Gandhara Kingdom

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Gandhara among the kingdoms of Epic Indian history

Gandhāra (


Astika, whose mother was a Naga. Nagas were considered as a super human tribe, in Puranas. Naga literally means a Serpent
or a serpent-god. The Nagas could be a group of people who inhabited India during epic periods who worshiped snakes.

It is speculated that another super human tribe called the

Gandharva Kingdom

The period ended c. 535 BCE, with the Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley.

References in Mahabharata

South Asia c. 500 BCE, with location of the Gandhara Kingdom.[1][2]

Gandhara, a Kingdom of Bharata Varsha

Gandhara is mentioned as a hilly country at (5,30). "In the

Andrakas, Guhas, Pulindas, Savaras, Chuchukas, Madrakas
were also mentioned along with the first group.

Gandhara King Subala

Subala (1,110) was a king of Gandhara in the

Gandhari was the mother of Duryodhana. Subala was present in the self-choice event of Draupadi and in the Rajasuya sacrifice of Pandava king Yudhishthira. Shakuni was a skilled dice-player. (2,57). Gaya, Gavaksha, Vrishava, Charmavat, Arjava, and Suka were mentioned as brothers of Shakuni, all of them being the warriors in the Kurukshetra War

Other Gandhara Kings

  • Gandhara King
    Vasudeva Krishna
    to liberate king Sudarsana from their confinement (5,48) (16,6)
  • Vasudeva Krishna
    , vanquishing all the kings at a self-choice, bore away the daughter of the king of the Gandharas (7,11). This Gandhar princess went to forest mode of life after Krishna's departure from material world. (16,7)
  • The mighty ruler of the Gandhara land, born in the lunar dynasty of kings was slain by
    race. (3,26)

Karna's Conquests

Karna is mentioned to have subjugated Gandharas along with others like the Madrakas, the Matsyas, the Trigartas, the Tanganas, the Khasas, the Pancalas, the Videhas, the Kulindas, the Kasi-kosalas, the Suhmas, the Angas, the Nishadhas, the Pundras, the Kichakas, the Vatsas, the Kalingas, the Taralas, the Asmakas, and the Rishikas (8,8). Karna who vanquished all the Kambojas and the Amvashthas with the Kaikeyas, that puissant one, who, having for the accomplishment of his purpose vanquished the Gandharas and the Videhas in battle (8,9)

Karna's opinion on Gandharas

  • Karna mentions that among the

In the region called

Veda and without knowledge, without sacrifice and without the power to assist at other's sacrifices. They are all fallen and many amongst them have been begotten by Shudras.. The gods never accept any gifts from them. The Prasthalas, the Madras, the Gandharas, the Arattas, those called Khasas, the Vasatis, the Sindhus and the Sauviras
are almost as blamable in their practices (8,44)

This indicate that the Gandharas followed the

Bahlika Culture
for more details.

Gandharas in Kurukshetra War

Gandharas were naturally allied to Kauravas, due to Gandhari Prince Shakuni, a close companion of Duryodhana, being on the Kaurava Side. Gandhara army united with the Kaurava army right from the camping phase along with the chiefs of the Sakas, the Kiratas, and Yavanas, the Sivis and the Vasatis (5,198)

The following are other references that give valuable information on their role in Kurukshetra War:-

Gandhara heroes

  • The Kekaya brothers, at the head of their troops, encountered in battle the five Gandhara princes with their troops. (6,45)
  • Gaya, Gavaksha, Vrishava, Charmavat, Arjava, and Suka those brothers of Shakuni rushed against the foe (6,91)warriors in Kurukshetra War (6,91)
  • Gandhara chief Vrishak and Achala battled with Arjuna (7,28)
  • Abhimanyu slew Suvala's son Kalikeya (7,47)
  • Shakuni and his son Uluka was followed by many fearless Gandhara horsemen armed with bright lances, and many mountaineers difficult to defeat (8,46)
  • Shakuni slew the Kulinda king, the king of the mountaineers, in the Pandava army. (8,85)
  • Madra army disobeyed Shakuni on 18th day and fought separately. (9,18). Dispute was resolved by Duryodhana (9,23)
  • Uluka

Gandhara army

  • The mountaineers of Gandhara followed Shakuni (6,20)
  • The Gandharas, the Sindhu-Sauviras, the Sivis and the Vasatis with all their combatants followed Bhishma (6,51)
  • The Madras, the Sauviras, the Gandharas and the Trigartas were mentioned as battling united (6,71)
  • The Madrakas, the Gandharas, the Sakunas were mentioned as battling united (7,20)
  • The Kambojas, and Vanayus were mentioned united with the king of the Gandharas (8,7)

Arjuna's conquests

Arjuna conducted a military campaign after the Kurukshetra War. He then reached the Gandhara country. Arjuna reached the country of the five waters which swelled with population and prosperity. From there he proceeded to the country of Gandharas. Then occurred a fierce battle between Arjuna and the ruler of Gandharas, viz., the son of Shakuni (14,83)

Musical note

Gandhara was also the name of a musical note, a technical term in the art of music. Mahabharata has several mentions of the Gandhara musical note. (4,17), (13,17)

  • The seven musical notes are Shadaja, Rishabha, together with Gandhara, Madhyama, and likewise Panchama; after this should be known Dhaivata, and then Nishada. (12,183), (14,50) AD


Known Gandhara rulers are-

See also


  1. .
  2. ^ Content mirrored from this map
  • Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa
    , translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli