Elective monarchy

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An elective monarchy is a monarchy ruled by a monarch who is elected, in contrast to a hereditary monarchy in which the office is automatically passed down as a family inheritance. The manner of election, the nature of candidate qualifications, and the electors vary from case to case. Historically, it was common for elective monarchies to transform into hereditary ones over time or for hereditary ones to acquire at least occasional elective aspects.


Many kingdoms were officially elective historically, though the candidates were typically only from the family of the deceased monarch. Eventually, however, most elected monarchies introduced

hereditary succession, guaranteeing that the title and office stayed within the royal family and specifying, more or less precisely, the order of succession.[1]
Today, almost all monarchies are hereditary monarchies in which the monarchs come from one royal family with the office of sovereign being passed from one family member to another upon the death or abdication of the incumbent.[citation needed]

Historical examples


Ancient Greece

The kings of

Ecclesia of the Demos, the assembly of all free Athenian citizens. Military service often was linked with citizenship among the male members of the royal house.[citation needed

Ancient Rome and Byzantium

In the ancient Roman Kingdom the kings were elected by the Roman assemblies. Once the Roman kings were overthrown, there remained an absolute prohibition for royal establishment in the Roman constitution, a prohibition which formally remained in place during imperial times, both classical Roman and Byzantine. In practice, however, Imperial Rome was a monarchy. During the Principate (27 BC to 284 AD), which was the foundational stage of Roman imperialism, Roman monarchs would often take care to disguise their de facto position with the de jure apparatus of republicanism. This was particularly the case for Augustus, the first Emperor, who established the Principate. Whilst given many titles (including "Augustus", i.e. "majestic") he described himself as princeps senatus, or merely "first among senators". The illusion of being elected from the Senate continued when Tiberius succeeded to the purple. Over time the principle weakened as republican government passed into distant history, and the Empire became functionally an absolute monarchy. The office of Roman and Byzantine emperor remained vaguely elective (albeit with the election procedure never strictly defined, but generally understood to be a matter for the Senate). For instance, whilst the first five Emperors were all descended from Julius Caesar, in each case their position was proclaimed, not inherited as of right. Claudius, the fourth Emperor, in particular stands out, being "elected" to office once the Praetorian Guard had made it clear he was their candidate.[citation needed]

Accordingly, heredity never was, and could never be, formally established in law. And whilst the later, more overtly authoritarian Dominate period further stripped the republican veneer from the constitution, Emperors succeeded by a mixture of proclamation by the Legions or Senate as much as by blood (though sons did succeed fathers).[citation needed]

In order to bypass the prohibition on heredity and ensure dynastic continuity, many reigning Byzantine emperors had their heirs crowned co-emperor so that the throne could not be considered vacant at their own death and thus the need for succession by election would not arise.[citation needed]

United Kingdom

A system of elective monarchy existed in


Arthur of Brittany, was a child at that time. This affirmed the principle of elective monarchy.[4]

In 14th, 15th, late 17th and early 18th century England, the evolving relations between the Crown and Parliament resulted in a monarchy with both hereditary and quasi-elective elements[5] – at least as between various contenders with some dynastic claim for the throne. Henry IV of England was chosen by Parliament in 1399 to replace Richard II. Richard was childless, and the Earl of March, the next in line to the throne, was a young child at the time, so Parliament bypassed him in favour of Henry, who had led a revolt against Richard. Parliament also confirmed depositions during the Wars of the Roses, as well as Henry VIII's settlements of the crown. During the Exclusion Crisis, King Charles II strongly opposed any such idea.

Following the

Mary II were chosen by Parliament to replace James II. (Mary was James' daughter, William was James' nephew, and William and Mary were succeeded by Mary's younger sister Anne.) Parliament passed laws in the late 17th and early 18th centuries which explicitly excluded Catholics (and thus the male descendants of James II) from the order of succession. The Succession to the Crown Act 2013
, replaced male-preference primogeniture with absolute primogeniture and ended disqualification of a person who married a Roman Catholic from succession.

