Eoarchean Era

Paleoarchean Era

Mesoarchean Era

  • c. 3,200 Ma –
    Onverwacht series
    in South Africa form – contain some of the oldest microfossils mostly spheroidal and carbonaceous alga-like bodies.
  • c. 3,200–2,600 Ma – Assembly of the Ur supercontinent to cover between 12 and 16% of the current continental crust. Formation of Limpopo Belt.
  • c. 3,100 Ma – Fig Tree Formation: second round of fossilizations including Archaeosphaeroides barbertonensis and Eobacterium. Gneiss and greenstone belts in the Baltic Shield are laid down in Kola Peninsula, Karelia and northeastern Finland.
  • c. 3,000 Ma – Humboldt Orogeny in Antarctica: possible formation of
    Stromatolites: microbial mats become successful forming the first reef building communities on Earth in shallow warm tidal pool zones (to 1.5 Gyr). Tanzania Craton
  • c. 2,940 Ma – Yilgarn Craton of western Australia forms by the accretion of a multitude of formerly present blocks or terranes of existing continental crust.
  • c. 2,900 Ma – Assembly of the
    Baltic shield
    , formed at c.3100 Ma. Narryer Gneiss Terrane (including Jack Hills) of Western Australia undergoes extensive metamorphism.

Neoarchean Era

  • c. 2,800 Ma – Neoarchean Era starts. Breakup of the Vaalbara: Breakup of supercontinent Ur as it becomes a part of the major supercontinent Kenorland. Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons join together.
  • c. 2,770 Ma – Formation of
    Hamersley Basin on the southern margin of Pilbara Craton – last stable submarine-fluviatile environment between the Yilgarn and Pilbara prior to rifting, contraction and assembly of the intracratonic Gascoyne Complex
  • c. 2,750 Ma – Renosterkoppies Greenstone Belt forms on the northern edge of the Kaapvaal Craton.
  • c. 2,736 Ma – Formation of the Temagami Greenstone Belt in Temagami, Ontario, Canada.
  • c. 2,707 Ma – Blake River Megacaldera Complex begins to form in present-day Ontario and Quebec – first known Precambrian supervolcano – first phase results in creation of 8 km long, 40 km wide, east–west striking Misema Caldera* – coalescence of at least two large mafic shield volcanoes.
  • c. 2,705 Ma – Major komatiite eruption, possibly global[13] – possible mantle overturn event.
  • c. 2,704 Ma – Blake River Megacaldera Complex: second phase results in creation of 30 km long, 15 km wide northwest–southeast trending New Senator Caldera – thick massive mafic sequences which has been inferred to be a subaqueous lava lake.
  • c. 2,700 Ma – Biomarkers of cyanobacteria discovered, together with steranes (sterols of cholesterol), associated with films of eukaryotes, in shales located beneath banded iron formation hematite beds, in Hamersley Range, Western Australia;[15] skewed sulfur isotope ratios found in pyrites show a small rise in oxygen concentration in the atmosphere;[16] Sturgeon Lake Caldera forms in Wabigoon greenstone belt – contains well preserved homoclinal chain of greenschist facies, metamorphosed intrusive, volcanic and sedimentary layers (Mattabi pyroclastic flow considered third most voluminous eruptive event); stromatolites of Bulawayo series in Zimbabwe form – first verified reef community on Earth.
  • c. 2,696 Ma – Blake River Megacaldera Complex: third phase of activity constructs classic east-northeast striking Noranda Caldera which contains a 7-to-9-km-thick succession of mafic and felsic rocks erupted during five major series of activity. Abitibi greenstone belt in present-day Ontario and Quebec begins to form: considered world's largest series of Archean greenstone belts, appears to represent a series of thrusted subterranes.
  • c. 2,690 Ma – Formation of high pressure granulites in the Limpopo Central Region.
  • c. 2,650 Ma – Insell Orogeny: occurrence of a very high grade discrete tectonothermal event (a UHT metamorphic event).
  • c. 2,600 Ma – Oldest known giant carbonate platform.[13] Saturation of oxygen in ocean sediments is reached as oxygen now begins to dramatically appear in Earth's atmosphere.

