Galicia (Spain)

Coordinates: 42°48′N 7°54′W / 42.8°N 7.9°W / 42.8; -7.9
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Galicia (Galician)
Galicia (Spanish)

Galicia (


Galicia is located in Atlantic Europe. It is bordered by Portugal to the south, the Spanish autonomous communities of Castile and León and Asturias to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Cantabrian Sea to the north. It had a population of 2,701,743 in 2018[5] and a total area of 29,574 km2 (11,419 sq mi). Galicia has over 1,660 km (1,030 mi) of coastline,[6] including its offshore islands and islets, among them Cíes Islands, Ons, Sálvora, Cortegada Island, which together form the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park, and the largest and most populated, A Illa de Arousa.

The area now called Galicia was first inhabited by humans during the

Statute of Autonomy of 1981
, approved in referendum and currently in force, providing Galicia with self-government.

The interior of Galicia is characterized by a hilly landscape; mountain ranges rise to 2,000 m (6,600 ft) in the east and south. The coastal areas are mostly an alternate series of

Ferrol. The population is largely concentrated in two main areas: from Ferrol to A Coruña on the northern coast, and in the Rías Baixas region in the southwest, including the cities of Vigo, Pontevedra, and the interior city of Santiago de Compostela. There are smaller populations around the interior cities of Lugo and Ourense. The political capital is Santiago de Compostela, in the province of A Coruña. Vigo, in the province of Pontevedra, is the largest municipality[13] and A Coruña the most populated city in Galicia.[14] Two languages are official and widely used today in Galicia: the native Galician; and Spanish, usually called Castilian. While most Galicians are bilingual, a 2013 survey reported that 51% of the Galician population spoke Galician most often on a day-to-day basis, while 48% most often used Spanish.[15]


A satellite view of Galicia

The name Galicia derives from the Latin toponym Callaecia, later

Callaeci were the first tribe in the area to help the Lusitanians against the invading Romans. The Romans applied their name to all the other tribes in the northwest who spoke the same language and lived the same life.[17]

The toponymy of the name has been studied since the 7th century by authors such as

Proto-Celtic *kallī- 'forest', so meaning 'the forest (people)'.[19][16]
In any case, Galicia, being per se a derivation of the ethnic name Kallaikói, means 'the land of the Galicians'.

Another recent proposal comes from linguist Francesco Benozzo after identifying the root gall- / kall- in a number of Celtic words with the meaning "stone" or "rock", as follows: gall (old Irish), gal (Middle Welsh), gailleichan (Scottish Gaelic), kailhoù (Breton), galagh (Manx) and gall (Gaulish). Hence, Benozzo explains the ethnonym Callaeci as being "the stone people" or "the people of the stone" ("those who work with stones"), about the builders of the ancient megaliths and stone formations so common in Galicia.[20]

The name evolved during the Middle Ages from Gallaecia, sometimes written Galletia, to Gallicia. In the 13th century, with the written emergence of the Galician language, Galiza became the most usual written form of the name of the country, being replaced during the 15th and 16th centuries by the current form, Galicia, which is also the spelling of the name in

devolved government, uses Galicia. The Royal Galician Academy, the institution responsible for regulating the Galician language, whilst recognizing Galiza as a legitimate current denomination, has stated that the only official name of the country is Galicia.[21]

Due to Galicia's history and culture with mythology, the land has been called "Terra Meiga" (land of the witches/witch(ing) land).[22][23]


Prehistory and antiquity

Bronze Age gold helmet from Leiro, Rianxo

The oldest attestation of human presence in Galicia has been found in the Eirós Cave, in the municipality of

Beaker culture. Its rich mineral deposits of tin and gold led to the development of Bronze Age metallurgy, and the commerce of bronze and gold items all along the Atlantic coast of Western Europe. A shared elite culture evolved in this region during the Atlantic Bronze Age

Palloza houses in eastern Galicia, an evolved form of the Iron Age local roundhouses

Dating from the end of the

cup and ring marks, labyrinths, deer, Bronze Age weapons, and riding and hunting scenes.[25] Large numbers of these stone carvings can be found in the Rías Baixas regions, at places such as Tourón and Campo Lameiro

Castro de Baroña, an Iron Age fortified settlement

The Castro culture[26] ('Culture of the Castles') developed during the Iron Age, and flourished during the second half of the first millennium BC. It is usually considered a local evolution of the Atlantic Bronze Age, with later developments and influences overlapping into the Roman era. Geographically, it corresponds to the people the Romans called Gallaeci, which were composed of a large series of nations or tribes, among them the Artabri, Bracari, Limici, Celtici, Albiones and Lemavi. They were capable fighters: Strabo described them as the most difficult foes the Romans encountered in conquering Lusitania, while Appian[27] mentions their warlike spirit, noting that the women bore their weapons side by side with their men, frequently preferring death to captivity. According to Pomponius Mela all the inhabitants of the coastal areas were Celtic people.

A local Iron Age head warrior from Rubiás, Bande. Now in Museo Provincial de Ourense.

Gallaeci lived in

San Cibrao de Lás
, Borneiro, Castromao, and Viladonga. Some other distinctive features, such as temples, baths, reservoirs, warrior statues, and decorative carvings have been found associated with this culture, together with rich gold and metalworking traditions.

The Roman legions first entered the area under

Latin. The Roman Empire established its control over Galicia through camps (castra) as Aquis Querquennis, Ciadella camp or Lucus Augusti (Lugo), roads (viae) and monuments as the lighthouse known as Tower of Hercules, in Corunna, but the remoteness and lesser interest of the country since the 2nd century of our era, when the gold mines stopped being productive, led to a lesser degree of Romanization. In the 3rd century, it was made a province, under the name Gallaecia, which included also northern Portugal, Asturias, and a large section of what today is known as Castile and León

Early Middle Ages

Miro, king of Galicia, and Martin of Braga, from an 1145 manuscript of Martin's Formula Vitae Honestae,[29] now in the Austrian National Library. The original work was dedicated to King Miro with the header "To King Miro, the most glorious and calm, the pious, famous for his Catholic faith"

In the early 5th century, the deep crisis suffered by the

King Leovigild
invaded the Suebic kingdom of Galicia and defeated it, bringing it under Visigoth control.

Later the Muslims invaded Spain (711), but the Arabs and Moors never managed to have any real control over Galicia, which was later incorporated into the expanding Christian Kingdom of Asturias, usually known as Gallaecia or Galicia (Yillīqiya and Galīsiya) by Muslim chroniclers,[31] as well as by many European contemporaries.[32] This era consolidated Galicia as a Christian society which spoke a Romance language. During the next century Galician noblemen took northern Portugal, conquering Coimbra in 871, thus freeing what was considered the southernmost city of ancient Galicia.

