Yalta Conference

Coordinates: 44°28′04″N 34°08′36″E / 44.46778°N 34.14333°E / 44.46778; 34.14333
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Yalta Conference
Crimean Conference
Nikolay Kuznetsov.
Host country Soviet Union
Date4–11 February 1945
Venue(s)Livadia Palace
CitiesYalta, Crimean ASSR, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
ParticipantsSoviet Union Joseph Stalin
United Kingdom Winston Churchill
United States Franklin D. Roosevelt
FollowsTehran Conference
PrecedesPotsdam Conference

The Yalta Conference (Russian: Ялтинская конференция, romanizedYaltinskaya konferentsiya), held 4–11 February 1945, was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union to discuss the postwar reorganization of Germany and Europe. The three states were represented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and General Secretary Joseph Stalin. The conference was held near Yalta in Crimea, Soviet Union, within the Livadia, Yusupov, and Vorontsov palaces.[1]

The aim of the conference was to shape a postwar peace that represented not only a collective security order, but also a plan to give self-determination to the liberated peoples of Europe. Intended mainly to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe, within a few years, with the Cold War dividing the continent, the conference became a subject of intense controversy.

Yalta was the second of three major wartime conferences among the

spheres of influence in Europe.[2]


Soviet, American and British diplomats during the Yalta conference
Crimean conference Left to right: Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Maj. Gen. L. S. Kuter, Admiral E. J. King, General George C. Marshall, Ambassador Averell Harriman, Admiral William Leahy, and President F. D. Roosevelt. Livadia Palace, Crimea, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Yalta American Delegation in Livadia Palace from left to right: Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Maj. Gen. L. S. Kuter, Admiral E. J. King, General George C. Marshall, Ambassador Averell Harriman, Admiral William Leahy, and President F. D. Roosevelt. Livadia Palace, Crimea, RSFSR

During the Yalta Conference, the Western Allies had liberated all of France and Belgium and were fighting on the western border of Germany. In the east, Soviet forces were 65 km (40 mi) from Berlin, having already pushed back the Germans from Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria. There was no longer a question regarding German defeat. The issue was the new shape of postwar Europe.[3][4][5]

The French leader General Charles de Gaulle was not invited to either the Yalta or Potsdam Conferences, a diplomatic slight that was the occasion for deep and lasting resentment.[6] De Gaulle attributed his exclusion from Yalta to the longstanding personal antagonism towards him by Roosevelt, but the Soviets had also objected to his inclusion as a full participant. However, the absence of French representation at Yalta also meant that extending an invitation for de Gaulle to attend the Potsdam Conference would have been highly problematic since he would have felt honor-bound to insist that all issues agreed at Yalta in his absence be reopened.[7]

The initiative for calling a second "Big Three" conference had come from Roosevelt, who hoped for a meeting before the US presidential elections in November 1944 but pressed for a meeting early in 1945 at a neutral location in the Mediterranean. Malta, Cyprus, Sicily, Athens, and Jerusalem were all suggested. Stalin, insisting that his doctors opposed any long trips, rejected those options.[8][9] He proposed instead for them meet at the Black Sea resort of Yalta in the Crimea. Stalin's fear of flying also was a contributing factor in the decision.[10]

Each of the three leaders had his own agenda for postwar Germany and liberated Europe. Roosevelt wanted Soviet support in the Pacific War against Japan, specifically for the planned invasion of Japan (Operation August Storm), as well as Soviet participation in the United Nations. Churchill pressed for free elections and democratic governments in Central and Eastern Europe, specifically Poland. Stalin demanded a Soviet sphere of political influence in Eastern and Central Europe as an essential aspect of the Soviets' national security strategy, and his position at the conference was felt by him to be so strong that he could dictate terms. According to US delegation member and future Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, "it was not a question of what we would let the Russians do, but what we could get the Russians to do".[11]

Poland was the first item on the Soviet agenda. Stalin stated, "For the Soviet government, the question of Poland was one of honor" and security because Poland had served as a historical corridor for forces attempting to invade Russia.[12] In addition, Stalin stated regarding history that "because the Russians had greatly sinned against Poland", "the Soviet government was trying to atone for those sins".[12] Stalin concluded that "Poland must be strong" and that "the Soviet Union is interested in the creation of a mighty, free and independent Poland". Accordingly, Stalin stipulated that Polish government-in-exile demands were not negotiable, and the Soviets would keep the territory of eastern Poland that they had annexed in 1939, with Poland to be compensated for that by extending its western borders at the expense of Germany.

Roosevelt wanted the Soviets to enter the Pacific War against Japan with the Allies, which he hoped would end the war sooner and reduce American casualties.[13]

One Soviet precondition for a declaration of war against Japan was an American official recognition of the Mongolian independence from China (the

Port Arthur
but not asking the Chinese to lease.

The Soviets wanted the return of South Sakhalin, which had been taken from Russia by Japan in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, and the cession of Kuril Islands by Japan, both of which were approved by Truman. In return, Stalin pledged that the Soviet Union would enter the Pacific War three months after the defeat of Germany.[13][14]

The fate of Korea is not mentioned on the records of demands and concessions at Yalta.[15][16] However, several declassified documents later revealed that on 8 February, while Churchill was not present, Roosevelt and Stalin secretly discussed the peninsula. Roosevelt brought up the idea of putting Korea into a trusteeship divided among the Soviets, the Americans, and the Chinese for a period of 20 to 30 years. He expressed reluctance to invite the British to the trusteeship, but Stalin reportedly replied that the British "would most certainly be offended. In fact, the Prime Minister might 'kill us'". Roosevelt agreed with the assessment. Stalin suggested the trusteeship be as short as possible. The two quickly agreed that their troops should not be stationed in Korea. Korea was not discussed again throughout the conference.[13][16]

A Big Three meeting room

Furthermore, the Soviets agreed to join the

Security Council, which ensured that each country could block unwanted decisions.[17]

The Soviet Army had occupied Poland completely and held much of Eastern Europe with a military power three times greater than Allied forces in the West[citation needed]. The Declaration of Liberated Europe did little to dispel the sphere of influence agreements, which had been incorporated into armistice agreements.[18]

All three leaders ratified the agreement of the European Advisory Commission setting the boundaries of postwar occupation zones for Germany with three zones of occupation, one for each of the three principal Allies. They also agreed to give France a zone of occupation carved out of the US and UK zones, but De Gaulle maintained the principle of refusing to accept that the French zone would be defined by boundaries established in his absence. He thus ordered French forces to occupy Stuttgart in addition to the lands earlier agreed upon as comprising the French occupation zone. He only withdrew when threatened with the suspension of essential American economic supplies.[19] Churchill at Yalta then argued that the French also needed to be a full member of the proposed Allied Control Council for Germany. Stalin resisted that until Roosevelt backed Churchill's position, but Stalin still remained adamant that the French should not be admitted to full membership of the Allied Reparations Commission to be established in Moscow and relented only at the Potsdam Conference.[citation needed]

Also, the Big Three agreed that all original governments would be restored to the invaded countries, with the exceptions of Romania and Bulgaria, and Poland, whose government-in-exile was also excluded by Stalin, and that all of their civilians would be repatriated.[citation needed]

Declaration of Liberated Europe

Leaders of the Big Three at the negotiating table at the Yalta conference

The Declaration of Liberated Europe was created by Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin during the Yalta Conference. It was a promise that allowed the people of Europe "to create democratic institutions of their own choice". The declaration pledged that "the earliest possible establishment through free elections governments responsive to the will of the people". That is similar to the statements of the Atlantic Charter for "the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they will live".[20]

Key points

The key points of the meeting were as follows:

  • The eventual partition of Germany into Allied Occupation Zones:[27]   British zone   French zone (two exclaves) and beginning in 1947, the Saar Protectorate   American zone, including Bremen   Soviet zone, later the GDR   Polish and Soviet annexed territory
    The eventual partition of Germany into Allied Occupation Zones:[27]
      British zone
      French zone (two exclaves) and beginning in 1947, the Saar Protectorate
      American zone, including Bremen
      Soviet zone, later the GDR
  • Partition plan from Winston Churchill:   North German state   South German state, including modern Austria and Hungary   West German state
    Partition plan from Winston Churchill:
      North German state
      South German state, including modern Austria and Hungary
      West German state
  • Morgenthau Plan:   North German state   South German state   International zone   Territory lost from Germany (Saarland to France, Upper Silesia to Poland, East Prussia, partitioned between Poland and the Soviet Union)
    Poland, East Prussia, partitioned between Poland and the Soviet Union