Proterozoic Eon

The Proterozoic (from c. 2500 Ma to c. 541 Ma) saw the first traces of biological activity. Fossil remains of bacteria and algae.

Paleoproterozoic Era

Siderian Period

  • c. 2,500 Ma – Proterozoic Eon, Paleoproterozoic Era, and
    Angaran Shield
    and Slave Province.
  • c. 2,440 Ma – Formation of Gawler Craton in Australia.
  • c. 2,400 Ma –
    glaciation starts, probably from oxidation of earlier methane greenhouse gas produced by burial of organic sediments of photosynthesizers. Formation of Dharwar Craton in southern India
  • c. 2,400 Ma – Dharwar Craton in southern India stabilizes.

Rhyacian Period

Orosirian Period

Statherian Period

  • c. 1,800 Ma – Statherian Period starts. Supercontinent Columbia forms, one of whose fragments being Nena. Oldest ergs develop on several cratons[13] Barramundi Orogeny (c. 1.8 Gyr) influences MacArthur Basin in Northern Australia.
  • c. 1,780 Ma – Colorado Orogeny (1.78 – 1.65 Gyr) influences southern margin of Wyoming craton–collision of Colorado orogen and Trans-Hudson orogen with stabilized Archean craton structure
  • c. 1,770 Ma – Big Sky Orogeny (1.77 Gyr) influences southwest Montana: collision between Hearne and Wyoming cratons
  • c. 1,765 Ma – As Kimban Orogeny in Australian continent slows, Yapungku Orogeny (1.765 Gyr) begins affecting Yilgarn craton in Western Australia – possible formation of Darling Fault, one of longest and most significant in Australia
  • c. 1,760 Ma – Yavapai Orogeny (1.76–1.7 Gyr) impacts mid- to south-western United States
  • c. 1,750 Ma – Gothian Orogeny (1.75–1.5 Gyr): formation of tonalitic-granodioritic plutonic rocks and calc-alkaline volcanites in the East European Craton
  • c. 1,700 Ma – Stabilization of second major continental mass, the Guiana Shield in South America
  • c. 1,680 Ma – Mangaroon Orogeny (1.68–1.62 Gyr), on the Gascoyne Complex in Western Australia: Durlacher Supersuite, granite intrusion featuring a northern (Minnie Creek) and southern belt – heavily sheared orthoclase porphyroclastic granites
  • c. 1,650 Ma – Kararan Orogeny (1.65 Gyr) uplifts great mountains on the Gawler Craton in Southern Australia – formation of Gawler Range including picturesque Conical Hill Track and "Organ Pipes" waterfall

Mesoproterozoic Era

Calymmian Period

Ectasian Period

Stenian Period

Neoproterozoic Era

Tonian Period

  • c. 1,000 Ma – Neoproterozoic Era and Tonian Period start. Grenville orogeny ends. First radiation of dinoflagellates and spiny acritarchs – increase in defensive systems indicate that acritarchs are responding to carnivorous habits of dinoflagellates – decline in stromatolite reef populations begins. Rodinia starts to break up. First vaucherian algae. Rayner Orogeny as proto-India and Antarctica collide (to c. 900 Ma). Trace fossils of colonial Horodyskia (to c. 900 Ma): possible divergence between animal and plant kingdoms begins. Stabilization of Satpura Province in Northern India. Rayner Orogeny (1 Gyr – 900 Ma) as India and Antarctica collide
  • c. 920 Ma – Edmundian Orogeny (c. 920–850 Ma) redefines Gascoyne Complex: consists of reactivation of earlier formed faults in the Gascoyne – folding and faulting of overlying Edmund and Collier basins
  • c. 920 Ma – Adelaide Geosyncline laid down in central Australia – essentially a rift complex, consists of thick layer of sedimentary rock and minor volcanics deposited on Easter margin – limestones, shales and sandstones predominate
  • c. 900 Ma – Bitter Springs Formation of Australia: in addition to prokaryote assemblage of fossils, cherts include eukaryotes with ghostly internal structures similar to green algae – first appearance of Glenobotrydion (900–720 Ma), among earliest plants on Earth
  • c. 830 Ma – Rift develops on Rodinia between continental masses of Australia, eastern Antarctica, India, Congo and Kalahari on one side and Laurentia, Baltica, Amazonia, West African and Rio de la Plata cratons on other – formation of Adamastor Ocean.
  • c. 800 Ma – With free oxygen levels much higher, carbon cycle is disrupted and once again glaciation becomes severe – beginning of second "snowball Earth" event
  • c. 750 Ma – First Protozoa appears: as creatures like Paramecium, Amoeba and Melanocyrillium evolve, first animal-like cells become distinctive from plants – rise of herbivores (plant feeders) in the food chain. First Sponge-like animal: similar to early colonial foraminiferan Horodyskia, earliest ancestors of Sponges were colonial cells that circulated food sources using flagella to their gullet to be digested. Kaigas (c. 750 Ma): first thought to be a major glaciation of Earth, however, the Kaigas formation was later determined to be non-glacial.[23]