High and Low Middle Ages

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

In the 9th century, the rise of the cult of the

troubadors. During the 10th and 11th centuries, a period during which Galician nobility become related to the royal family, Galicia was at times headed by its own native kings, while Vikings (locally known as Leodemanes or Lordomanes) occasionally raided the coasts. The Towers of Catoira[33]
(Pontevedra) were built as a system of fortifications to prevent and stop the Viking raids on Santiago de Compostela.

In 1063,

Alfonso VI of León; from that time Galicia was united with the Kingdom of León under the same monarchs. In the 13th century Alfonso X of Castile standardized the Castilian language (i.e. Spanish) and made it the language of court and government. Nevertheless, in his Kingdom of Galicia the Galician language was the only language spoken, and the most used in government and legal uses, as well as in literature

An illustration of the Cantigas de Santa Maria (13th century)

During the 14th and 15th centuries, the progressive distancing of the kings from Galician affairs left the kingdom in the hands of the local knights, counts, and bishops, who frequently fought each other to increase their fiefs, or simply to plunder the lands of others. At the same time, the deputies of the Kingdom in the

stopped being called. The Kingdom of Galicia, slipping away from the control of the King, responded with a century of fiscal insubordination.

Gothic painting at Vilar de Donas' church, Palas de Rei

On the other hand, the lack of an effective royal justice system in the Kingdom led to the social conflict known as the

Xunta or Cortes of the Kingdom of Galicia
, an assembly of deputies or representatives of the cities of the Kingdom, to ask for monetary and military contributions. This assembly soon developed into the voice and legal representation of the Kingdom, and the depositary of its will and laws.

Early Modern

Tomb of the knight Sueiro Gómez de Soutomaior

The modern period of the Kingdom of Galicia began with the defeat of some of the most powerful Galician lords, such as Pedro Álvarez de Sotomayor, called Pedro Madruga, and Rodrigo Henriquez Osorio, at the hands of the Castilian armies sent to Galicia between the years 1480 and 1486. Isabella I of Castile, considered a usurper by many Galician nobles, defeated all armed resistance and definitively established the royal power of the Castilian monarchy. Fearing a general revolt, the monarchs ordered the banishing of the rest of the great lords like Pedro de Bolaño, Diego de Andrade, or Lope Sánchez de Moscoso, among others.

Map of the Kingdom of Galicia, 1603

The establishment of the

Crown of Castille, including the Americas, well over its economic relevance.[35]
Like the rest of Spain, the 16th century was marked by population growth up to 1580, when the simultaneous wars with the Netherlands, France, and England hampered Galicia's Atlantic commerce, which consisted mostly in the exportation of sardines, wood, and some cattle and wine.

In the late years of the 15th century the written form of the Galician language began a slow decline as it was increasingly replaced by Spanish, which would culminate in the Séculos Escuros "the Dark Centuries" of the language, roughly from the 16th century through to the mid-18th century, when written Galician almost completely disappeared except for private or occasional uses but the spoken language remained the common language of the people in the villages and even the cities.

Maria Pita, heroine of the defense of A Coruña during the English siege of 1589

From that moment Galicia, which participated to a minor extent in the American expansion of the

Junta of the Kingdom of Galicia (the local Cortes or representative assembly) was initially receptive to these petitions, raising large sums, accepting the conscription of the men of the kingdom, and even commissioning a new naval squadron which was sustained with the incomes of the Kingdom.[37]

Battle of Vigo Bay, 23 October 1702

After the rupture of the wars with Portugal and Catalonia, the Junta changed its attitude, this time due to the exhaustion of Galicia, now involved not just in naval or oversea operations, but also in an exhausting war with the Portuguese, war which produced thousands of casualties and refugees and was heavily disturbing to the local economy and commerce. So, in the second half of the 17th century the Junta frequently denied or considerably reduced the initial petitions of the monarch, and though the tension did not rise to the levels experienced in Portugal or Catalonia, there were frequent urban mutinies and some voices even asked for the secession of the Kingdom of Galicia.[38]

Late Modern and Contemporary

Battle of Corunna on 16 January 1809

During the Peninsular War the successful uprising of the local people against the new French authorities, together with the support of the British Army, limited the occupation to six months in 1808–1809. During the pre-war period the Supreme Council of the Kingdom of Galicia (Junta Suprema del Reino de Galicia), auto-proclaimed interim sovereign in 1808, was the sole government of the country and mobilized near 40,000 men against the invaders.

The 1833 territorial division of Spain put a formal end to the Kingdom of Galicia, unifying Spain into a single centralized monarchy. Instead of seven provinces and a regional administration, Galicia was reorganized into the current four provinces. Although it was recognized as a "historical region", that status was strictly honorific. In reaction, nationalist and federalist movements arose.

Re-enactment of the Battle of Corunna

The liberal General Miguel Solís Cuetos led a separatist coup attempt in 1846 against the authoritarian regime of Ramón María Narváez. Solís and his forces were defeated at the Battle of Cacheiras, 23 April 1846, and the survivors, including Solís himself, were shot. They have taken their place in Galician memory as the Martyrs of Carral or simply the Martyrs of Liberty.

Defeated on the military front, Galicians turned to culture. The Rexurdimento focused on the recovery of the Galician language as a vehicle of social and cultural expression. Among the writers associated with this movement are Rosalía de Castro, Manuel Murguía, Manuel Leiras Pulpeiro, and Eduardo Pondal.

In the early 20th century came another turn toward nationalist politics with Solidaridad Gallega (1907–1912) modeled on Solidaritat Catalana in Catalonia. Solidaridad Gallega failed, but in 1916 Irmandades da Fala (Brotherhood of the Language) developed first as a cultural association but soon as a full-blown nationalist movement. Vicente Risco and Ramón Otero Pedrayo were outstanding cultural figures of this movement, and the magazine Nós ('Us'), founded in 1920, its most notable cultural institution, Lois Peña Novo the outstanding political figure.

Pro–devolved-government poster, 1936
Estatuto de Galicia


Galician Statute of Autonomy
, Galicia was granted the status of an autonomous region.

Galicia was spared the worst of the fighting in that war: it was one of the areas where the initial coup attempt at the outset of the war was successful, and it remained in Nationalist hands (Franco's army) throughout the war. While there were no pitched battles, there was repression and death: all political parties were abolished, as were all labor unions and Galician nationalist organizations as the Seminario de Estudos Galegos. Galicia's statute of autonomy was annulled (as were those of

Antonio Azarola; and the founders of the PG, Alexandre Bóveda and Víctor Casas,[39] as well as other professionals akin to republicans and nationalists, as the journalist Manuel Lustres Rivas or physician Luis Poza Pastrana
. Many others were forced to escape into exile, or were victims of other reprisals and removed from their jobs and positions. General
technocrats affiliated with Opus Dei to modernize administration in a way that facilitated capitalist economic development. However, for decades Galicia was largely confined to the role of a supplier of raw materials and energy to the rest of Spain, causing environmental havoc and leading to a wave of migration to Venezuela and to various parts of Europe. Fenosa
, the monopolistic supplier of electricity, built hydroelectric dams, flooding many Galician river valleys.

