Madra Kingdom

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South Asia circa 500 BCE, with location of the Madra Kingdom.[1][2]

Madra Kingdom (

Uttara Madra


According to the Vayu Purana, the Madra Kingdom was founded by King Ushinara Shibi of the Anu race. Anu was the son of Yayati.

According to Bhagavata Purana, The kingdom of Madra was founded by Madra who was the son of Anu King Shibi in Treta Yuga.

Madra Culture

Bahlika people were considered as "outsiders" of the Vedic culture, as being a foreign tribe of

Bahlika Kingdom

Madra as a Bahlika country

Bahlika or western countries were cold countries and people used blankets. They also reared sheep and drank

(North Indian kingdoms where Vedic culture of the norm, prevailed).

Their soldiers used to aid both the parties engaged in a battle on a payment basis. Probably this was the reason why Shalya, the Madra king, has to side with Duryodhana in the Kurukshetra War, since he was tricked to accept the payment for siding with Duryodhana.

Another collective name denoting the western kingdoms is Arashtra or Aratta, meaning a kingless country. This raises the doubt, whether these countries were a republic ruled by elected chiefs, if we take the positive sense of the word. In a negative sense the word Arashtra can mean a kingdom with no control or with utter disorder.

Origin of Madra tribe


Aryavarta. The Aryavarta-kings had doubts on dealing with them. (12,64)[3][4]

The Andrakas, Guhas, Pulindas, Savaras, Chuchukas, Madrakas, the Yamas,

, approaching one another, engaged themselves in battle (12,206).

The Madra tribe and

Magadha). Seven sons were born to Bhadra, after the death of Vyushitaswa. Later they all became kings. Three of them became the three kings of Salwa
and four of them became the four kings of Madra.

The myth describes that these seven kings were born of the dead-body of her husband!

Alliances of Madra brides with the Kurus

Madra Custom of Marriage

Kuru king Pandu went to the capital of Madra, to ask for Shalya's sister as a bride to Pandu. Upon which Shalya replies:- "There is a custom in our family observed by our ancestors, which, be it good or bad, I am incapable of transgressing it. It is well-known, and therefore is known to thee as well, I doubt not." The custom was that the groom had to give dowry to the kinsmen of the bride. Bhishma gave much wealth to Shalya and took Madri as the bride for Pandu

Pandava Sahadeva married Vijaya, the daughter of Dyutimat, the king of Madra, obtaining her in a self-choice ceremony and begat upon her a son named Suhotra. (1,95)

Kings of Madra

King Aswapati

Aswapati was the son of

province of Pakistan) king Aswapati (3,297).

King Shalya / Mukappan

Shalya was the most famous king from Madra. He became the generalissimo of the Kaurava army on the last day of the Kurukshetra War. He was the oldest spear-fighter battled in Kurukshetra War.Bhima had defeated Shalya in mace-fight without knowing each other during the self-choice ceremony of Draupadi (1,192). He was slain by Pandava king Yudhishthira during the last day (18th day) of Kurukshetra War. Shalya was rated by Bhishma as an Athiratha( a great chariot-warrior) (5,166). Shalya was also skilled in knowledge of steeds and in driving the chariot on the battlefield (8,31). For this reason, Shalya was forced to be the charioteer of Karna for one day during the war. Shalya had two sons named Rukmangada and Rukmaratha (1,188). Rukmaratha was mentioned as participating in the war. Similarly, many brothers of Shalya also participated in the war. His younger brother was slain by Abhimanyu (8,5). He is also called as Mukappan.

There were other Madra kings like Dyutimat mentioned at (1,95) as the father-in-law of Pandava Sahadeva.

Nakula's arrival at Madra Kingdom

Nakula, during his military campaign to the west, to collect tribute for Yudhishthira's Rajasuya sacrifice came to the Madra Kingdom also

Pandavas. The illustrious prince deserving the hospitality and entertainment at his uncle's hands, was well entertained by his uncle. Nakula
obtained from Shalya a large quantity of jewels and gems and left his kingdom.

Madra in Kurukshetra War

Madra king

Pandavas were camped. When his army reached Kurujangala (the kingdom of the Pandavas, the modern-day Haryana), Duryodhana's men intercepted the army. They, without revealing their identity, received Shalya and his men, made tents for them and refreshed them with all comforts. The Madra soldiers also received payment from Duryodhana's officers for taking part in the Kurukshetra War. Shalya became indebted to battle for the sake of Duryodhana
, by the time he learned the truth. (5,8).

The main antagonist of Shalya in bow-fight was, king Yudhishthira (5,57). Both of them engaged many times in battle. (6-45 etc.). He also made many battles with Nakula and Sahadeva. He defeated many like Virata and Drupada. Shalya became the driver of Karna's chariot on the 17th day (8,36). On the last day Yudhishthira slew his uncle Shalya, who was then the generalissimo of the Kaurava army (9,17).

Madra army battled along with other western armies like the

Yavanas, the Sindhus, the Sauviras
, the Amvasthas etc. (6-51 etc.).

On the day when

Bahlika Culture
for more details).

Gupta period

During the time of the

Allahabad Pillar inscription
, which states the following in lines 22–23.

Mādrakas, Ābhīras, Prārjunas, Sanakānīkas, Kākas, Kharaparikas and other nations"

— Lines 22–23 of the Allahabad pillar inscription of Samudragupta (r.c.350-375 CE).[6]

Other mentions

See also


  1. .
  2. ^ Content mirrored from this map
  3. .
  4. ^ Ganguly, Kisari. "The Mahabharata".
  5. from the original on 24 February 2021. Retrieved 12 February 2022.
  6. ^ Fleet, John Faithfull (1888). Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Vol. 3. pp. 6–10.
  • Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa
    , translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli

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