Cryogenian Period

Ediacaran Period

Phanerozoic Eon

Paleozoic Era

Cambrian Period

Ordovician Period

  • c. 485.4 ± 1.9 Ma – Beginning of the Ordovician and the end of the Cambrian Period.
  • c. 485 Ma – First jawless fish – radiation of
    fish into the Silurian
  • c. 460 Ma – First crinoids evolve.
  • c. 450 Ma – Late Ordovician microfossils of scales indicate the earliest evidence for the existence of jawed fish or Gnathostomata.
  • c. 450 Ma –
    Plants and arthropods colonize the land. Sharks evolve. First horseshoe crabs and starfish

Silurian Period

Devonian Period

  • c. 419.2 ± 3.2 Ma – Beginning of the Devonian and end of the Silurian Period. First insects.
  • c. 419 Ma – Old Red Sandstone sediments begin being laid in the North Atlantic region including Britain, Ireland, Norway and in the west along the northeastern seaboard of North America. It also extends northwards into Greenland and Svalbard.
  • c. 415 Ma –
    and as a way to live in calcium-poor fresh water environments.
  • c. 395 Ma – First of many modern groups, including tetrapods.
  • c. 375 Ma –
    Acadian Orogeny
    begins influencing mountain building along the Atlantic seaboard of North America.
  • c. 370 Ma – Cladoselache, an early shark, first appears.
  • c. 363 Ma – Vascular plants begin to create the earliest stable soils on land.
  • c. 360 Ma – First crabs and ferns. The large predatory lobe-finned fish Hyneria evolves.
  • c. 350 Ma – First large sharks,
    ratfish and hagfish

Carboniferous Period

Permian Period

Mesozoic Era

Triassic Period

Jurassic Period

  • c. 201.4 ± 0.2 Ma –
  • c. 199 Ma – First squamata evolve. Earliest lizards.
  • c. 190 Ma –
    evolve, along with many groups of primitive sea invertebrates.
  • c. 180 Ma – Pangaea splits into two major continents: Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south.
  • c. 176 Ma – First
  • c. 170 Ma – First
    go extinct.
  • c. 165 Ma – First rays and glycymeridid bivalves.
  • c. 164 Ma – The first gliding mammal, volaticotherium, appears in the fossil record.
  • c. 161 Ma – First
  • c. 155 Ma – First
  • c. 153 Ma – Earliest pine trees.