Memorial to the mayor and other republicans, including a syndicalist and a journal director, executed in Verín, 17 June 1937

The Galician economy finally began to modernize with a French Citroën factory in Vigo, the modernization of the canning industry and the fishing fleet, and eventually a modernization of small peasant farming practices, especially in the production of cows' milk. In the province of Ourense, businessman and politician Eulogio Gómez Franqueira gave impetus to the raising of livestock and poultry by establishing the Cooperativa Orensana S.A. (Coren).

During the last decade of Franco's rule, there was a renewal of nationalist feeling in Galicia. The early 1970s were a time of unrest among university students, workers, and farmers. In 1972, general strikes in Vigo and Ferrol cost the lives of Amador Rey and Daniel Niebla.[42] Later, the bishop of Mondoñedo-Ferrol, Miguel Anxo Araúxo Iglesias, wrote a pastoral letter that was not well received by the Franco regime, about a demonstration in Bazán (Ferrol) where two workers died.[43]

As part of the

parties and individuals that claims Galician political status as a nation.

Estreleira, Galician nationalist flag

From 1990 to 2005, Manuel Fraga, former minister and ambassador in the Franco dictatorship, presided over the Galician autonomous government, the

Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG). As the senior partner in the new coalition, the PSdeG nominated its leader, Emilio Pérez Touriño, to serve as Galicia's new president, with Anxo Quintana
, the leader of BNG, as its vice president.

In 2009, the PSdG-BNG coalition lost the elections, and the government went back to the People's Party (conservative), even though the PSdG-BNG coalition obtained the most votes.


As Catedrais beach in Ribadeo

Galicia has a surface area of 29,574 square kilometres (11,419 sq mi).

Baixa Limia-Serra do Xurés Natural Park.[44] The easternmost longitude is at 6°42′W on the border between the province of Ourense and the Castilian-Leonese province of Zamora) its westernmost at 9°18′W reached in two places: the A Nave Cape in Fisterra (also known as Finisterre), and Cape Touriñán, both in the province of A Coruña.[44]


Cape Ortegal
, the highest (613 m) in continental Europe

The interior of Galicia is a hilly landscape, composed of relatively low mountain ranges, usually below 1,000 m (3,300 ft) high, without sharp peaks, rising to 2,000 m (6,600 ft) in the eastern mountains. There are many rivers, most (though not all) running down relatively gentle slopes in narrow river valleys, though at times their courses become far more rugged, as in the canyons of the


Meadows in Pambre, Palas de Rei

Topographically, a remarkable feature of Galicia is the presence of many

Estaca de Bares
, with the others being called Rías Medias ("Intermediate Rías").

Erosion by the

Cape Ortegal, Cape Prior, Punta Santo Adrao, Cape Vilán, Cape Touriñán (westernmost point in Galicia), Cape Finisterre or Fisterra, considered by the Romans, along with Finistère in Brittany and Land's End in Cornwall
, to be the end of the known world.

The ria of Ferrol is an important naval base of Spain

All along the Galician coast are various archipelagos near the mouths of the rías. These archipelagos provide protected deepwater harbors and also provide habitat for seagoing birds. A 2007 inventory estimates that the Galician coast has 316 archipelagos, islets, and freestanding rocks.[45] Among the most important of these are the archipelagos of Cíes, Ons, and Sálvora. Together with Cortegada Island, these make up the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park. Other significant islands are Islas Malveiras, Islas Sisargas, and, the largest and holding the largest population, Arousa Island.

The coast of this 'green corner' of the Iberian Peninsula, some 1,500 km (930 mi) in length, attracts great numbers of tourists, although real estate development in the 2000–2010 decade has degraded it partially.

'Tres Bispos' peak, Cervantes, Lugo

Galicia is quite

Macizo Galaico (Serra do Eixe, Serra da Lastra, Serra do Courel), also known as Macizo Galaico-Leonés, located in the eastern parts, bordering with Castile and León. Noteworthy mountain ranges are O Xistral (northern Lugo), the Serra dos Ancares (on the border with León and Asturias), O Courel (on the border with León), O Eixe (the border between Ourense and Zamora), Serra de Queixa (in the center of Ourense province), O Faro (the border between Lugo and Pontevedra), Cova da Serpe (border of Lugo and A Coruña), Montemaior (A Coruña), Montes do Testeiro, Serra do Suído, and Faro de Avión (between Pontevedra and Ourense); and, to the south, A Peneda, O Xurés and O Larouco, all on the border of Ourense and Portugal

The highest point in Galicia is Trevinca or Pena Trevinca (2,124 metres or 6,969 feet), located in the Serra do Eixe, at the border between Ourense and León and Zamora provinces. Other[46] tall peaks are Pena Survia (2,112 metres or 6,929 feet) in the Serra do Eixe, O Mustallar (1,935 metres or 6,348 feet) in Os Ancares, and Cabeza de Manzaneda (1,782 metres or 5,846 feet) in Serra de Queixa, where there is a ski resort.



Galicia is poetically known as the "country of the

Miño, poetically known as O Pai Miño (Father Miño), which is 307.5 km (191.1 mi) long and discharges 419 m3 (548 cu yd) per second, with its affluent the Sil, which has created a spectacular canyon. Most of the rivers in the inland are tributaries of this river system, which drains some 17,027 km2 (6,574 sq mi). Other rivers run directly into the Atlantic Ocean or the Cantabrian Sea, most of them having short courses. Only the Navia, Ulla, Tambre, and Limia
have courses longer than 100 km (62 mi).

Galicia's many hydroelectric dams take advantage of the steep, deep, narrow rivers and their canyons. Due to their steep course, few of Galicia's rivers are navigable, other than the lower portion of the Miño and the portions of various rivers that have been dammed into reservoirs. Some rivers are navigable by small boats in their lower reaches: this is taken great advantage of in several semi-aquatic festivals and pilgrimages.


The River Sil and its canyon

Galicia has preserved some of its dense forests. It is relatively unpolluted, and its landscapes composed of green hills, cliffs, and rias are generally different from what is commonly understood as Spanish landscape. Nevertheless, Galicia has some important environmental problems.

Deforestation and forest fires are a problem in many areas, as is the continual spread of the eucalyptus tree, a species imported from Australia, actively promoted by the paper industry since the mid-20th century. Galicia is one of the more forested areas of Spain, but the majority of Galicia's plantations, usually growing eucalyptus or pine, lack any formal management.[47] Massive eucalyptus plantation, especially of Eucalyptus globulus, began in the Francisco Franco era, largely on behalf of the paper company Empresa Nacional de Celulosas de España (ENCE) in Pontevedra, which wanted it for its pulp. Galician photographer Delmi Álvarez began documenting the fires in Galicia in 2006 in a project called Queiman Galiza (Burn Galicia).[48] Wood products figure significantly in Galicia's economy. Apart from tree plantations, Galicia is also notable for the extensive surface occupied by meadows used for animal husbandry, especially cattle, an important activity. Hydroelectric development in most rivers has been a serious concern for local conservationists during the last decades.

