Union of the Russian People

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Union of the Russian People
Союз русского народа
Political positionFar-right
ReligionRussian Orthodox Church
National affiliationBlack Hundreds[13]
Colours  Black,   white and   gold
(House of Romanov colours)
Slogan"For the Tsar, Faith and Fatherland"[14]
Anthem"God Save the Tsar!"
Party flag

The Union of the Russian People (URP) (Russian: Союз русского народа, romanizedSoyuz russkogo naroda; СРН/SRN) was a loyalist far-right nationalist political party, the most important among Black-Hundredist monarchist political organizations in the Russian Empire between 1905 and 1917.[13][15] Since 2005, organizational cells of the Union have been undergoing a revival in Russia and Ukraine.

Founded in October 1905, its aim was to rally the people behind '

anti-liberal, and above all antisemitic views. By 1906, it had over 300,000 members. Its paramilitary armed bands, called the Black Hundreds, fought revolutionaries violently in the streets. Its leaders organised a series of political assassinations of deputies and other representatives of parties which supported the Russian Revolution of 1905

The Union was dissolved in 1917 in the wake of the February Revolution, and its leader, Alexander Dubrovin, was placed under arrest.

Some modern academic researchers view the Union of the Russian People as an early example of fascism.[2][9]

Ideology and political views

The Union was the leading exponent of antisemitism in the wake of the 1905 Revolution.

Fascist movement', as it was anti-socialist, anti-liberal, and 'above all anti-Semitic'.[2]

The Union of the Russian People called for the 'restoration of the popular autocracy', a concept they believed had existed before Russia had been taken over by '

The Union was above all a movement of '

Great Russian nationalism'.[8] Its very first aim it had declared to be a 'Great Russia, United and Indivisible'. Its nationalism was based on xenophobia and racism.[8]

The Union also actively campaigned against Ukrainian self-determination and in particular, against the 'cult' of the popular Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko.[19]



The Union of the Russian people was by far the most important of the extreme rightist groups formed in the wake of the 1905 Revolution.

1905 Russian Revolution.[citation needed


Five days after the proclamation of the October Manifesto on 30 October [O.S. 17 October] 1905, Purishkevich, Apollo Apollonovich Maikov (son of poet Apollon Maykov), Pavel Bulatzel, Baranov, Vladimir Gringmut[citation needed] and some others gathered at Dubrovin's home. At this meeting, they concurred with Dubrovin's idea to set up a political organization (Dubrovin opposed to calling it a party). In a couple of weeks initiators worked out an organisational structure, devised a program, and on 8 November [O.S. 26 October] 1905 formally announced the founding of the Union of the Russian People. Dubrovin was elected its chairman.[20]

The Union's Manifesto expressed a 'plebeian mistrust' of every political party, as well as the bureaucracy and the intelligentsia. The group looked at these as obstacles to 'the direct communion between the Tsar and his people'. This struck a deep chord with Nicholas II, who also shared the deep belief in re-establishment of autocratic personal rule, as had existed in the Muscovite state of the 1600s.[15] It also stood for the russification of non-Russian citizens. The charter was adopted in August 1906.[citation needed]


After the

Minister of the Interior Nikolay Maklakov.[8]

Tsar Nicholas II was highly supportive of the Union and patronised it:

Pyotr Durnovo was completely in the know about the foundation of the Union[24] while his subordinates actively worked upon creation of an open organisation to counteract the influence of revolutionaries and liberals among the masses. Around the same the head of the political section of gendarmes department Pyotr Rachkovsky reported his chief, Colonel (later General) Alexander Vasiliyevich Gerasimov [ru] about such attempts and proposed Gerasimov to introduce him to Dubrovin. Their meeting took place in late October 1905 in the apartment of Rachkovsky.[25]

With powerful administrative support and funding at their disposal, the Union of the Russian People managed to organise and conduct its first mass public event less than a

Novoye Vremya Nikolai Engelhardt and two bishops also welcomed the new party with their speeches.[citation needed

Members of the Tsar's court, like Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, Alexander Trepov, and other government officials and clergy members 'unquestionably welcomed a movement such as this'. Sergei Witte was a rare occasion among high-ranking officials being 'unequivocally hostile to the URP'[26] (in his memoirs he calls Dubrovin a 'high-handed and abusive leader').[27]

