Foreign relations of Pakistan

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Islamic Republic of Pakistan emerged as an independent country through the partition of India in August 1947 and was admitted as a United Nations member state in September 1947. It is currently the second-largest country within the Muslim world in terms of population, and is also the only Muslim-majority country in possession of nuclear weapons.[1][2][3] De facto, the country shares direct land borders with India, Iran, Afghanistan, and China

The country has extensive trade relations with the European Union[4] and with several countries globally.[5] As of 2023, Pakistan does not recognize two other United Nations member states (Armenia and Israel) and its ties with India remain frozen since 2019.[6][7]

From a geopolitical perspective, Pakistan's location is strategically important as it is situated at the crossroads of major maritime and land transit routes between the Middle East and South Asia, while also serving as a bridge between the Arabian Sea and the energy-rich regions of Central Asia.[8][9] Since the partition of India, the Kashmir conflict has defined the India–Pakistan relationship: the two countries claim each other's zones of control in Kashmir, but are separated by a ceasefire boundary known as the Line of Control.[10] Pakistan has close bilateral ties with China and the Muslim world, including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf Arab countries.[11] As a part of the First World during the Cold War, Pakistan closely cooperated with the United States to combat the global influence of the Soviet Union,[12] though this relationship later became strained over the course of the War on Terror.[13] Pakistan is an active member of the Commonwealth of Nations, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Foreign policy of Pakistan

Pakistan's foreign policy seeks to 'promote the internationally recognized norms of interstate relations, i.e. respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all States, non-interference in the internal affairs of other State; non-aggression and peaceful settlement of disputes. Pakistan has therefore always sought to develop friendly and cordial relations with all countries of the world'.[14]

Pakistan's foreign policy is meant to formalize and define its interactions with foreign nations and standardize interactions with organizations, corporations and individual citizens.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi was named the Minister of Foreign Affairs.[22] Subsequently, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari became foreign minister after the political crisis-a position previously held by his grandfather, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, and an alleged affair partner of his, Hina Rabbani Khar.[23]

M A Jinnah
's Vision

In 1947, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of the state of Pakistan, clearly described the principles and objectives of Pakistan's foreign policy in a broadcast message, which is featured prominently in a quotation on the homepage of Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website: "The foundation of our foreign policy is friendship with all nations across the globe."[24]

On 15 August 1947, outlining the foreign policy of Pakistan,


"Our objective should be peace within and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial and friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with (the) world at large. We have no aggressive designs against any one. We stand by the United Nations Charter and will gladly make our contribution to the peace and prosperity of the world."[25]

Historical overview

Since its

China in Asia and Poland, United Kingdom and Germany in Europe during most of the Cold War. Pakistan has had a fluctuating relationship with the United States,[32] Pakistan played a crucial role in the establishment of US-China relations in the 1970s, mediating between the Henry Kissenger and Mao Zedong.[33][34][35] At the same time, it also assisted in establishing relationships with other East Asian countries.[35]

In recent years, Pakistan's ties with Russia have moved away from Cold War-era hostilities,

Russia was launching the invasion of Ukraine.[39][40] He has previously criticised America's “War on Terror“.[41] After the fall of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) -led coalition government in 2022,[42] the emergence of multiple crises has exacerbated the instability of its foreign policy.[43]

Pakistan-China relations

China has played a significant role in the development, economy and security of Pakistan, with relationship beginning in 1950 when Pakistan was among the first countries to enter into official diplomatic relations with the

People's Republic of China (PRC) on Mainland China as the sole representative. Since then, both countries have placed considerable importance on the maintenance of an extremely close and supportive special relationship[44][45] and the two countries have regularly exchanged high-level visits resulting in a variety of agreements. The PRC has provided economic, military, and technical assistance to Pakistan, and each country considers the other a close strategic ally.[46][47] Since the advent of the 21st century, Pakistan and China have strengthened their relations through bilateral trade, military agreements and supporting each other on key issues. The intensifying US-China Strategic Rivalry has put Pakistan in an extremely difficult situation to maintain ties with both of these states.[43] Bilawal Bhutto Zardari accused UN Human Rights Office report on Xinjiang were “taken out of context”,[48] and Pakistan supports China's activities for socio-economic development, harmony and peace, and stability.[49]

A cornerstone of the success of China's

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). CPEC contains initiatives worth a total of $62 billion, such as infrastructure, energy, economic zones, and the development of the Gwadar port. A Chinese spokesperson said in 2022 that “the bond of friendship and mutual assistance between the Chinese and Pakistani people is stronger than gold, and the two countries’ iron-clad friendship is deeply rooted in the people and boasts strong vitality.[50]

Muslim world

After Independence, Pakistan vigorously pursued bilateral relations with other Muslim countries

Muslim League leader, Khaliquzzaman, declared that Pakistan would bring together all Muslim countries into Islamistan – a pan-Islamic entity.[54] Such developments (alongside Pakistan's creation) did not get American approval and British Prime Minister Clement Attlee voiced international opinion at the time by stating that he wished that India and Pakistan would re-unite.[55] Since most of the Arab world was undergoing a nationalist awakening at the time, there was little attraction to Pakistan's Pan-Islamic aspirations.[56] Some of the Arab countries saw the 'Islamistan' project as a Pakistani attempt to dominate other Muslim states.[57]

Pakistan vigorously championed the right of self-determination for Muslims around the world. Pakistan's efforts for the independence movements of Indonesia, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Somalia, Azerbaijan, and Eritrea were significant and initially led to close ties between these countries and Pakistan.[58] However, Pakistan also masterminded an attack on the Afghan city of Jalalabad during the Afghan Civil War to establish an Islamic government there. Pakistan had wished to foment an 'Islamic Revolution' which would transcend national borders covering Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.[59]

On the other hand, Pakistan's relations with

border clashes between Pakistan and Afghanistan have increased sharply.[64]

Major alliances