Fauna, most notably the European wolf, has suffered because of the actions of livestock owners and farmers, and because of the loss of habitats, whilst the native deer species have declined because of hunting and development.

Oil spills are a major issue. The Prestige oil spill in 2002 spilled more oil than the Exxon Valdez in Alaska.[49]


Galician Blond cows

Galicia has more than 2,800 plant species and 31 endemic plant taxa. Plantations and mixed forests of eucalyptus predominate in the west and north; a few oak forests (variously known locally as fragas or devesas) remain, particularly in the north-central part of the province of Lugo and the north of the province of A Coruña (Fragas do Eume). In the interior regions of the country, oak and bushland predominate. Galicia has 262 inventoried species of vertebrates, including 12 species of freshwater fish, 15 amphibians, 24 reptiles, 152 birds, and 59 mammals.[50]

Iberian wolf, Galicia

The animals most often thought of as being "typical" of Galicia are the livestock raised there. The

Mos. The last is an endangered species, although it is showing signs of a comeback since 2001.[51]

Galicia is home to one of the largest populations of

Holstein cattle
coexist on meadows and farms.


Pacios, Courel, Lugo

Being located on the Atlantic coastline, Galicia has a very mild climate for the latitude and the marine influence affects most of the province to various degrees. In comparison to similar latitudes on the other side of the Atlantic, winters are exceptionally mild, with consistent rainfall. At sea level snow is exceptional, with temperatures just occasionally dropping below freezing; on the other hand, snow regularly falls in the eastern mountains from November to May. Overall, the climate of Galicia is comparable to the Pacific Northwest; the warmest coastal station of Pontevedra has a yearly mean temperature of 14.8 °C (58.6 °F).[52] Ourense located somewhat inland is only slightly warmer with 14.9 °C (58.8 °F).[53] Lugo, to the north, is colder, with 12 °C (54 °F),[54] similar to the 12.45 °C (54.41 °F) of Portland, Oregon.

In coastal areas summers are tempered, with daily maximums averaging around 25 °C (77 °F) in Vigo.[55] Temperatures are further cooler in A Coruña, with a subdued 22.8 °C (73.0 °F) normal.[56] Temperatures are much higher in inland areas such as Ourense, where days above 30 °C (86 °F) are regular.

Pontevedra and the Ria de Pontevedra in the Rias Baixas.

The lands of Galicia are ascribed to two different areas in the Köppen climate classification:[57] a south area (roughly, the province of Ourense and Pontevedra) with appreciable summer drought, classified as a warm-summer Mediterranean climate (Csb), with mild temperatures and rainfall usual throughout the year; and the western and northern coastal regions, the provinces of Lugo and A Coruña, which are characterized by their Oceanic climate (Cfb), with a more uniform precipitation distribution along the year, and milder summers.[58] However, precipitation in southern coastal areas are often classified as oceanic since the averages remain significantly higher than a typical Mediterranean climate.

As an example, Santiago de Compostela, the capital city, has an average[59] of 129 rainy days (> 1 mm) and 1,362 millimetres (53.6 in) per year (with just 17 rainy days in the three summer months) and 2,101 sunlight hours per year, with just 6 days with frosts per year. But the colder city of Lugo, to the east, has an average of 1,759 sunlight hours per year,[60] 117 days with precipitations (> 1 mm) totalling 901.54 millimetres (35.5 in), and 40 days with frosts per year. The more mountainous parts of the provinces of Ourense and Lugo receive significant snowfall during the winter months. The sunniest city is Pontevedra with 2,223 sunny hours per year.

Climate data for some locations in Galicia (average 1981–2010):[61]

Cities July av. T January av. T Rain Days with rain (year/summer) Days with frost Sunlight hours
A Coruña 19.0 °C (66.2 °F) 10.8 °C (51.4 °F) 1,014 mm (39.9 in) 130 / 18 0.1 2,010
Lugo 18.2 °C (64.8 °F) 6.2 °C (43.2 °F) 1,052 mm (41.4 in) 126 / 16 50 1,821
Ourense 22.5 °C (72.5 °F) 8.0 °C (46.4 °F) 811 mm (31.9 in) 97 / 11 27 2,054
Pontevedra 20.4 °C (68.7 °F) 9.6 °C (49.3 °F) 1,613 mm (63.5 in) 129 / 17 2 2,247
Santiago de Compostela 18.6 °C (65.5 °F) 7.7 °C (45.9 °F) 1,787 mm (70.4 in) 139 / 19 13 1,911
Vigo 19.6 °C (67.3 °F) 8.6 °C (47.5 °F) 1,791 mm (70.5 in) 131 / 18 4 2,169

Government and politics

Local government

Galicia has partial self-governance, in the form of a

High Court of Galicia
and lower courts.


Pazo de Raxoi, in Santiago de Compostela, seat of the presidency of the local devolved government

The Xunta de Galicia is a collective entity with executive and administrative power. It consists of the

President, a vice president, and twelve councillors. Administrative power is largely delegated to dependent bodies. The Xunta also coordinates the activities of the provincial councils (Galician: deputacións) located in A Coruña, Pontevedra, Ourense and Lugo

The President of the Xunta directs and coordinates the actions of the Xunta. The president is simultaneously the representative of the

monarch of Spain


Parliament of Galicia

The Galician Parliament[63] consists of 75 deputies elected by universal adult suffrage under a system of proportional representation. The franchise includes also Galicians who reside abroad. Elections occur every four years.

The last elections, held 12 July 2020, resulted in the following distribution of seats:[64]


Municipal governments

Municipalities and parishes of Galicia

There are 314

municipalities (Galician: concellos) in Galicia, each of which is run by a mayor–council government
known as a concello.

There is a further subdivision of local government known as an Entidade local menor; each has its own council (xunta veciñal) and mayor (alcalde da aldea). There are nine of these in Galicia: Arcos da Condesa, Bembrive, Camposancos, Chenlo, Morgadáns, Pazos de Reis, Queimadelos, Vilasobroso and Berán.

Galicia is also traditionally subdivided in some 3,700 civil parishes, each one comprising one or more vilas (towns), aldeas (villages), lugares (hamlets) or barrios (neighbourhoods).

National government

Galicia's interests are represented at the national level by 25 elected

– of these, 16 are elected and 3 are appointed by the Galician parliament.

