Particle physics

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Particle physics or high-energy physics is the study of

neutrons, while the study of combination of protons and neutrons is called nuclear physics

The fundamental particles in the universe are classified in the Standard Model as fermions (matter particles) and bosons (force-carrying particles). There are three generations of fermions, although ordinary matter is made only from the first fermion generation. The first generation consists of up and down quarks which form protons and neutrons, and electrons and electron neutrinos. The three fundamental interactions known to be mediated by bosons are electromagnetism, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction.

Quarks cannot exist on their own but form hadrons. Hadrons that contain an odd number of quarks are called baryons and those that contain an even number are called mesons. Two baryons, the proton and the neutron, make up most of the mass of ordinary matter. Mesons are unstable and the longest-lived last for only a few hundredths of a microsecond. They occur after collisions between particles made of quarks, such as fast-moving protons and neutrons in cosmic rays. Mesons are also produced in cyclotrons or other particle accelerators.

Particles have corresponding antiparticles with the same mass but with opposite electric charges. For example, the antiparticle of the electron is the positron. The electron has a negative electric charge, the positron has a positive charge. These antiparticles can theoretically form a corresponding form of matter called antimatter. Some particles, such as the photon, are their own antiparticle.

These elementary particles are excitations of the quantum fields that also govern their interactions. The dominant theory explaining these fundamental particles and fields, along with their dynamics, is called the Standard Model. The reconciliation of gravity to the current particle physics theory is not solved; many theories have addressed this problem, such as loop quantum gravity, string theory and supersymmetry theory.

Practical particle physics is the study of these particles in radioactive processes and in particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider. Theoretical particle physics is the study of these particles in the context of cosmology and quantum theory. The two are closely interrelated: the Higgs boson was postulated by theoretical particle physicists and its presence confirmed by practical experiments.


Geiger–Marsden experiments
observed that a small fraction of the alpha particles experienced strong deflection when being struck by the gold foil.

The idea that all

quantum physics led to proofs of nuclear fission in 1939 by Lise Meitner (based on experiments by Otto Hahn), and nuclear fusion by Hans Bethe in that same year; both discoveries also led to the development of nuclear weapons

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, a bewildering variety of particles was found in collisions of particles from beams of increasingly high energy. It was referred to informally as the "

Val Fitch brought new questions to matter-antimatter imbalance.[3] After the formulation of the Standard Model during the 1970s, physicists clarified the origin of the particle zoo. The large number of particles was explained as combinations of a (relatively) small number of more fundamental particles and framed in the context of quantum field theories. This reclassification marked the beginning of modern particle physics.[4][5]

Standard Model

The current state of the classification of all elementary particles is explained by the

fundamental fermions (12 particles and their associated anti-particles), which are the constituents of all matter.[7] Finally, the Standard Model also predicted the existence of a type of boson known as the Higgs boson. On 4 July 2012, physicists with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN announced they had found a new particle that behaves similarly to what is expected from the Higgs boson.[8]

The Standard Model, as currently formulated, has 61 elementary particles.

mass have provided the first experimental deviations from the Standard Model, since neutrinos do not have mass in the Standard Model.[10]

Subatomic particles

Elementary Particles
Types Generations Antiparticle Colours Total
Quarks 2 3 Pair 3 36
Leptons Pair None 12
Gluons 1 None Own 8 8
Photon Own None 1
Z Boson Own 1
W Boson Pair 2
Higgs Own 1
Total number of (known) elementary particles: 61

Modern particle physics research is focused on

exotic particles.[11] All particles and their interactions observed to date can be described almost entirely by the Standard Model.[6]

Dynamics of particles are also governed by quantum mechanics; they exhibit wave–particle duality, displaying particle-like behaviour under certain experimental conditions and wave-like behaviour in others. In more technical terms, they are described by quantum state vectors in a Hilbert space, which is also treated in quantum field theory. Following the convention of particle physicists, the term elementary particles is applied to those particles that are, according to current understanding, presumed to be indivisible and not composed of other particles.[9]

Quarks and leptons

electron antineutrino


quantum spin of half-integers (-1/2, 1/2, 3/2, etc.). This causes the fermions to obey the Pauli exclusion principle, where no two particles may occupy the same quantum state.[13] Quarks have fractional elementary electric charge (-1/3 or 2/3)[14] and leptons have whole-numbered electric charge (0 or 1).[15] Quarks also have color charge, which is labeled arbitrarily with no correlation to actual light color as red, green and blue.[16] Because the interactions between the quarks stores energy which can convert to other particles when the quarks are far apart enough, quarks cannot be observed independently. This is called color confinement.[16]

There are three known generations of quarks (up and down, strange and charm, top and bottom) and leptons (electron and its neutrino, muon and its neutrino, tau and its neutrino), with strong indirect evidence that the fourth generation of fermions does not exist.[17]


Bosons are the mediators or carriers of fundamental interactions, such as electromagnetism, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction.[18] Electromagnetism is mediated by the photon, the quanta of light.[19]: 29–30  The weak interaction is mediated by the W and Z bosons.[20] The strong interaction is mediated by the gluon, which can link quarks together to form composite particles.[21] Due to the aforementioned color confinement, gluons are never observed independently.[22] The Higgs boson gives mass to the W and Z bosons via the Higgs mechanism[23] – the gluon and photon are expected to be massless.[22] All bosons have an integer quantum spin (0 and 1) and can have the same quantum state.[18]

Antiparticles and color charge

Most aforementioned particles have corresponding

superscript. For example, the electron and the positron are denoted
.[25] When a particle and an antiparticle interact with each other, they are annihilated and convert to other particles.[26] Some particles, such as the photon or gluon, have no antiparticles.[citation needed

Quarks and gluons additionally have color charges, which influences the strong interaction. Quark's color charges are called red, green and blue (though the particle itself have no physical color), and in antiquarks are called antired, antigreen and antiblue.