Cretaceous Period

Cenozoic Era

Paleogene Period

Neogene Period

Quaternary Period

Etymology of period names

Started Root word Meaning Reason for name
Siderian c. 2500 Ma Greek sideros iron ref. the banded iron formations
Rhyacian c. 2300 Ma Gk. rhyax lava flow much lava flowed
Orosirian c. 2050 Ma Gk. oroseira mountain range much orogeny in this period's latter half
Statherian c. 1800 Ma Gk. statheros steady continents became stable cratons
Calymmian c. 1600 Ma Gk. calymma cover
platform covers
developed or expanded
Ectasian c. 1400 Ma Gk. ectasis extension
platform covers
Stenian c. 1200 Ma Gk. stenos narrow much orogeny, which survives as narrow metamorphic belts
Tonian c. 1000 Ma Gk. tonos stretch The continental crust stretched as Rodinia broke up
Cryogenian c. 720 Ma Gk.
cold-making In this period all the Earth froze over
Ediacaran c. 635 Ma Ediacara Hills stony ground place in Australia where the Ediacaran biota fossils were found
Cambrian c. 538.8 Ma
Wales ref. to the place in Great Britain where Cambrian rocks are best exposed
Ordovician c. 485.4 Ma
Celtic Ordovices
Tribe in north Wales, where the rocks were first identified
Silurian c. 443.8 Ma Ctc. Silures Tribe in south Wales, where the rocks were first identified
Devonian c. 419.2 Ma Devon County in England in which rocks from this period were first identified
Carboniferous c. 358.9 Ma Lt. carbo coal Global coal beds were laid in this period
Permian c. 298.9 Ma Perm Krai Region in Russia where rocks from this period were first identified
Triassic c. 251.902 Ma Lt. trias triad In Germany this period forms three distinct layers
Jurassic c. 201.4 Ma Jura Mountains Mountain range in the Alps in which rocks from this period were first identified
Cretaceous c. 145 Ma Lt. creta chalk More chalk formed in this period than any other
Paleogene c. 66 Ma Gk. palaiogenos "ancient born"
Neogene c. 23.03 Ma Gk. neogenos "new born"
Quaternary c. 2.58 Ma Lt. quaternarius "fourth" This was initially deemed the "fourth" period after the now-obsolete "primary", "secondary" and "tertiary" periods.

Visual summary

The history of nature from the Big Bang to the present day with notable events annotated. Every billion years (Ga) is represented by 90 degrees of rotation of the spiral. The last 500 million years are represented in a 90-degree stretch for more detail on our recent history.

See also


  1. ^ Amelin, Yuri, Alexander N. Krot, Ian D. Hutcheon, & Alexander A. Ulyanov, "Lead Isotopic Ages of Chondrules and Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions" (Science, 6 September 2002: Vol. 297. no. 5587, pp. 1678–83)
  2. Ca-Al-rich inclusions) here formed in a proplyd
    (= protoplanetary disk]).
  3. ^ "Stratigraphic Chart 2022" (PDF). International Stratigraphic Commission. February 2022. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2 April 2022. Retrieved 25 April 2022.
  4. ^ Courtland, Rachel (July 2, 2008). "Did newborn Earth harbour life?". New Scientist. Archived from the original on August 5, 2011. Retrieved April 13, 2014.
  5. ^ Taylor, G. Jeffrey (2006), "Wandering Gas Giants and Lunar Bombardment: Outward migration of Saturn might have triggered a dramatic increase in the bombardment rate on the Moon 3.9 billion years ago, an idea testable with lunar samples" [1] Archived 2018-01-01 at the Wayback Machine
  6. ^ a b Borenstein, Seth (October 19, 2015). "Hints of life on what was thought to be desolate early Earth". Associated Press. Archived from the original on 2018-12-14. Retrieved 2018-10-09.
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  8. ^ Mojzis, S, et al. (1996), "Evidence for Life on Earth before 3800 million years ago", (Nature, 384)
  9. ^ Czaja, Andrew D.; Johnson, Clark M.; Beard, Brian L.; Roden, Eric E.; Li, Weiqiang; Moorbath, Stephen (February 2013). "Biological Fe oxidation controlled deposition of banded iron formation in the ca. 3770Ma Isua Supracrustal Belt (West Greenland)". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 363: 192–203. Bibcode:2013E&PSL.363..192C. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.12.025.
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  14. ^ "Scientists reconstruct ancient impact that dwarfs dinosaur-extinction blast". AGU. 9 April 2014. Archived from the original on 22 December 2018. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
  15. ^ Brocks et al. (1999), "Archaean molecular fossils and the early rise of eukaryotes", (Science 285)
  16. ^ Canfield, D (1999), "A Breath of Fresh Air" (Nature 400)
  17. ^ Rye, E. and Holland, H. (1998), "Paleosols and the evolution of atmospheric oxygen", (Amer. Journ. of Science, 289)
  18. ^ Cowan, G (1976), A natural fission reactor (Scientific American, 235)
  19. PMID 2651395
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