Administrative divisions

Before the 1833 territorial division of Spain, Galicia was divided into seven administrative provinces:[65]

From 1833, the seven original provinces of the 15th century were consolidated into four:

Galicia is further divided into 53

62 in Pontevedra) and 3,778 parishes. Municipalities are divided into parishes, which may be further divided into aldeas ("hamlets") or lugares ("places"). This traditional breakdown into such small areas is unusual when compared to the rest of Spain. Roughly half of the named population entities of Spain are in Galicia, which occupies only 5.8 percent of the country's area. It is estimated that Galicia has over a million named places, over 40,000 of them being communities.[66]


Inditex is Galicia's own multinational

Textiles, fishing, livestock, forestry, and car manufacturing are the most dynamic sectors of the Galician economy.

The companies based in the

province of Coruña generate 70% of the entrepreneurial output of Galicia.[67] Arteixo, an industrial municipality in the A Coruña metropolitan area, is the headquarters of Inditex, the world's largest fashion retailer. Of their eight brands, Zara is the best-known; indeed, it is the best-known Spanish brand of any sort on an international basis.[68] In 2022, Inditex reported €32.6 billion in sales and net income of €4.1 billion.[69] The company president, Amancio Ortega, is the richest person in Spain[70] and indeed Europe[71]
with a net worth of 45 billion euros.

A major economic sector of Galicia is its fishing Industry; the main ports are A Coruña, Marín-Pontevedra, Vigo and Ferrol. Related to this fact, the European Fisheries Control Agency, which coordinates fishing controls in European Union waters, is based in Vigo.

Galicia is a land of economic contrast. While the western coast, with its major population centers and its fishing and manufacturing industries, is prosperous and increasing in population, the rural hinterland—the provinces of Ourense and Lugo—is economically dependent on traditional agriculture, based on small landholdings called minifundios. However, the rise of tourism, sustainable forestry, and organic and traditional agriculture are bringing other possibilities to the Galician economy without compromising the preservation of the natural resources and the local culture.

Electric cars are made in the Citroën factory in Vigo.

Traditionally, Galicia depended mainly on agriculture and fishing. Nonetheless, today the

tertiary sector
of the economy (the service sector) is the largest, with 582,000 workers out of a regional total of 1,072,000 (as of 2002).


PSA Peugeot Citroën, founded in 1958, makes about 450,000 vehicles annually (455,430 in 2006);[72] a Citroën C4 Picasso made in 2007 was their nine-millionth vehicle.[73]

Other companies with a large number of workers and a significant turnover are San José, based in Pontevedra, belonging to the construction sector, and Gadisa and Vego, based in A Coruña and Froiz, based in Pontevedra, linked to the retail sector.[67]

Galicia is home to the savings bank, and to Spain's two oldest commercial banks Banco Etcheverría (the oldest) and Banco Pastor, owned since 2011 by Banco Popular Español.

Galicia was late to catch the tourism boom that has swept Spain in recent decades, but the coastal regions (especially the

GDP and employs about 12% of the regional workforce.[74]

The Gross domestic product (GDP) of the autonomous community was 62.6 billion euros in 2018, accounting for 5.2% of Spanish economic output. GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power was 24,900 euros or 82% of the EU27 average in the same year. The GDP per employee was 95% of the EU average.[75]

The unemployment rate stood at 15.7% in 2017 and was lower than the national average.[76]

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Unemployment Rate
8.3% 7.6% 8.6% 12.4% 15.3% 17.3% 20.5% 22.0% 21.7% 19.3% 17.2% 15.7%


Santiago de Compostela Airport

Galicia's main airport is

Vigo-Peinador Airport

The most important Galician fishing port is the

Ferrol and the smaller port of Vilagarcía de Arousa, as well as important recreational ports in Pontevedra capital city and Burela
. Beyond these, Galicia has 120 other organized ports.

A cruise ship in the seaport of A Coruña.

The Galician road network includes

to Ourense.

Within Galicia are the Autopista AP-9 from Ferrol to Portugal and the Autopista AP-53 (also known as AG-53, because it was initially built by the Xunta de Galicia) from Santiago to Ourense. Additional roads under construction include Autovía A-54 from Santiago de Compostela to Lugo, the Autovía A-57 that will pass through Pontevedra and Autovía A-56 from Lugo to Ourense. The Xunta de Galicia has built roads connecting comarcal capitals, such as the before mentioned AG-53, Autovía AG-55 connecting A Coruña to Carballo or AG-41 connecting Pontevedra to Sanxenxo.

Rail transport infrastructure map of Galicia.

The first railway line in Galicia was inaugurated on 15 September 1873. It ran from

Olmedo-Zamora-Galicia high-speed rail line that opened partly in 2011, and the AVE Atlantic Axis route, which will connect all of the major Galician Atlantic coast cities A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra and Vigo
to Portugal.


Historical population
1900 1,980,515—    
1910 2,063,589+4.2%
1920 2,124,244+2.9%
1930 2,230,281+5.0%
1940 2,495,860+11.9%
1950 2,604,200+4.3%
1960 2,602,962−0.0%
1970 2,683,674+3.1%
1981 2,811,942+4.8%
1991 2,731,669−2.9%
2001 2,695,880−1.3%
2011 2,772,928+2.9%
2021 2,698,177−2.7%


Population density

Galicia's inhabitants are known as Galicians (Galician: galegos, Spanish: gallegos). For well over a century Galicia has grown more slowly than the rest of Spain, due largely to a poorer economy compared with other regions of Spain and emigration to Latin America and to other parts of Spain. Sometimes Galicia has lost population in absolute terms. In 1857, Galicia had Spain's densest population and constituted 11.5% of the national population. As of 2007, only 6.1% of the Spanish population resided in the autonomous community. This is due to an exodus of Galician people since the 19th century, first to South America and later[when?] to Central Europe[where?] and the development of population centers and industry in other parts of Spain.

According to the 2006 census, Galicia has a

fertility rate of 1.03 children per woman, compared to 1.38 nationally, and far below the figure of 2.1 that represents a stable populace.[79] Lugo and Ourense provinces have the lowest fertility rates in Spain, 0.88 and 0.93, respectively.[79]

In northern Galicia, the

Ferrol metropolitan area has become increasingly dominant in terms of population. The population of the city of A Coruña in 1900 was 43,971. The population of the rest of the province, including the City and Naval Station of nearby Ferrol and Santiago de Compostela, was 653,556. A Coruña's growth occurred after the Spanish Civil War at the same speed as other major Galician cities, but since the revival of democracy after the death of Francisco Franco
, A Coruña has grown at a faster rate than all the other Galician cities.

During the mid-20th century, the population rapidly increased in

quaternary sectors
of the economy increased significantly.