In Scotland, the Declaration of Arbroath of 1320 asserted the rights of the nobles to choose a king if required, which implied elective monarchy.[6] Tanistry was also the system of royal succession until King Malcolm II in the early 11th century introduced direct inheritance. The Isle of Man also used tanistry.[7]


In Ireland, from the beginning of recorded history[8] until the mid-16th/early 17th century,[9] succession was determined by an elective system based on patrilineal relationship known as tanistry.[10]

Dutch Republic

In the

House of Orange. There was no obligation to elect a Stadtholder at all, and the leaders of the Dutch Republican faction, such as Oldenbarnevelt and De Witt, repeatedly tried to abolish the office of Stadtholder or leave it vacant – which it was for several decades of Dutch history. Conversely, the House of Orange and its adherents tried to increase the powers of the Stadtholder to approximate those of a monarch, to make it officially hereditary (which it became in the later part of the 18th century) and finally to transform it into a full-fledged monarchy – as it was in 1815.[citation needed


The Gallic tribes were each ruled by a rix, which can be translated as king, who were elected for terms of one year or longer. Candidates were drawn from relatives of past kings.[11]

The Frankish kingdom was at least partly elective. Merovingian kings were elected, while Carolingian kings were elected at times. In the 10th century Western Frankish royal elections switched between different lineages before settling on the Capetians.

Medieval France was an elective monarchy at the time of the first Capetian kings; the kings however took the habit of, during their reign, having their son elected as successor. The election soon became a mere formality and vanished after the reign of Philip II.[12]

After declaring the throne vacant, the French Chamber of Deputies voted 229–33 to declare

King of the French during the July Revolution of 1830,[13] creating an elective monarchy.[14] France briefly had again a kind of elective monarchy[15] when Napoleon III
was first elected President of France and then transformed himself into an Emperor.

Holy Roman Empire


college of clerics and imperially appointed as princely rulers in a pertaining territory.[citation needed


Since medieval times, the



Principality of Transylvania which de jure continued to belong to the Lands of the Hungarian Crown but had split from Hungary when the childless King Louis II died after the Battle of Mohács.[19]


Visigothic Hispania elected the king from the relatives of past kings, in accordance with the Germanic traditions.[20]

The Kingship of Aragon was initially elected by the "rich men" barons. Later this right was limited to the Cortes confirming the succession of the heir.[21]

During the 19th century, more precisely between 1870 and 1873, an attempt of such a system took place in Spain. After the

Isabella II's subsequent deposition in 1868 a new parliament was constituted through direct male suffrage. It was then decided that a democratically elected monarch was needed in Spain. The debates regarding Isabella's succession took place until October 1869, when Amadeo I was finally chosen. Nevertheless, his reign lasted until 11 October 1873, when he abdicated citing his inability to solve the problems Spain was going through, after which the parliament proclaimed a republic.[citation needed

Portugal's monarchy contained the remnants of the elective principle in requiring reciprocal oaths, the assent of the Cortes and acclamation before acceding to the throne.

Infante Denis, Lord of Cifuentes. The Council elected instead the younger (and illegitimate) son of Peter I, thus avoiding a jure uxoris Castilian king.[citation needed

Kingdom of Jerusalem

In the Crusader

Haute Cour. Here the king was considered a primus inter pares (first among equals), and in his absence his duties were performed by his seneschal.[citation needed

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

The Republic at the Zenith of Its Power. Golden Liberty. The Royal Election of 1573, by Jan Matejko

The tradition of electing the country's ruler, which occurred when there was no clear heir to the throne, dates to the very beginning of Polish statehood. The election privilege, exercised during the gatherings known as

wiec, was usually limited to the most powerful nobles (magnates) or officials, and was heavily influenced by local traditions and strength of the ruler.[24]


free election (wolna elekcja).[citation needed] Although the elective principle was already established in Polish political culture in the late Middle Ages, the rules changed significantly in the 1570s, and the principles developed in that period lasted until the Partitions of Poland.[25] There have been thirteen royal elections in Poland–Lithuania from 1573 to 1764.[25] Roșu (2017) marked the 1575/1576 Polish–Lithuanian royal election as the most significant for several reasons. First, 'the citizens of the commonwealth were forced to de facto depose their first elected king – thus applying the right of disobedience they had inscribed in their public records only two years before.' Second, it resulted in two candidates being proclaimed the winner, and in subsequent events the nobility was able to confirm their majority choice for Stephen Báthory and have it recognised, while avoiding war with Maximilian II of Habsburg.[26]