Democratic elections

The Big Three further agreed that democracies would be established, all liberated European and former Axis satellite countries would hold free elections and that order would be restored.[28] In that regard, they promised to rebuild occupied countries by processes that will allow them "to create democratic institutions of their own choice. This is a principle of the Atlantic Charter – the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live."[28] The resulting report stated that the three would assist occupied countries to form interim government that "pledged to the earliest possible establishment through free elections of the Governments responsive to the will of the people" and to "facilitate where necessary the holding of such elections".[28]

The agreement called on signatories to "consult together on the measures necessary to discharge the joint responsibilities set forth in this declaration". During the Yalta discussions, Molotov inserted language that weakened the implication of enforcement of the declaration.[29]

Regarding Poland, the Yalta report further stated that the provisional government should "be pledged to the holding of free and unfettered elections as soon as possible on the basis of universal suffrage and secret ballot".[28] The agreement could not conceal the importance of acceding to the pro-Soviet short-term Lublin government control and of eliminating language that called for supervised elections.[29]

According to Roosevelt, "if we attempt to evade the fact that we placed somewhat more emphasis on the Lublin Poles than on the other two groups from which the new government is to be drawn I feel we will expose ourselves to the charges that we are attempting to go back on the Crimea decision". Roosevelt conceded that, in the words of Admiral William D. Leahy, the language of Yalta was so vague that the Soviets could "stretch it all the way from Yalta to Washington without ever technically breaking it".[30]

The final agreement stipulated that "the Provisional Government which is now functioning in Poland should therefore be reorganized on a broader democratic basis with the inclusion of democratic leaders from Poland and from Poles abroad".[28] The language of Yalta conceded predominance of the pro-Soviet Lublin government in a provisional government but a reorganized one.[29]


Eastern Bloc

Allied-occupied territories (red) on 15 February 1945, four days after the end of the conference
Poland's old and new borders, 1945 – Kresy in light red

Because of Stalin's promises, Churchill believed that he would keep his word regarding Poland and he remarked, "Poor Neville Chamberlain believed he could trust Hitler. He was wrong. But I don't think I am wrong about Stalin."[31]

Churchill defended his actions at Yalta in a three-day parliamentary debate starting on February 27, which ended in a

vote of confidence. During the debate, many MPs criticised Churchill and expressed deep reservations about Yalta and support for Poland, with 25 drafting an amendment protesting the agreement.[32]

After the Second World War ended, a

, Britain's first mass immigration law.

On March 1, 1945, Roosevelt assured Congress, "I come from the Crimea with a firm belief that we have made a start on the road to a world of peace".[33] However, the Western Powers soon realized that Stalin would not honour his promise of free elections for Poland. After receiving considerable criticism in London following Yalta regarding the atrocities committed in Poland by Soviet troops, Churchill wrote Roosevelt a desperate letter referencing the wholesale deportations and liquidations of opposition Poles by the Soviets.[33] On March 11, Roosevelt responded to Churchill: "I most certainly agree that we must stand firm on a correct interpretation of the Crimean decision. You are quite correct in assuming that neither the Government nor the people of this country will support participation in a fraud or a mere whitewash of the Lublin government and the solution must be as we envisaged it in Yalta."[34]

By March 21, Roosevelt's Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Averell Harriman, cabled Roosevelt that "we must come clearly to realize that the Soviet program is the establishment of totalitarianism, ending personal liberty and democracy as we know it".[35] Two days later, Roosevelt began to admit that his view of Stalin had been excessively optimistic and that "Averell is right."[35]

Four days later, on March 27, the Soviet People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (

communist state
by 1949.

Following Yalta, Soviet Foreign Minister

People's Republic of Albania,[42] and later East Germany from the Soviet zone of German occupation.[43] Eventually, the United States and the United Kingdom made concessions in recognizing the communist-dominated regions by sacrificing the substance of the Yalta Declaration although it remained in form.[44]

Aborted enforcement plans

At some point in the spring of 1945, Churchill had commissioned a contingency military enforcement operation plan for war on the Soviet Union to obtain "square deal for Poland" (Operation Unthinkable), which resulted in a May 22 report that stated unfavorable success odds.[45] The report's arguments included geostrategic issues (a possible Soviet-Japanese alliance resulting in moving of Japanese troops from the Asian Continent to Home Islands, threat to Iran and Iraq) and uncertainties concerning land battles in Europe.[46]

Potsdam Conference


Oder-Neisse line into Poland and of northern East Prussia
into the Soviet Union.