Since 1999, the absolute number of births in Galicia has been increasing. In 2006, 21,392 births were registered in Galicia,[80] 300 more than in 2005, according to the Instituto Galego de Estatística. Since 1981, the Galician life expectancy has increased by five years, thanks to a higher quality of life.[81][82]

  • Birth rate (2006): 7.9 per 1,000 (all of Spain: 11.0 per 1,000)
  • Death rate
    (2006): 10.8 per 1,000 (all of Spain: 8.4 per 1,000)
  • Life expectancy at birth
    (2005): 80.4 years (all of Spain: 80.2 years)
    • Male: 76.8 years (all of Spain: 77.0 years)
    • Female: 84.0 years (all of Spain: 83.5 years)

Roman Catholicism is, by far, the largest religion in Galicia. In 2012, the proportion of Galicians that identify themselves as Roman Catholic was 82.2%.[83]

As a Celtic region of Spain, Galicia has a tartan called Galicia National.[84]


The principal cities are the four capitals


The largest conurbations are:

  • Pontevedra-Vigo 660,000
  • A Coruña-Ferrol 640,000
List of municipalities in Galicia by population
Municipality Province Population (2021) Municipality Province Population (2021)
1 Vigo
292,374   13 Carballo
A Coruña
2 A Coruña
A Coruña
244,700   14 Culleredo
A Coruña
3 Ourense
103,756   15 Redondela
4 Lugo
97,211   16
A Coruña
5 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña
98,179   17
6 Pontevedra
82,828   18 Cambre
A Coruña
A Coruña
64,158   19 Marín
8 Narón
A Coruña
38,913   20 Ponteareas
9 Vilagarcía de Arousa
37,545   21 A Estrada
10 Oleiros
A Coruña
37,271   22 Lalín
11 Arteixo
A Coruña
33,076   23 O Porriño
A Coruña
32,095   24 Moaña


Like many rural areas of Western Europe, Galicia's history has been defined by mass emigration. Significant internal migration took place from Galicia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to the industrialized Spanish cities of Barcelona, Bilbao, Zaragoza and Madrid. Other Galicians emigrated to Latin AmericaArgentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil and Cuba in particular.

The two cities with the greatest number of people of Galician descent outside Galicia are Buenos Aires, Argentina, and nearby Montevideo, Uruguay. Immigration from Galicia was so significant in these areas that Argentines and Uruguayans now commonly refer to all Spaniards as gallegos (Galicians).[85]

During the

Franco years, there was a new wave of emigration out of Galicia to other European countries, most notably to France, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Many of these immigrant or expatriate communities have their groups or clubs, which they formed in the first decades of settling in a new place. The Galician diaspora is so widespread that websites such as Fillos de Galicia
have been created in the 21st century to organize and form a network of ethnic Galicians throughout the world.

After this, a third wave was a Spanish internal emigration to heavier industrialised areas of Spain, like the Basque Country or Catalonia.

The proportion of foreign-born people in Galicia is only 2.9 percent compared to the national figure of 10 percent; among the autonomous communities, only



One of the oldest legal documents written in Galician, the Foro do bo burgo do Castro Caldelas

Galicia has two official languages: Galician (Galician: galego) and Spanish (also known in Spain as Castellano, i.e. "Castilian"), both of them

. Galician is recognized in the Statute of Autonomy of Galicia as the lingua propia ("own language") of Galicia.

Galician and Portuguese share a common medieval phase known as


The official Galician language has been standardized by the

Real Academia Galega based on literary tradition. Although there are local dialects, Galician media conform to this standard form, which is also used in primary, secondary, and university education. There are more than three million Galician speakers in the world.[88] Galician ranks in the lower orders of the 150 most widely spoken languages on earth.[44]

For more than four centuries of Castilian domination, Spanish was the only official language in Galicia. Galician faded from day-to-day use in urban areas. Since the re-establishment of democracy in Spain—in particular since the passage and implementation of the Lei de Normalización Lingüística ("Law of Linguistic Normalization", Ley 3/1983, 15 June 1983)—the first generation of students in mass education has attended schools conducted in Galician. (Spanish is also taught.)

Since the late 20th century and the establishment of Galicia's autonomy, the Galician language is resurgent. In the cities, it is generally used as a second language for most. According to a 2001 census, 99.16 percent of the population of Galicia understood the language, 91.04 percent spoke it, 68.65 percent could read it and 57.64 percent could write it.[90] The first two numbers (understanding and speaking) were roughly the same as responses a decade earlier. But there were great gains in the percentage of the population who could read and write Galician: a decade earlier, only 49.3 percent of the population could read Galician, and 34.85 percent could write it. During the Franco era, the teaching of Galician was prohibited. Today older people may speak the language but have no written competence because of those years.[90] Among the regional languages of Spain, Galician has the highest percentage of speakers in its population. However, the acts of Popular Party in the Autonomous Community in the last decade, forbide the possibility of teaching in Galician at schools such a vehicular language and use it in the learning of some subjects, increasingly the monolinguism and the language substitution of Galician.

The earliest known document in Galician-Portuguese dates from 1228. The Foro do bo burgo do Castro Caldelas was granted by

Denis of Portugal, and King Alfonso X of Castile, Alfonso O Sabio ("Alfonso the Wise"), the same monarch who began the process of standardization of the Spanish language. During this period, Galician-Portuguese was considered the language of love poetry in the Iberian Romance
linguistic culture. The names and memories of Codax and other popular cultural figures are well preserved in modern Galicia.


Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, seat of the Archbishop of Santiago of Compostela, and third most important centre of pilgrimage in Christianity.

Religion in Galicia (2019)[92]

  Catholicism (77.%)
  Irreligion (19.%)
  Other denominations and religions (1.2%)
  Unanswered (1.7%)

Late Antiquity and was practiced alongside the native Celtic religion for a few centuries which, incidentally, was re-established as an officially recognised religion in 2015.[93][94] Still, today about 77.7% of Galicians identify as Catholic.[92]
Most Christians adhere to Catholicism, though only 32.1% of the population described themselves as active members.


. While in the 15th-century diocesan boundaries may have coincided with those of the civil province, this is no longer the case. The five dioceses of Galicia are subdivided into a total of 163 districts and 3,792 parishes. In a minority of cases, the parish priest is represented by an administrator.

The patron saint of Galicia is

Saint Senorina
, Trahamunda and Froilan.


Galicia's education system is administered by the regional government's Ministry of Education and University Administration. 76% of Galician teenagers achieve a high school degree – ranked fifth out of the 17 autonomous communities.

There are three


Health care

Galicia's public healthcare system is the Servizo Galego de Saúde (SERGAS). It is administered by the regional government's Ministry of Health.


Architecture and Art

Romanesque façade in the Cathedral of Ourense (1160); founded in the 6th century, its construction is attributed to King Chararic.