Scandinavian kingship, according to the Germanic tradition, was elected upon the death of the previous king.[1] The selection was not always limited to the heirs of the previous king (e.g. in Sweden when the royal house was changing between the houses of Eric and Sverker between generations). Originally, kings were supposed to be elected from among the descendants of a previous king, which was connected to descent from gods. There could also be joint rule between multiple kings. Disputed succession was common because of a large number of sons sired by kings. However when single rule appeared in the 9th century, civil wars grew in frequency throughout the region. Later, Christianisation led to the promulgation of primogeniture in Norway in 1163 and Denmark in 1170, but the elective idea still persisted in the requirement to be certified by a local assembly and subsequently the magnates would still elect the new king, albeit while the incumbent king was still alive. This demonstrated the enduring power of the nobles.[27]

Originally, the

Prince Carl was elected King of the newly independent Norway by the Storting after a referendum resolved in favor of monarchy.[citation needed

The Scandinavian kingdoms were united under the Danish crown by Margaret I of Denmark in 1389, but many of her successors had the united kingdoms split up as Sweden elected a different king than Denmark and Norway upon succession. The election was usually contested through a Danish invasion of Sweden until Christian II of Denmark after his reconquest of Sweden had many of those voting against him executed in the Stockholm Bloodbath (1520), which ended much of the support for the Danish king on the Swedish throne.[citation needed]

In 1810, the Swedish

Charles XIV John of Sweden and founded the still current House of Bernadotte. In this case the elective aspect in the choice of Monarch was especially prominent, since Bernadotte had been a French commoner with no previous connection to Sweden and not the most remote of dynastic claims to the Swedish throne – his being chosen derived solely from urgent political and military considerations of the crisis time of the Napoleonic Wars.[citation needed

Sovereign Military Order of Malta


Prince and Grand Master, who is elected for life by the Council Complete of State. The Prince and Grand Master holds the rank of Prince, bestowed by the Holy Roman Emperor in 1607 and holds the precedence of a cardinal of the Church since 1630.[29][30] The Council that elects the prince includes members of the Sovereign Council and other high-ranking office-holders and representatives of the Order's worldwide entities. The Sovereign Council, including the Grand Commander, the Grand Chancellor, the Grand Hospitaller, and the Receiver of the Common Treasure, aid the prince in governing the order.[31]


The Republic of Venice was ruled from 697 to 1797 by a doge, who normally ruled for life, though a few were forced from office. His powers were never those of an absolute monarch, but he was the Republic's highest official and powerful within restrictions and levels of oversight that varied in different periods. The election process began with the Great Council of more than 2000 Venetian aristocrats and employed an elaborate system designed to prevent one family or alliance from dominating the process. It used smaller nominating groups that were reduced in number by the drawing of lots and required a supermajority for election.[citation needed]


The Kingdom of Algiers (from the seventeenth century to the nineteenth century) was an elective monarchy, whose dey was elected, depending on the period, by the Divan of Algiers or by the Taïfa of the raïs (Assembly of the corsairs). The elected deys also bore the title of governor-sultan of Algiers or sultan of Algiers.

Mali Empire

In Africa, the Mali Empire functioned as both a constitutional and elective monarchy. The mansa, or emperor, had to be approved by the Great Assembly known as the Gbara, despite hereditary claims.[citation needed]


The Kingdom of Kongo was a purer example of an elective monarchy, where blood claims had even less influence. Nobles elected a king's successor, and it was common for the successor to be of a different family than his predecessor.[citation needed]

This form of elective monarchy existed in the kingdom from its inception around 1400 until its complete disintegration in the early 20th century.[citation needed]

West Africa

In the pre-colonial period, a number of

Ife and the Oyo Empire, were elected from amongst the various royal families of their polities by colleges of noblemen known as kingmakers. This practice has continued to the present day.[citation needed



In Afghanistan, loya jirgas have been reportedly organized since at least the early 18th century when the Hotaki and Durrani dynasties rose to power.[32] The ancient Aryan tribes, who are hypothesized to have spoken Proto-Indo-Iranian, came down in intermittent waves from Central Asia and Afghanistan which is a common myth. They practiced a sort of jirga system with two types of councils – simite and sabhā. The simite (summit) comprised elders and tribal chiefs. The king also joined sessions of the simite. Sabhā was a sort of rural council. In India they are referred to as Samiti and Sabha.[citation needed]


The Parthian Empire (248 BC–224 AD), also known as the Arsacid Empire, is considered to be the oldest elective monarchy in Asia.[33] The King of Kings has been required to undergo an assembly of the nobles called Mahestān, as a vote of approval before being allowed to ascend to the imperial throne or to be removed from the power.[citation needed]