Street fighting

The Union was horrified by Tsar Nicholas II's refusal to strike down harshly on the Leftist revolutionaries. The Union, therefore, decided to organise this for the Tsar, and organised paramilitary bands, which came to be known as the 'Black Hundreds' by the democrats, to fight revolutionaries in the streets. These militant groups marched through the streets holding in their pockets knives and brass knuckles, and carrying religious symbols such as icons and crosses and imperial ones such as patriotic banners and portraits of Tsar Nicholas II.[2] They marched through the streets fighting to 'revenge themselves' and restore the old hierarchy of society and races. Their numbers were swelled by thousands of criminals who had been released as a part of the October amnesty, who looked at it as a chance of violence and pillaging. Often encouraged by police officers, they beat up suspected democratic sympathisers, making them kneel before tsarist portraits or making them kiss the Imperial flag.[28] In October 1906, they formed a Black-Hundredist organisation called Russian People United (Russian: Объединённый русский народ, romanizedOb’yedinyonniy russkiy narod).[citation needed]


Joint electoral campaign poster of the Union of the Russian People and the Union of October 17 (Octobrists Party)

By 1906 the Union had a total of 300,000 members spread over 1,000 different branches.

Volhynian Governorate is also mentioned among the largest by the representation of the URP.[citation needed

The Union opposed Stolypin's reforms, being supporters of the 'legitimist bloc' which, through its support in the court, church, nobility and the Union, defeated nearly all of Stolypin's reform proposals.[29]

The Union also became the main instigator (through meetings, gatherings, lectures, manifestations and mass public prayers) of the

Beiliss Affair, and supported the anti-Semitic persecution throughout the trial of Menahem Beiliss.[15]

In 1908 URP members of the clergy claimed through a petition the

right to carry weapons; this petition, however, was denied.[33]

In 1908–10, the infighting in the URP broke the organisation into several smaller entities, which were in constant conflict with each other: Union of Archangel Michael (Russian: Союз Михаила Архангела, romanizedSoyuz Mikhaila Arkhangela), Union of the Russian People (Russian: Союз русского народа, romanizedSoyuz russkogo naroda), Dubrovin's All-Russian Union of the Russian People in Petersburg (Russian: Всероссийский дубровинский Союз русского народа в Петербурге, romanizedVserossiysky dubrovinsky Soyuz russkogo naroda v Peterburge), etc.[citation needed] After the February Revolution of 1917, all of the Black-Hundredist organisations were forcefully dissolved and banned.[citation needed]

Soon after the February Revolution of 1917, the URP was suspended and its leader Alexander Dubrovin was arrested.[citation needed]

Party leaders and organisation

Group photo of members including Nikolai Markov and Vladimir Purishkevich (1916)

The supreme body of URP was called the Main Council (Russian: Главный Совет, romanizedGlavny Soviet). Its chairman Alexander Dubrovin had two deputies: noble landowner and future Duma Deputy Vladimir Purishkevich and engineer A. I. Trishatny. From six other board members (Pavel Bulatzel, George Butmi, P. P. Surin and others) four belonged to the merchant estate, and two were peasants by origin. A merchant from Petersburg I. I. Baranov was the treasurer of the URP, and barrister Sergei Trishatny (elder brother of a Deputy Chairman) performed as secretary.[18]

Later the Main Council increased to 12 members, among which S. D. Chekalov, M. N. Zelensky, Ye. D. Golubev, N. N. Yazykov, G. A. Slipak are mentioned.[citation needed]


URP's chief

Russkoe znamya (Russian Banner), a newspaper which first published the notorious "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". In provincial Russia The Pochayev Circular (Russian: Pochayevsky listok) was the most popular of the URP newspapers. URP also printed its propaganda materials in Moskovskiye Vedomosti ("Moscow News"), Grazhdanin ("Citizen"), Kievlyanin ("Kievan") and others.[citation needed

Modern revival and current activity

The Union of the Russian People has seen a revival in Russia since 2005 and has several followers and 17 offices in large cities.[3] The first chairman of the refounded group was Vyacheslav Klykov. The Union's main activities can be described as national patriotism with a strong emphasis on the Russian Orthodox Church and revival of Russian traditions gone into the past after the October Revolution.[citation needed]

The Union of the Russian People has also been noticed to exist in Ukraine since at least 2010.[34]

See also


  • Figes, Orlando (2014). A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891–1924. London: The Bodley Head. .
  • Rawson, Don C. (March 1995). Russian rightists and the revolution of 1905. Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies (No. 95). Cambridge University Press. .
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  • Rogger, Hans (1986). "Was there a Russian Fascism? The Union of Russian People". Jewish policies and right-wing politics in imperial Russia. .
  • Rogger, Hans (1986). "The Formation of the Russian Right: 1900–1906". Jewish policies and right-wing politics in imperial Russia. pp. 191–193. .
  • Ascher, Abraham (1986). The Revolution of 1905: Authority restored. .