See also


  1. ^ "Yalta Conference | Summary, Dates, Consequences, & Facts | Britannica". www.britannica.com. Retrieved November 7, 2022.
  2. ^ Melvyn Leffler, Cambridge History of the Cold War, Volume 1 (Cambridge University Press, 2012), p. 175
  3. ^ Diana Preston, Eight Days at Yalta: How Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin Shaped the Post-War World (2019) pp 1–23.
  4. ^ David G. Haglund, "Yalta: The Price of Peace." Presidential Studies Quarterly 42#2 (2012), p. 419+. online
  5. ^ Donald Cameron Watt, "Britain and the Historiography of the Yalta Conference and the Cold War." Diplomatic History 13.1 (1989): 67–98. online
  6. ^ Fenby, Jonathan (2012). The General; Charles de Gaulle and the France he saved. Skyhorse. pp. 280–90.
  7. ^ Feis, Herbert (1960). Between War and Peace; The Potsdam Conference. Princeton University Press. pp. 128–38.
  8. OCLC 646810103
  9. .
  10. ^ Black et al. 2000, p. 61
  11. ^ a b Berthon & Potts 2007, p. 285
  12. ^ a b c "Secret American Pact With Stalin Exposed in Yalta Papers". The Canberra Times. Vol. 29. March 18, 1955. p. 1. Retrieved July 10, 2023.
  13. history.com. History Channel
    . November 1, 2022. Retrieved April 27, 2024.
  14. .
  15. ^ a b Elsey, G. M. "Memorandum by the Assistant to the President's Naval Aide". Office of the Historian. Retrieved July 10, 2023.
  16. ^ Couzigou, Irène (October 2015). "Yalta Conference (1945)". Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law: Rn. 13 – via Oxford Public International Law.
  17. ^ Ariel Davis, "An Examination of American Diplomacy During the Tehran and Yalta Conferences." The General Assembly Review 2.1 (2021): 1-11.
  18. ^ Fenby, Jonathan (2012). The General; Charles de Gaulle and the France he saved. Skyhorse. p. 282.
  19. ^ "Soviet Satellite States". schoolshistory.org.uk. Archived from the original on March 2, 2019. Retrieved March 1, 2019.
  20. .
  21. pp. 244–49
  22. .
  23. ^ "Historical Documents - Office of the Historian". United States Department of State. Retrieved May 19, 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  24. ^ "Agreement Regarding Japan," Protocol Proceedings of the Crimea Conference (February 11, 1945). Online.
  25. ^ Ehrman 1956, p. 216.
  26. ^ Ottens, Nick (November 18, 2018). "How Germany Was Divided: A History of Partition Plans".
  27. ^ , pp. 267–77
  28. ^ .
  29. ^ David M. Kennedy The American People in World War II: Freedom from Fear, Part Two p. 377
  30. ^ a b Berthon & Potts 2007, p. 289
  31. ^ pp. 374–83, Olson and Cloud 2003
  32. ^ a b Berthon & Potts 2007, pp. 290–94
  33. ^ Telegram, President Roosevelt to the British prime minister, Washington, 11 March 1945, in United States Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers: 1945 Volume V, Europe (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1967), pp. 509–10.
  34. ^ a b c d e Berthon & Potts 2007, pp. 296–97
  35. ^ Wettig 2008, pp. 47–48
  36. .
  37. ^ Roberts 2006, p. 43
  38. ^ Wettig 2008, pp. 20–21
  39. .
  40. ^ Grenville 2005, pp. 370–71
  41. ^ Cook 2001, p. 17
  42. ^ Wettig 2008, pp. 96–100
  43. ^ a b Black et al. 2000, p. 63
  44. ^ "Operation Unthinkable". Northeastern University. Archived from the original on November 16, 2010. Retrieved September 25, 2015. defined as no more than square deal for Poland
  45. ^ "Operation Unthinkable". Northeastern University. Archived from the original on November 16, 2010. Retrieved September 25, 2015. defined as no more than square deal for Poland
  46. ^ Roberts 2006, pp. 274–75
  47. ^ "Clement Richard Attlee". Archontology.org. Archived from the original on April 20, 2009. Retrieved December 19, 2011.
  48. ^ Truman 1973, p. 208
  49. ^ "Potsdam Declaration". Ndl.go.jp. July 26, 1945. Retrieved December 19, 2011.


Further reading

External links

44°28′04″N 34°08′36″E / 44.46778°N 34.14333°E / 44.46778; 34.14333