Hundreds of ancient standing stone monuments like

Roman Walls of Lugo and the Tower of Hercules in A Coruña

The castle of Pambre, Palas de Rei, which resisted the Irmandiños troops

During the Middle Ages, many fortified castles were built by Galician feudal nobles to mark their powers against their rivals. Although most of them were demolished during the

Saint John of Caaveiro, Our Lady Mary of Cambre, and the Church of San Xoán of Portomarín
among others. In the art of Galicia, the
petroglyphs figures to the development of medieval art in the Galician Romanesque sculptures from Portico of Glory by Master Mateo, in Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. Medieval splendor was followed, as in literature, by a few centuries of darkness (the Séculos escuros) until the arrival of the Compostela Baroque. In painting, the romanticism and impressionist-influenced landscapes of the 20th century were materialized by a generation of artists who died young, so they were called the "Xeración Doente" (Sick Generation). In the 20th century, the renovation came in the 20s by Os renovadores, and by the Atlántica
group after the dictatorship.


Polbo á feira

Galician cuisine often uses fish and shellfish. The

pimentón (Spanish paprika). This dish is called pulpo a la gallega or in Galician polbo á feira, which roughly translates as 'fair-style octopus', most commonly translated as 'Galician-style octopus'. There are several regional varieties of cheese. The best-known one is the so-called tetilla, named after its breast-like shape. Other highly regarded varieties include the San Simón cheese from Vilalba and the creamy cheese produced in the Arzúa-Ulloa area. A classical is filloas, crêpe-like pancakes made with flour, broth or milk, and eggs. When cooked at a pig slaughter festival, they may also contain the animal's blood. A famous almond cake called Tarta de Santiago
(St. James' cake) is a Galician sweet specialty mainly produced in Santiago de Compostela and all around Galicia.

Galician wines

Galicia has 30 products with

Augardente—the name means burning water—often referred to as Orujo in Spain and internationally or as caña in Galicia. This spirit is made from the distillation of the pomace
of grapes.


Folk and traditionally based music

Galician pipers
Lorient Interceltic Festival

The traditional music of Galicia and Asturias features highly distinctive folk styles that have some similarities with the neighboring area of Cantabria. The music is characterized by the use of bagpipes.

Pop and rock


  • Dios Ke Te Crew: a powerful band of hip-hop with socially compromised lyrics.
  • Ezetaerre
  • Malandrómeda
  • Rebeliom do Inframundo

Literature, poetry and philosophy

As with many other

Galician-Portuguese emerged as a literary language in the Middle Ages, during the 12th and 13th centuries, when a rich lyric tradition developed
, followed by a minor prose tradition, whilst being the predominant language used for legal and private texts till the 15th century. However, in the face of the hegemony of Spanish, during the so-called Séculos Escuros ("Dark Centuries") from 1530 to the late 18th century, it fell from major literary or legal written use.

Rosalía de Castro.

As a literary language it was revived again during the 18th and, most notably, the 19th-century (


Public holidays


Entroido: Peliqueiros in Laza, allegedly dressed as 16th-century Castilian tax collectors
A reenactor dressed as a Roman soldier. Festa do esquecemento, Xinzo de Limia
  • Festa de San Froilán, 4–12 October, celebrating the patron saint of the city of Lugo. A Festival of National Tourist Interest, the festival was attended by 1,035,000 people in 2008.[96] It is most famous for the booths serving polbo á feira, an octopus dish.
  • Festa do marisco (Seafood Festival), October, in O Grove. Established in 1963; declared a Festival of National Tourist Interest in the 1980s.

In 2015 only five corridas took place within Galicia.[97] In addition, recent studies have stated that 92% of Galicians are firmly against bullfighting, the highest rate in Spain. Despite this, popular associations, such as Galicia Mellor Sen Touradas ("Galicia Better without Bullfights"), have blamed politicians for having no compromise to abolish it and have been very critical of local councils', especially those governed by the PP and PSOE, payment of subsidies for corridas. The province government of Pontevedra stopped the end of these subsidies and declared the province "free of bullfights".[98] The province government of A Coruña approved a document supporting the abolition of these events.[99]



and is considering adding further DTT channels, with a 24-hour news channel projected for 2010.


Radio Galega (RG) is the autonomous community's public radio station and is part of CRTVG. Radio Galega began broadcasting on 24 February 1985, with regular programming starting on 29 March 1985. There are two regular broadcast channels: Radio Galega and Radio Galega Música. In addition, there is a DTT and internet channel, Son Galicia Radio, dedicated specifically to Galician music.

Galicia has several free and community radio stations. Cuac FM is the headquarters of the Community Media Network (which brings together media non-profit oriented and serves their community). CUAC FM (A Coruña), Radio Filispim (Ferrol), Radio Roncudo (corme), Kalimera Radio (Santiago de Compostela), Radio Piratona (Vigo) and Radio Clavi (Lugo) are part of the Galician Network of Free and Association of Community Radio Broadcasters(ReGaRLiC)


The most widely distributed newspaper in Galicia is La Voz de Galicia, with 12 local editions and a national edition. Other major newspapers are El Correo Gallego (Santiago de Compostela), Faro de Vigo (Vigo), Diario de Pontevedra (Pontevedra), El Progreso (Lugo), La Región (Ourense), and Galicia Hoxe – The first daily newspaper to publish exclusively in Galician. Other newspapers are Diario de Ferrol, the sports paper DxT Campeón, El Ideal Gallego from A Coruña, the Heraldo de Vivero, Atlántico Diario from Vigo and the Xornal de Galicia.


Galicia has a long sporting tradition dating back to the early 20th century when the majority of sports clubs in Spain were founded. The most popular and well-supported teams in the region are

Celta Vigo. When the two sides play, it is referred to as the Galician derby
. Deportivo was champion of La Liga in the 1999–2000 season.

against international opposition. This fact causes some political controversy because matches involving other national football teams different from the Spanish official national team threaten its status as the only national football team of the State. The policy of centralization in sport is very strong as it is systematically used as a patriotic device with which to build a symbol of the supposed unity of Spain which is a plurinational state.

Football aside, the most popular team sports in Galicia are

CB Breogan, Club Ourense Baloncesto and OAR Ferrol. In the sport of handball, Club Balonmán Cangas plays in the top-flight (Liga ASOBAL
). The sport is particularly popular in the province of Pontevedra with the three other Galician teams in the top two divisions: SD Teucro (Pontevedra), Octavio Pilotes Posada (Vigo) and SD Chapela (Redondela).


HC Liceo is the most successful Galician team, in any sport, with numerous European and World titles. In futsal teams, Lobelle Santiago
and Azkar Lugo.

Galicia is also known for its tradition of participation in water sports both at sea and in rivers; these include rowing, yachting, canoeing and surfing. Its athletes have regularly won medals in the Olympics; currently, the most notable examples are David Cal, Carlos Pérez Rial, and Fernando Echavarri.

Galician triathlon contenders Francisco Javier Gómez Noya and Iván Raña have been world champions. In 2006 the cyclist Oscar Pereiro won the Tour de France after the disqualification of American Floyd Landis, gaining the top position on the penultimate day of the race. Galicians are also prominent athletes in the sport of mountaineering—Chus Lago is the third woman to reach the summit of Everest without supplemental oxygen.

