Repression of science in the Soviet Union

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Stalin era and continued after his death.[2]

The ideologically motivated persecution damaged many fields of



In the mid-1930s, the

Mendelian genetics was also suppressed due to beliefs that it was "bourgeoisie science" and its association with the priest Gregor Mendel due to hostility to religion because of the Soviet policy of state atheism.[6][7][8][9][10]

In 1950, the Soviet government organized the Joint Scientific Session of the

P.K. Anokhin, Aleksey Speransky [ru], Ivane Beritashvili) were accused of deviating from Pavlov's teaching. As a consequence of the Pavlovian session, Soviet physiologists were forced to accept a dogmatic ideology; the quality of physiological research deteriorated and Soviet physiology excluded itself from the international scientific community.[11]
Later Soviet biologists heavily criticised Lysenko's theories and pseudo-scientific methods.


Cybernetics was also outlawed as bourgeois pseudoscience during Stalin's reign. Norbert Wiener's 1948 book Cybernetics was condemned and translated only in 1958. A 1954 edition of the Brief Philosophical Dictionary condemned cybernetics for "mechanistically equating processes in live nature, society and in technical systems, and thus standing against materialistic dialectics and modern scientific physiology developed by Ivan Pavlov".[12] (However this article was removed from the 1955 reprint of the dictionary.) After an initial period of doubts, Soviet cybernetics took root, but this early attitude hampered the development of computing in the Soviet Union.



Soviet power

Since the late 1930s, Soviet historiography treated the

Russian figures.[16]

Many works of Western historians were forbidden or

occupation of the Baltic states, the Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, Western Allied assistance to the Soviet Union during the war, many other Western Allies' efforts, the Soviet leadership's mistakes and failures, criticism of the Soviet Union and other content were censored out.[18]


At the beginning of Stalin's rule, the dominant figure in Soviet linguistics was

language is a class construction and that language structure is determined by the economic structure of society.[19] Stalin, who had previously written about language policy as People's Commissar for Nationalities, read a letter by Arnold Chikobava criticizing the theory. He "summoned Chikobava to a dinner that lasted from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. taking notes diligently."[20] In this way he grasped enough of the underlying issues to oppose this simplistic Marxist formalism, ending Marr's ideological dominance over Soviet linguistics. Stalin's principal work in the field was a small essay, "Marxism and Linguistic Questions."[21]


System" on July 4, 1936.


In the late 1940s, some areas of physics, were also criticized on grounds of "idealism".


statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics, which was seen as more adhering to the principles of dialectical materialism.[22][23]

Materialism and Empiriocriticism), others were a group of so-called "mechanists" (see Mechanists and dialecticians controversy [ru]), later "Young Stalinists" joined the ranks of the relativity theory. At the same time a considerable number of prominent Soviet physicists defended the relativity theory. The attacks on the relativity theory intensified in 1949 under the auspices of the struggle against the "physical idealism" in the work of Leonid Mandelstam. Initially Sergey Vavilov, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, managed to defend Mandelstam, but in 1952 the political attacks on "reactionary Einsteinianism" intensified further. This pseudoscientific campaign sizzled after the death of Stalin.[24]

Although initially planned,[25] the process of "ieological cleansing" in physics did not go as far as defining an "ideologically correct" version of physics and purging those scientists who refused to conform to it, because this was recognized as potentially too harmful to the Soviet nuclear program.[26][27] During 1949-1951 there was "antiresonance campaign" against the theory of resonance, during which scientists who supported it were accused of "cosmopolitan" sympathies and repressed.[4] As Anna Krylov writes on the perils of ideological intrusion into science, "Stalin rolled back the planned campaign against physics and instructed Beria to give physicists some space; this led to significant advances and accomplishments by Soviet scientists in several domains. However, neither Stalin nor the subsequent Soviet leaders were able to let go of the controls completely. Government control over science turned out to be a grand failure, and the attempt to patch the widening gap between the West and the East by espionage did not help. Today Russia is hopelessly behind the West in both technology and quality of life."[4]


After the Russian Revolution, sociology was gradually "politicized, Bolshevisized and eventually, Stalinized".[28] In 1920s a position has formed in the Soviet Union that historical materialism is in fact Marxist sociology, and the major discussion was whether to use the terms "sociology" and "historical materialism" synonymously or to abandon the term "sociology" altogether and consider it to be an anti-Marxist bourgeois science.[29] From 1930s to 1950s, the independent discipline of sociology virtually ceased to exist in the Soviet Union.[28] Even in the era where it was allowed to be practiced, and not replaced by Marxist philosophy, it was always dominated by Marxist thought; hence sociology in the Soviet Union and the entire Eastern Bloc represented, to a significant extent, only one branch of sociology: Marxist sociology.[28] With the death of Joseph Stalin and the 20th Party Congress in 1956, restrictions on sociological research were somewhat eased, and finally, after the 23rd Party Congress in 1966, sociology in Soviet Union was once again officially recognized as an acceptable branch of science.[30]

Reliability of data

The quality (accuracy and reliability) of data published in the Soviet Union and used in historical research is another issue raised by various

central planning, nothing could occur by accident.[35] The law of large numbers and the idea of random deviation were decreed as "false theories".[35] Statistical journals and university departments were closed; world-renowned statisticians like Andrey Kolmogorov and Eugen Slutsky abandoned statistical research.[35]

As with all Soviet historiography, reliability of Soviet statistical data varied from period to period.