Other monarchs, such as the former Shahs of Iran, have been required to undergo a parliamentary vote of approval before being allowed to ascend to the throne.[citation needed]

Mongol Empire

In the

Great Khan was chosen by the Kurultai. This was often convened in the capital. Other critical leadership positions were also assigned.[34]


The ancient Korean kingdom of Silla elected its first king by a conference of tribal and village elders in 57 BC.[35] Unified Silla's kings were elected by the aristocracy whose powers were on par with the king.[36] In the kingdom of Goguryeo, the ruler was originally chosen from among the heads of the five tribes, most often the Sono tribe.[37]


There were several occasions that the Kingdom of Siam and Thailand turned to a semi-elective monarchy system to settle the succession of the crown among disputed heirs:

  • In 1824, Phutthaloetla Naphalai died suddenly without having named a successor to
    was elected as the successor.
  • In 1867, as Mongkut had not designated who would succeed him, the choice fell to a council to decide. The council led by Prince Deves, Mongkut's eldest half-brother, then chose Chulalongkorn as Mongkut's successor. However, Chulalongkorn was only 15 and so the council choose
    Si Suriyawongse to become the regent until Chulalongkorn came of age.[39]


In 1858, several central Māori tribes of the North Island of New Zealand elected Pōtatau Te Wherowhero as their monarch. The Tainui tribal elders have continued this tradition and the Kiingitanga movement alive to the present.[citation needed] The present Māori King (i.e. monarch of the Kiingitanga movement, not of all Māori) is Tūheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII, eldest son of the previous Māori monarch Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu. He was sworn in on 21 August 2006 on the day of his mother's funeral. While in principle the position is not hereditary, in practice every Māori monarch thus far has been the heir of the previous monarch.


male-preference primogeniture. However, the Constitutions of 1864 and 1887, and the draft constitution of 1893, all provided that, in the event of the extinction of the royal line, the Legislature would elect a "native aliʻi" as the new monarch and stirps of a new dynasty. In practice, however, during the entire time from 1864 until the abolition of the monarchy, the throne was never passed from parent to child, as every Hawaiian monarch who reigned during that period died without leaving issue. Following the 1872 death of King Kamehameha V, a non-binding referendum was held, in which William Charles Lunalilo won; he was subsequently elected king by the legislature in 1873. King Kalākaua was elected by the legislature in 1874, after Lunalilo's death. However, when Kalākaua died in 1891, the crown demised to the collateral line of his sister, Queen Liliʻuokalani. Prior to 1864, the Hawaiian King-in-Council appointed the heir to the Hawaiian throne.[citation needed

The Americas


The Tlatoanimeh of the Aztec Empire were chosen by a council of elders, nobles, and priests. He would be selected from a pool of four candidates.[citation needed]

Costa Rica

The mánkeme (king) of the Kingdom of Nicoya was elected by a council of elders known as the monéxico.[citation needed]

Chile and Argentina

French explorer

Mapuche to be the Great Toqui, Supreme Chieftain of the Mapuches, possibly in the belief that their cause might be better served with a European acting on their behalf. He later proclaimed himself as the King of Araucanía and Patagonia.[citation needed

United States

An attempt to create an elective monarchy in the

Constitutional Convention of 1787 that the President of the United States should be an elective monarch, ruling for "good behavior" (i.e., for life, unless impeached) and with extensive powers. Hamilton believed that elective monarchs had sufficient power domestically to resist foreign corruption, yet there was enough domestic control over their behavior to prevent tyranny at home.[40]
His proposal was resoundingly voted down in favor of a four-year term with the possibility of reelection.


The crown of the

Empire of Haiti, established in 1804, was also elective according to its 1805 constitution.[41]

Extraordinary election

A hereditary monarchy may occasionally use election to fill a vacant throne. For example, the royal family may become extinct; depending on how precisely the succession to the throne is defined in law, several candidates with equally, or almost equally, strong claims could emerge, with an election being held to choose from among them. This differs from a formally elective monarchy in that it is an extraordinary measure, and with the new monarch the succession again becomes hereditary.[citation needed]

Alternatively, the monarch may be deposed, as in a revolution. While sometimes a monarch may be forced to abdicate in favour of his or her heir, on other occasions the royal family as a whole has been rejected, the throne going to an elected candidate. Examples of extraordinary election are:


In the past; new polities or countries in internal turmoil sometimes selected and invited some person to become their monarch. The selected person might have had little or nothing to do with his prospective kingdom; he might have had associations with a current great power or with a current regional power, or might appear as a true outsider, (hopefully) unbiased in matters of internal politics. (The concept of "invitation" may discreetly gloss over intense lobbying or diplomatic maneuvering in some cases.) By selecting a foreign prince or aristocrat, nations could expect to gain diplomatic links and a figurehead accustomed to the trappings of courts and ceremonial duties. Newly established states in the 19th and early 20th centuries established trends in the selection and appointment of newly minted monarchs.[citation needed]

At the start of the 20th century, the first monarchs of several newly independent nations were elected by parliaments:

WWI and the demise of Monarchy in Germany itself, and Finland opted to become a Republic instead.[citation needed

Examples include:

Offering of the Mexican crown to Maximilian of Habsburg.

Current elective monarchies

Currently, the world's only true elective monarchies are:


Article 13 of the Cambodian Constitution stipulates that the monarch is chosen for a life term by the 9-member Royal Council of the Throne, the composition of which includes the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, the two Patriarchs of the country’s two main Buddhist Sangha Nikayas, the 1st and 2nd Deputy Presidents of the Senate and the 1st and 2nd Deputy Speakers of the National Assembly. Article 14 of the Constitution further states that the royal candidate for the throne must be at least 30 years old and a descendant of the late King Ang Duong, King Norodom or King Sisowath.[48]

Holy See


Vatican City State, the Pope is elected in a conclave by the College of Cardinals
, generally from among their number.



Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall not be re-elected unless the rotation succession was complete.[citation needed

  • Additionally, the Malaysian
    matrilineal clan due to the influence of Minangkabau culture. The system was partially the basis for the federal monarchy.[citation needed
  • The Sultan of Perak is selected from amongst the most senior male princes descending from the 18th Sultan of Perak, Sultan Ahmadin. The Sultan, Raja Muda (Crown Prince), and Raja Di-Hilir (Deputy Crown Prince) are selected by the Dewan Negara of Perak. A son of the reigning Sultan cannot become Raja Muda if there is a more senior prince descended from the previous Sultan; this is possible should the senior prince relinquish his right to become Raja Muda.[citation needed]

United Arab Emirates

The president is elected by the Federal Supreme Council with a term of five years.[49] Since its formation, the position has been a de facto hereditary position to the Al Nahyan sheikhs of Abu Dhabi by consensus of the Federal Supreme Council. Likewise, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE is a position held by the Al Maktoum sheikhs of Dubai. Elections are held every 5 years. The position of the ruler of each emirate of the United Arab Emirates is determined by consensus of the respective ruling royal family of that emirate.[50][51]