Emerging sports

Since 2011, several Gaelic football teams have been set up in Galicia. The first was Fillos de Breogán (A Coruña), followed Artabros (Oleiros), Irmandinhos (A Estrada), SDG Corvos (Pontevedra), and Suebia (Santiago de Compostela) with talk of creating a Galician league.[100] Galicia also fielded a Gaelic football side (recognised as national by the GAA) that beat Brittany in July 2012 and was reported in the Spanish nationwide press.[101]

Salvador, Brazil
have also formed Galicia Rugby, a sister team of the local football club.


Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Galicia (L'armorial Le Blancq, c. 1560 AD).

A golden chalice enclosed in a field of azure has been the symbol of Galicia since the 13th century. Originated as a Canting arms due to the phonetic similarity between the words "chalice" and Galyce ("Galicia" in old Norman language), the first documented mention of this emblem is on the Segar's Roll, an English medieval roll of arms where are represented all the Christian kingdoms of 13th-century Europe. In the following centuries, the Galician emblem was variating; diverse shapes and several chalices (initially three and later one or five), would not be until the 16th century that its number was fixed finally as one single chalice. Centuries after, a field of crosses was slowly added to the azure background, and latterly also a silver host. Since then basically, the emblem of the kingdom would be kept until nowadays.

The ancient flag of the Kingdom of Galicia was based mainly on its coat of arms until the 19th century. However, when in 1833 the Government of Spain decided to abolish the kingdom and divided it into four provinces, the Galician emblem, as well as the flag, lost its legal status and international validity. It would not be until the late 19th century that some Galician intellectuals (nationalist politicians and writers) began to use a new flag as a symbol of renewed national unity for Galicia. That flag, which was composed of a diagonal stripe over a white background, was designated the "official flag of Galicia" in 1984, after the fall of Franco's dictatorship. In addition, the Royal Academy of Galicia asked the Galician government to incorporate the ancient coat of arms of the kingdom onto the modern flag, being present in it since then.

In addition to its coat of arms and flag, Galicia also has its own anthem. While it is true that the Kingdom of Galicia had during centuries a kind of unofficial anthem known as the "Solemn March of the kingdom", the Galician current anthem was not created until 1907, although its composition had begun already in 1880. Titled "Os Pinos" ("The Pines"), the Galician anthem lyrics were written by Eduardo Pondal, one of the greatest modern Galician poets, and its music was composed by Pascual Veiga. Performed for the first time in 1907 in Havana (Cuba) by Galician emigrants, the anthem was banned from 1927 by diverse Spanish Governments until 1977 when it was officially established by the Galician authorities.



Galicia Peak in Vinson Massif, Antarctica is named after the autonomous community of Galicia.[102]

Image gallery

  • Anta (dolmen) at Axeitos, Ribeira. Hundreds of megaliths are still preserved in Galicia
    Anta (
    are still preserved in Galicia
  • Fisterra or Cape Finisterre, meaning 'Land's End', one of the westernmost points in continental Europe
    Fisterra or Cape Finisterre, meaning 'Land's End', one of the westernmost points in continental Europe
  • Tower of Hercules, a Roman lighthouse and a World Heritage monument, A Coruña
    World Heritage monument, A Coruña
  • Gates of the Iron Age oppidum of San Cibrao de Las, one of the largest castros of Galicia
    Gates of the Iron Age oppidum of San Cibrao de Las, one of the largest castros of Galicia
  • Gaiteiros, or bagpipe players. Gaita ('bagpipe') is the most representative Galician musical instrument
    Gaiteiros, or bagpipe players. Gaita ('bagpipe') is the most representative Galician musical instrument
  • Queimada, a traditional drink obtained after partially burning local augardente (grappa)
    Queimada, a traditional drink obtained after partially burning local augardente (grappa)
  • A hórreo or cabaceiro or canastro, a traditional and ubiquitous granary
    A hórreo or cabaceiro or canastro, a traditional and ubiquitous granary
  • A cruceiro, or wayside cross, and San Xurxo church in A Coruña
    A cruceiro, or wayside cross, and San Xurxo church in A Coruña
  • Millenarian rock carvings, Laxe dos carballos at Campo Lameiro, in this detail depicts a deer hit by several spears
    Millenarian rock carvings, Laxe dos carballos at Campo Lameiro, in this detail depicts a deer hit by several spears
  • Leña square, Pontevedra
  • Castle and Monastery of San Vicente do Pino, Monforte de Lemos
  • Roman Walls of Lugo, a World Heritage monument
    World Heritage
  • A traditional dorna, a fisherman boat common in the Ria de Arousa
    A traditional dorna, a fisherman boat common in the
    Ria de Arousa
  • The rocky coast of Cabo Silleiro, Baiona
    The rocky coast of Cabo Silleiro, Baiona

See also


  1. ^ The term Galiza is accepted by the orthographic and morphological norms of the Galician language set by the Royal Galician Academy in 2003, while retaining Galicia as the first form, as it is used in the Galician Statute of Autonomy and, thus, the official form.
  2. seseo, and are realized as [ɡaˈliθjɐ], [ɡaˈliθɐ] in the east, [ħaˈliθjɐ], [ħaˈliθɐ] more centrally, and [ħaˈlisjɐ], [ħaˈlisɐ] further west; [gaˈliθɐ], [ɡaˈliθjɐ]
    are de facto standard, though all of these pronunciations are considered acceptable.


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  2. ^ "Sub-national HDI – Area Database – Global Data Lab". Archived from the original on 23 September 2018. Retrieved 24 June 2023.
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  4. Statute of Autonomy of Galicia (1981)
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  11. ^ .
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  17. Callaeci
    ', in Ptolemy: towards a linguistic atlas of the earliest Celtic place-names of Europe: papers from a workshop sponsored by the British Academy, Dept. of Welsh, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 11–12 April 1999, pp. 55–72. Parsons and Patrick Sims-Williams editors.
  18. from the original on 16 July 2021. Retrieved 16 July 2021.
  19. ^ Curchin, Leonard A. (2008) Estudios GallegosThe toponyms of the Roman Galicia: New Study Archived 25 June 2017 at the Wayback Machine. CUADERNOS DE ESTUDIOS GALLEGOS LV (121): 111.
  20. ^ Benozzo, F. (2018) "Uma paisagem atlântica pré-histórica. Etnogénese e etno-filologia paleo-mesolítica das tradições galega e portuguesa", in proceedings of Jornadas das Letras Galego-Portuguesas 2015–2017, DTS, Università di Bologna and Academia Galega da Língua Portuguesa, pp. 159–170.
  21. ^ Fraga, Xesús (8 June 2008). "La Academia contesta a la Xunta que el único topónimo oficial es Galicia" [The Academy responds to the Xunta saying that the only official toponym is Galicia]. La Voz de Galicia. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016.
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External links