  1. ^ Rawson, p. 59
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Figes, p. 196
  3. ^ a b "Союз Русского Народа: Футболки с русской символикой" [Union of the Russian People: T-shirts with Russian symbols]. srn.rusidea.org. Retrieved 10 December 2023.
  4. ^ Русское Знамя [Russkoye Znamya]. Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (in Russian). — еженедельный орган союза русского народа (с января 1906 г. — ежедневный), выходит в СПб. с декабря 1905 г. Издатель А. И. Дубровин, редакторы И. С. Дурново и П. Ф. Булацель (последний с марта 1906 г.)
  5. ^ Ivanov, A. (September 2007). "«Россия для русских»: pro et contra". Tribuna rosskoi mysli № 7. Retrieved from rusk.ru (in Russian).
  6. ..
  7. ^ Yas, O. "Small Ruthenia (МАЛА РУСЬ)". Encyclopedia of History of Ukraine – via resource.history.org.ua.
  8. ^ a b c d Figes, p. 246
  9. ^ a b Rogger[clarification needed]
  10. ^ ПАНИХИДЫ ПО Т. ШЕВЧЕНКЕ И ЧЕРНОСОТЕННОЕ ДУХОВЕСТВО. Украинская Жизнь. — М., 1912. — № 5 — С. 82.
  11. ^ "The Dostoevsky Encyclopaedia" – via books.google.com.
  12. ^ "Dostoevsky the Thinker" – via books.google.com.
  13. ^ . — p. 71–72.
  14. ^ Riasanovsky, p. 135
  15. ^ a b c d Figes, p. 245
  16. ^ Rogger, p. 191–3
  17. ^ Rogger, p. 193
  18. ^ a b Rogger, p. 204
  19. ^ ПАНИХИДЫ ПО Т. ШЕВЧЕНКЕ И ЧЕРНОСОТЕННОЕ ДУХОВЕСТВО. Украинская Жизнь. — М., 1912. — № 5 — С. 82.
  20. ^ Rawson, p. 59
  21. ^ Figes, p. 69
  22. Никольский Н. М.
    История русской церкви / [Авт. вступ. ст., с. 5-20, и коммент. Н. С. Гордиенко]. - 3-е изд. - М. : Политиздат, 1985. - 448 с., 2 л. ил. ; 21 см.. - (Библиотека атеистической литературы). - Библиогр.: с. 436-439. - Указ. имен.: с. 440-446 / с. 207-208
  23. ^ Figes, p. 82 & 196
  24. ^ Rogger, p. 266, note number 43
  25. ^ Rogger, p. 203–204
  26. ^ Rogger, p. 205
  27. ^ The Memoirs of Count Witte, p. 829
  28. ^ Figes, p. 197
  29. ^ Figes, p. 227
  30. ^ "KIEV REPORTS POGROMS; Pillage Subordinated to Murder in Massacres by "Black Hundred."". The New York Times. 21 May 1922.
  31. ^ "... Две силы создают погромы: во-первых, черносотенные организации, к тому времени сильно окрепшие, и, во-вторых, крайний правительственный антисемитизм. Первый сам по себе мне представляется не страшным, значение второго было очень грозно. Правительственный антисемитизм, исходя из центра в виде отдельных проявлений известного настроения, по иерархической лестнице доходил до низов правительственного механизма вылитым в прямой призыв к избиениям евреев; ыв подтверждался и выполнялся черносотенными кружками." (A. A. Lopukhin (А. А. Лопухин) "Отрывки из воспоминаний" 1923, p. 85
  32. ^ Figes, p. 82
  33. ^ "Декабрь 1908 - Газетные "старости"(Архив)". starosti.ru.
  34. ^ ЧВК и террористы на службе УПЦ МП. Часть 2: Сумская епархия. argumentua.com. 2017-09-08

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