Soviet Census (1937)).[34] The reliability of data improved after 1956 when some missing data was published and Soviet experts themselves published some adjusted data for Stalin's era;[34] however the quality of documentation deteriorated.[33]

While on occasion statistical data useful in historical research might have been completely invented by the Soviet authorities,

central economy prescriptions – and by internal propaganda, with its goal to portray the Soviet state in most positive light to its very citizens.[31][34] Nonetheless, the policy of not publishing, or simply not collecting, data that was deemed unsuitable for various reasons was much more common than simple falsification; hence there are many gaps in Soviet statistical data.[33] Inadequate or lacking documentation for much of Soviet statistical data is also a significant problem.[31][33][34]

Theme in literature

See also


  1. ^
  2. ^ Loren R. Graham, Science and philosophy in the Soviet Union. New York, 1972 [ISBN missing]
  3. ^ .
  4. ^ Hudson, P. S., and R. H. Richens. The New Genetics in the Soviet Union. Cambridge, UK: English School of Agriculture, 1946.
  5. ^ Isis, Volume 37. History of Science Society, Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences. 1947. Retrieved 2007-10-18. The fact that Mendel was a priest has been similarly used to discredit his ideas.
  6. ^ Eugenics: Galton and After. Duckworth. 1952. Retrieved 2007-10-18. Was not Mendel a priest ? If, as the reactionaries maintain, genetic processes are subject to the laws of chance ...
  7. ^ George Aiken Taylor (1972). The Presbyterian Journal, Volume 31. Southern Presbyterian Journal Co. Retrieved 2007-10-18. Mendel, of course, must be discredited, in Communist thought, because he was a product of the West and of the Church.
  8. ^ The Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy, Volumes 23–27. Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy. 1945. Retrieved 2007-10-18. He trenchantly criticises Lysenko's vilification of the work of Mendel and Morgan as "fascist, bourgeois-capitalistic, and inspired by clerics" (that Mendel was a priest is taken as sufficient to discredit his experiments).
  9. ^ Gregor Mendel: And the Roots of Genetics, Edward Edelson, p. 14. "Lysenko won the support of Joseph Stalin, the ruthless Soviet dictator, and Mendel's rules were officially outlawed in the Soviet Union and the Eastern European Countries that it controlled at that time. Under Communism, the Mendel Museum in his monastery was closed."
  10. ^ Windholz G (1997) 1950 Joint Scientific Session: Pavlovians as the accusers and the accused. J Hist Behav Sci 33: 61–81.
  11. ^ «Кибернетика», Краткий философский словарь под редакцией М. Розенталя и П. Юдина (издание 4, дополненное и исправленное, Государственное издательство политической литературы, 1954.
  12. ^ It is not the history of the Soviet Union. See definitions of historiography for more details.
  13. ^ John L. H. Keep: A History of the Soviet Union 1945–1991: Last of the Empires, pap. 30–31
  14. . See Chapters 8 Aspects and variations of Soviet history and 10 History in profile: Poland.
  15. .
  16. . Retrieved 2 July 2022.
  17. ^ Montefiore. p. 638, Phoenix, Reprinted paperback.
  18. ^ Joseph V. Stalin (1950-06-20). "Concerning Marxism in Linguistics", Pravda. Available online as Marxism and Problems of Linguistics including other articles and letters also published in Pravda soon after February 8 and July 4, 1950.
  19. ^ Olival Freire Jr.: Marxism and the Quantum Controversy: Responding to Max Jammer's Question Archived 2012-11-14 at the Wayback Machine
  20. ^ Péter Szegedi Cold War and Interpretations in Quantum Mechanics
  21. ^ Вячеслав Звягинцев, Как в СССР боролись и почти победили теорию относительности
  22. ^ Ethan Pollock (2006). Stalin and the Soviet Science Wars. Princeton University Press. Archived from the original on 2010-07-02.
  23. ^ Josephson, P.R. (2005). Totalitarian Science and Technology. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books.
  24. ^ Graham, L.R. (1991). Science, Philosophy, and Human Behavior in the Soviet Union. Columbia University Press.
  25. ^
  26. ^ Романова Александра Владимировна, Развитие социологии в СССР
  27. ^ Elizabeth Ann Weinberg, The Development of Sociology in the Soviet Union, p.11
  28. ^
  29. ^ , page 101
  30. ^ and following chapters
  31. ^ a b c d e f Nikolai M. Dronin, Edward G. Bellinger, Climate Dependence And Food Problems In Russia, 1900–1990, Central European University Press, 2005,
  32. ^