Similar forms

See also


  1. ^ from the original on 2021-02-25. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
  2. .
  3. ^ .
  4. ^ Figgis, John Neville (1914). The Divine Right of Kings. CUP Archive. pp. 79–80.
  5. .
  6. .
  7. .
  8. ^ In Early Irish laws and institution (1934) Eoin MacNeill stated that, according to the annal evidence, tanistry originated only about a century after the Anglo-Norman invasion, p. 148.
  9. ^ Case of Tanistry (1608), Davis 28 180 E.R 516
  10. ^  One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainChisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Tanistry". Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 26 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 398.
  11. .
  12. ^ Walker, Williston (1888). On the Increase of Royal Power in France Under Philip Augustus, 1179-1223. Gressner & Schramm. pp. 4–7.
  13. .
  14. .
  15. ^ John Burley Waring (1874). The state, a sequel to the 'Universal Church'; together with a suppl. 'Record of thoughts', and some essays. p. 2.
  16. ^ "The Emperor: Qualifications". The Holy Roman Empire. Heraldica. Archived from the original on 2016-12-08. Retrieved 2008-02-20.
  17. .
  18. ^ Austria in 1848-49: being a history of the late political movements in Vienna, Milan, Venice, and Prague; with details of the campaigns of Lombardy and Novara; a full account of the Revolution in Hungary; and Historical sketches of the Austrian Government and the princes of the empire: 2. Low. 1852. p. 23.
  19. .
  20. .
  21. ^ Thomas Henry Dyer (1877). Modern Europe: From the Fall of Constantinople to the Establishment of the German Empire, A.D. 1453-1871 (2 ed.). Bell. p. 63.
  22. .
  23. ^ The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Volume XIX. 1890. p. 544.
  24. ^ Juliusz Bardach, Boguslaw Lesnodorski, and Michal Pietrzak, Historia panstwa i prawa polskiego (Warsaw: Paristwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1987), p.62-63
  25. ^ a b Roșu 2017, p. 10.
  26. ^ Roșu 2017, p. 12.
  27. .
  28. (PDF) on 2015-11-23.
  29. from the original on 2022-05-15. Retrieved 2020-09-23.
  30. .
  31. ^ "The Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta". Order of Malta. Archived from the original on 2018-10-20. Retrieved 2018-02-23.
  32. ^ Jon Krakauer (September 11, 2009). "To Save Afghanistan, Look to Its Past". New York Times. Archived from the original on 2021-05-08. Retrieved 2014-10-29.
  33. from the original on 15 May 2022. Retrieved 26 November 2020.
  34. OCLC 898313910.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link
  35. .
  36. .
  37. .
  38. ^ "Rattanakosin Period (1782 -present)". Thailand Introduction. GlobalSecurity.org. August 18, 2013. Retrieved June 5, 2013. If there was no uparaja at the time of the king's death—and this was frequently the case—the choice of a new monarch drawn from the royal family was left to the Senabodi, the council of senior officials, princes, and Buddhist prelates that assembled at the death of a king. It was such a council that chose Nang Klao's successor.
  39. ^ Chakrabongse, Chula (1967). Lords of Life; a history of the Kings of Thailand. Internet Archive. London: Alvin Redman.
  40. .
  41. ^ "Haiti: 1805 Constitution". faculty.webster.edu. Archived from the original on 2015-09-15. Retrieved 2016-09-11.
  42. ^ "The UAE". Archived from the original on 2020-04-09. Retrieved 2019-12-13.
  43. ^ "Sheikh Mohammed recalls meeting which paved way for UAE". Archived from the original on 2022-05-15. Retrieved 2019-12-13.
  44. from the original on 2 May 2016. Retrieved 26 May 2021.
  45. ^ . Retrieved 2017-07-18. The Pskov men invited princes to Pskov whose professional armoured cavalry was very important for a city that had constant wars with the Livonian Order. [...] The princely power grew during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries while the prince himself usually was a protégé of the grand prince of Moscow. [...] However, the right that was especially valued by Pskov men was that to expel princes whom they disliked.
  46. ^ Parker, Geoffrey (2004). "8: Princes, Bishops and Republics: Cities and City-States in Russia". Sovereign City: The City-state Through History. Globalities Series. London: Reaktion Books. p. 124. . Retrieved 2017-07-18. From 1075 the people of Novgorod 'invited' the prince to take the throne and it is clear that the princes were now there only so long as they satisfied the Novgorodians and obeyed their laws.
  47. from the original on 2021-05-12. Retrieved 2017-07-18. On the Novgorod and Pskov communities' practice of inviting princes from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, see Anna Khoroshkevich, 'Istoricheskie sud'by belorusskikh i ukrainskikh zemel' v XIV – nachale XVI v.,' in Vladimir Pashuto, Boris Floria, and Khoroshkevich, Drevnerusskoe nasledia i istoricheskie sud'by vostochnogo slavianstva (Moscow, 1982), pp. 140–141.
  48. ^ The Secretariat of the Constitution Council (July 2015). "Faolex Fao" (PDF). FAO. Retrieved August 3, 2023.
  49. ^ "Khalifa bin Zayed re-elected President of UAE". 11 June 2019. Archived from the original on 2019-12-05. Retrieved 2019-12-05.
  50. from the original on 15 May 2022. Retrieved 26 November 2020.
  51. ^ Countries and Territories of the World. p. 456. Archived from the original on 2022-05-15. Retrieved 2020-11-26.
  52. ^ "Elección de un cacique en tiempos modernos". Diario Extra. Archived from the original on 2019-03-28. Retrieved 2019-03-28.
  53. ^ "Brus malis se viste de fiesta tras elección de nuevo líder indígena". Actualidad CR. Archived from the original on 2016-03-05. Retrieved 2019-03-28.
  54. ^ Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa Archived July 8, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  55. ^ "Official website of the head of state of Samoa". Archived from the original on 2012-02-20. Retrieved 2012-02-19.
  56. ^ "The Allegiance Institution Law". Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington, DC. 20 October 2006. Archived from the original on 5 November 2011. Retrieved 2 May 2011.

External links