A proton consists of two up quarks and one down quark, linked together by gluons. The quarks' color charge are also visible.

The neutrons and protons in the atomic nuclei are baryons – the neutron is composed of two down quarks and one up quark, and the proton is composed of two up quarks and one down quark.[28] A baryon is composed of three quarks, and a meson is composed of two quarks (one normal, one anti). Baryons and mesons are collectively called hadrons. Quarks inside hadrons are governed by the strong interaction, thus are subjected to quantum chromodynamics (color charges). The bounded quarks must have their color charge to be neutral, or "white" for analogy with mixing the primary colors.[29] More exotic hadrons can have other types, arrangement or number of quarks (tetraquark, pentaquark).[30]

A normal atom is made from protons, neutrons and electrons.[

hydrogen-4.1, which has one of its electrons replaced with a muon.[32]


The graviton is a hypothetical particle that can mediate the gravitational interaction, but it has not been detected or completely reconciled with current theories.[33] Many other hypothetical particles have been proposed to address the limitations of the Standard Model. Notably, supersymmetric particles aim to solve the naturalness problem, axions address the strong CP problem, and various other particles are proposed to explain the origins of dark matter and dark energy.

Experimental laboratories

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA

The world's major particle physics laboratories are:


Theoretical particle physics attempts to develop the models, theoretical framework, and mathematical tools to understand current experiments and make predictions for future experiments (see also theoretical physics). There are several major interrelated efforts being made in theoretical particle physics today.

One important branch attempts to better understand the

phenomenologists.[citation needed] Others make use of lattice field theory
and call themselves lattice theorists.

Another major effort is in model building where model builders develop ideas for what physics may lie

beyond the Standard Model (at higher energies or smaller distances). This work is often motivated by the hierarchy problem and is constrained by existing experimental data.[46][47] It may involve work on supersymmetry, alternatives to the Higgs mechanism, extra spatial dimensions (such as the Randall–Sundrum models), Preon
theory, combinations of these, or other ideas.

A third major effort in theoretical particle physics is

There are also other areas of work in theoretical particle physics ranging from particle cosmology to loop quantum gravity.[citation needed]

Practical applications

In principle, all physics (and practical applications developed therefrom) can be derived from the study of fundamental particles. In practice, even if "particle physics" is taken to mean only "high-energy atom smashers", many technologies have been developed during these pioneering investigations that later find wide uses in society. Particle accelerators are used to produce

superconductors has been pushed forward by their use in particle physics. The World Wide Web and touchscreen technology were initially developed at CERN. Additional applications are found in medicine, national security, industry, computing, science, and workforce development, illustrating a long and growing list of beneficial practical applications with contributions from particle physics.[49]


Major efforts to look for physics beyond the Standard Model include the Future Circular Collider proposed for CERN[50] and the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) in the US that will update the 2014 P5 study that recommended the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, among other experiments.

See also


  1. ^ "Fundamentals of Physics and Nuclear Physics" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 October 2012. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
  2. PMC 4213434
  3. ^ "Antimatter". 1 March 2021. Archived from the original on 11 September 2018. Retrieved 12 March 2021.
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  8. ^ Mann, Adam (28 March 2013). "Newly Discovered Particle Appears to Be Long-Awaited Higgs Boson". Wired Science. Archived from the original on 11 February 2014. Retrieved 6 February 2014.
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  12. from the original on 22 April 2022. Retrieved 28 July 2022. Ordinary matter is composed entirely of first-generation particles, namely the u and d quarks, plus the electron and its neutrino.
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  14. .
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  16. ^ a b c R. Nave. "The Color Force". HyperPhysics. Georgia State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy. Archived from the original on 7 October 2018. Retrieved 26 April 2009.
  17. .
  18. ^ . ... boson: A force-carrying particle, as opposed to a matter particle (fermion). Bosons can be piled on top of each other without limit. Examples are photons, gluons, gravitons, weak bosons, and the Higgs boson. The spin of a boson is always an integer: 0, 1, 2, and so on ...
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  24. . Matter conservation means conservation of baryonic number A and leptonic number L, A and L being algebraic numbers. Positive A and L are associated to matter particles, negative A and L are associated to antimatter particles. All known interactions do conserve matter.
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  46. ^ Gagnon, Pauline (14 March 2014). "Standard Model: a beautiful but flawed theory". Quantum Diaries. Retrieved 7 September 2023.
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  48. ^ Wolchover, Natalie (22 December 2017). "The Best Explanation for Everything in the Universe". The Atlantic. Archived from the original on 15 November 2020. Retrieved 11 March 2022.
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External links